
New Member
Maybe I am just being hormonal, but I was in tears this morning! Why?

I got a relaxer after a 13 week stretch and it had grown, but she had to cut off most of the growth. My ends were all chewed up. Then, as always...my newly texlaxed hair appeared thin because my hair is so fine so it was kinda plastered to my head. On top of that, it just seems like that damaged hairline is NOT going to grow back. I have been trying for two years and nothing. So combine all of that and I was just an unhappy camper. I am wearing a wig as we speak and I hate myself for it. I'm like "Why can't my natural hair look like this" or "Is all this in vain?" "Why won't my hairline grow back? Obviously my hair is growing elsewhere, so I must accept my defeat. My unhealthy hair practices from the past have permanently left me BALD at the temples and broken and chewed up at the nape.

I am going to try one more thing before I look into hair transplants (seriously). I broke down and bought a lace wig and I am going to stretch for 6 months and apply yet ANOTHER growth aid to my temples and nape faithfully during that time. If this doesn't work, I will look into transplants.

:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: Where was LHCF when I wore those micros????
Awwwww! It will be ok! :bighug: Just continue to take care of your hair consistently. When I had chemicals in my hair my hair looked thin because my hair texture is fine. This is probably the case with you too. So your edges probably have improved but the relaxer might be making them look thin.
Keep your chin up lady! All is not lost. Sometimes the journey takes longer than we anticipated at the onset - I'm living it right now, trust. It's been 2 solid years for me and I completely identify. Sorry I can't really offer much in the way of advice, because I'm still tryna figure it all out myself (grrrr). Continue the work, it WILL happen. You've already admitted that your hair is growing. So, unless your follicles are completely dead around your hairline, I believe you can stimulate some growth; it may not be as thick as it was originally though. Mine has taken a very long time to thicken up barely noticably with extra care, vitamins and every growth aid known to LHCF. I don't even know which one to credit at this point cos l've used so many!

Hopefully one day in the not-too-distant future you'll be able to inspire someone with a pictorial of your hair growth success story and look back at this day and laugh:yep:
I was in a similar situation. I took really good care of my hair and faithful to get my relaxer done professionally. But, my edges wouldn't grow back..my hair looked thin and life-less. It grew in length, but I wanted full hair. I was queen of adding hair to get my desired affect.

I finally got tired of it. I went natural.
Don't be so hard on yourself! Your efforts WILL pay off. A newly relaxed head seems to be so thin at first- just wait a few days. For now, apply your new growth aid and wear the wig- I'm sure that you will be able to tweak your regimen until you find what works for YOU. Keep us posted and never give up. We are here for you!
Your on a hair journey , your not where you use to be:pullhair: and you still have a ways to go...so your right in the middle ...you can't give up and slip back and you have to keep pressing ahead to find out what's waiting at the end of the road:sunshine:. I pray you'll find the inner strength to keep going ,so many people are routing for you:theteam:

Much love :love3::love3:
You're singing my song and I'm here to tell you that there is some hope.

I have dabbled with relaxers, off and on, for years. girl, they always put a hurtin' on me, my pocket, my nape and my hairline.

Relaxed again in January 07. I noticed that my edges were QUICKLY receding back into the rest of my scalp. My beautician ignored it and kept slapping the chemical up there, even though I asked him not to. He thought it was okay to just "run it thru" my edges.

My nape, well it's always suffered due to chemicals off and on.

Again, I decided to go natural. I was ashamed of my edges, but I believed they would grow back. My nape, thought I would never have hair there, but I kept praying about it.

CHECK OUT MY FOTKI for my nape progess. I haven't had this much hair since I was a little girl. Be encouraged. things will change.

Oh, I started using MN on my edges/nape and I take biotin.
I'm wearing a half wig now, because the relaxer ate my hair up and I'm growing it back. Best to just let it rest, vs. trying to press it as I grow.

There's hope. Just takes some time!
Much love.
I totally understand. It's really ok! *big hugs*:yep: I feel like that now. I got two to three inches lopped off so I'm right above apl AGAIN..... But I know what works for me and I'm going to stick to my simple regimen and relaxing to 75% straight to bring in some thickness.

Just a thought.... I noticed some thinning too and it turns out that my wig and wig cap was rubbing on or around my edges. That will take them out. It can be remedied with a small cornrow around the edges.

:yep: Mook posted it a while back and it works.:yep:
Baby - hang in there!!!

There is so much to learn and many hurdles to get over. It took me almost 10 yrs ( in November ) to get to a place where I like my hair.

I was convinced 2 weeks ago that I would have to wear a wig for my pictures today!!!

Don't give up honey.:drunk:
WAIT ON THE LACE FRONT! You have to glue them down around the edges! I dont think thats what your edges need. You may be a person who just cant do relaxers. I think you have other alternatives. Ive never seen transplants discussed on this forum. Dont give up :nono:
Awww big :bighug:sistafriend. I know you don't want to hear that it will be ok, but it will. Don't give up! There were plenty of times I got discouraged with my progress, or I see someone elses pix and wonder why my hair is not growing at super speed. There are a hundred other options you can try before you throw in the towel and we are all here to support and help you.
Awwww.... Def. hang in there. I think at one point or another we all have a hair meltdown. I've had plenty of moments where I've started crying or have thrown my comb across the room in fustration:look:. I think it's moments like this that make reaching our goal even sweeter. Just hang in there I noe you'll make it.
You might not be able to relax your hair if you get transplants...

The relaxer may be keeping your edges bald and your hair thin.

Lacefronts will not help you grow your hair, because everything in front of it will be thinning out.

You may want to consider stretching those relaxers (for a very long time, several months or a year) or going natural to let your hair thicken up before you consider relaxing ever again.
You might not be able to relax your hair if you get transplants...

The relaxer may be keeping your edges bald and your hair thin.

Lacefronts will not help you grow your hair, because everything in front of it will be thinning out.

You may want to consider stretching those relaxers (for a very long time, several months or a year) or going natural to let your hair thicken up before you consider relaxing ever again.

co - signing on the LF's I know people who are dependant on them now. Some women have SHAVED their heads - there is just no reason for all of that, unless there is a medical condition.