Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponder...

Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

I agree with you completely.

But, whatever is on your heart to say, I encourage you to say it. What is really bothering you? I don't know you but I don't think the jabs that you're dropping here and there at everyone (it seems) in the Forum is about about any one thread. I know Abba Father knows what's really up. I have no aught whatsoever in my heart for you and anyone here. You're not offending me with your comments. Neither am I hurt by your words.

If you see me laugh and take offense, tell me. I'm not made of stone. I have a personality and a sense of humour some may not get. But it's never to hurt anyone deliberately.

Come on, nathansgirl, what's up? I'm here...I'm listening.

I've already stated the problems I have with some things being said on this forum. We all know the Word. We all know what sin looks like. But it seems that some really like to sit on their high spiritual horse to the extent that they are no longer any earthly good. And it gets very old when thoughts to the contrary are categorized as something deeper and an inner pain. Um no. I just don't like what you have to say. Period. I don't like the sneaky jabs being taken in the name of Jesus. There are some extremely insincere people here who punctuate their posts with feel good words and they are fooling people. There's much more to being Godly and showing it than using sweet words all the time. And it's also frightening how many people look to certain people around here for spiritual guidance as if they can't seek it on their own by cultivating a real relationship with God. That's my issue. And unlike some people I have never minced words or covered my true feelings with "bless your hearts" and "sweeties."
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

Ladies - I'm sorry but there is some truth in nathengirls post. None of us are perfect but if we can't admit our faults and see our errors then we will never be unified.

Disclaimer: I'm not talking about everyone, but I would be a liar to say that everyone is sincere and will admit their faults.

My season has ended on LHCF. I wish you ladies well.

Be Blessed.
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

Ladies - I'm sorry but there is some truth in nathengirls post. None of us are perfect but if we can't admit our faults and see our errors then we will never be unified.

Disclaimer: I'm not talking about everyone, but I would be a liar to say that everyone is sincere and will admit their faults.

My season has ended on LHCF. I wish you ladies well.

Be Blessed.
Take care.

However, before you go...have I not started this thread with saying: WE, US, OUR? WE ALL need to get it together in our lives...none of us are perfect...no not one. I agreed that it will start with me. I shared much on this forum about myself, yet...that seems to not be enough for some people. So, I have to say that if people are not willing to change themselves, then maybe moving on is what is needed.
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Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

I believe this forum has and continues to do a lot of good for a lot of people, myself included. I think that because of the medium, we can lose sight of the fact that you have to take time to know people and where they are coming from. As people stick around longer they become known and their perspective is understood better. I think there's danger all around in coming to conclusions about people that you really don't know outside of isolated posts on the internet. We all probably know what it feels like to be wholly misunderstood or mischaracterized by someone; so we probably ought to keep that in mind when thinking about and responding to others since we could be doing the same to them. Equally risky is viewing people through stereotypical lenses and responding to the stereotype rather than to the person. It actually takes effort to understand one another truly. Love puts in the effort.

Jesus made things so simple: Treat others as you would be treated. :)
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

I believe this forum has and continues to do a lot of good for a lot of people, myself included. I think that because of the medium, we can lose sight of the fact that you have to take time to know people and where they are coming from. As people stick around longer they become known and their perspective is understood better. I think there's danger all around in coming to conclusions about people that you really don't know outside of isolated posts on the internet. We all probably know what it feels like to be wholly misunderstood or mischaracterized by someone; so we probably ought to keep that in mind when thinking about and responding to others since we could be doing the same to them. Equally risky is viewing people through stereotypical lenses and responding to the stereotype rather than to the person. It actually takes effort to understand one another truly. Love puts in the effort.

Jesus made things so simple: Treat others as you would be treated. :)
Thank you for your post...I'm continually learning and desiring to change. Blessings, always....:love3:
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

Thanks for starting this thread. It is good that we can acknowledge our wrongs and get them right. Instructing in love according, to the Word of God is so important. And thanks for reminding us that we will give an account for every careless word.

24 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, 25 correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will. 2 Timothy 2:25

We still have to use balance, we are NOT to stop speaking and teaching His word to appease those in opposition, but remember to do it in LOVE that some may be saved, snatched out of the fire, and the snare of the enemy.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons of God. Matthew 5:9

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

Thanks for starting this thread.
It is good that we can acknowledge our wrongs and get them right
. Instructing in love according, to the Word of God is so important. And thanks for reminding us that we will give an account for every careless word.

24 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, 25 correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will. 2 Timothy 2:25

We still have to use balance, we are NOT to stop speaking and teaching His word to appease those in opposition, but remember to do it in LOVE that some may be saved, snatched out of the fire, and the snare of the enemy.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons of God. Matthew 5:9

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2
Thank you for your post. I am blessed by your words and will hold them near to my heart and remind myself daily that I need to be more like Christ than ever before! :love3:
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Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

Nice & Wavy ...

All I can add to this thread is thank God for your heart of love for ALL, not some, but for all. :love2:
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Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

@Nice&Wavy ...

All I can add to this thread is thank God for your heart of love. :love2:
Shimmie, I thank God for you, and all of the ladies on this Christianity Forum. I am constantly reminded that we will all be in Heaven one day, sliding down those streets of gold, rejoicing with the angels and being with Jesus for eternity. That is what gets me through...that's why I continue to come here. I may not be perfect, but I'm trying to be all that I can be as a believer along side my Sisters in Christ. This walk isn't easy...ministry can be so much sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

I appreciate your love and care for me...God has placed you here for such a time as this!

Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

Shimmie, I thank God for you, and all of the ladies on this Christianity Forum. I am constantly reminded that we will all be in Heaven one day, sliding down those streets of gold, rejoicing with the angels and being with Jesus for eternity. That is what gets me through...that's why I continue to come here. I may not be perfect, but I'm trying to be all that I can be as a believer along side my Sisters in Christ. This walk isn't easy...ministry can be so much sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

I appreciate your love and care for me...God has placed you here for such a time as this!


You've always been my Mentor here and outside of here. I get carried away, yet God always knows how/when to pull me back in and set me straight.

I'm not even trying to be perfect, but I know perfection in the making when I see it. I see this in you and so very many others here and 'here' beyond this forum.
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

You've always been my Mentor here and outside of here. I get carried away, yet God always knows how/when to pull me back in and set me straight.

I'm not even trying to be perfect, but I know perfection in the making when I see it. I see this in you and so very many others here and 'here' beyond this forum.
Thank you, sis....with all my heart...thank you :giveheart:
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

Thank you, sis....with all my heart...thank you :giveheart:

You're humble; humble and upfront. I've always seen this in you and I've always learned from this jewel of your character.

And I'm making it clear that I'm not placing you on a pedestal; you deserve better than that. Pedestals are made of marble and marbles are stone cold and hard to keep ones balance upon. Your knees and face are to the earth, humble before God to use and to change you accordingly for His glory.

It takes a lot to start a thread like this. The darts and arrows are inevitable. Yet I've witnessed time and again, the love that you gave back to each one instead.

To God be the Glory... forever.
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

You're humble; humble and upfront. I've always seen this in you and I've always learned from this jewel of your character.

And I'm making it clear that I'm not placing you on a pedestal; you deserve better than that. Pedestals are made of marble and marbles are stone cold and hard to keep ones balance upon. Your knees and face are to the earth, humble before God to use and to change you accordingly for His glory.

It takes a lot to start a thread like this. The darts and arrows are inevitable. Yet I've witnessed time and again, the love that you gave back to each one instead.

To God be the Glory... forever.

I just want the Lord to be glorified...and souls who don't know Him to be saved....:cry3:...that is my heart.

Love you, sis :love2:
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

I just want the Lord to be glorified...and

souls who don't know Him to be saved....:cry3:...that is my heart.
Love you, sis :love2:

I know... ' your heart'. :love2:
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde


I just wanted to encourage you with some scriptures. I know that you started this thread to be a peacemaker and God bless you for that. Do not let anything stop you from being and doing what God has called you to do.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor 12:10

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,
2 Timothy 3:12

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long;
we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.”
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:35-39
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

Nice&Wavy, no one can overcome a disciple of Jesus ...each disciple that walked with Jesus had their own personality, their own purpose, according to God's will. He made them all different for a reason. You will always be triumphant, in all that you do, because of your humble heart and desire to please God.

PinkPebbles, take care. I hope you didn't leave out of anger toward anyone. If you're reading, do know you will be missed.
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde


I just wanted to encourage you with some scriptures. I know that you started this thread to be a peacemaker and God bless you for that. Do not let anything stop you from being and doing what God has called you to do.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor 12:10

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,
2 Timothy 3:12

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long;
we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.”
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:35-39
Thank you so much for encouraging me in the Lord.:love3: It is not by accident that the Lord placed you on this forum. Your gift of encouragment is shown and it's an honor to be alongside of you in ministry here on LHCF!

Romans 8: 35-39 has brought me through so much in the last 24 years....thank you for sharing it tonight, for once again I am reminded that I am loved by God, Our Father!!!
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

@Nice&Wavy, no one can overcome a disciple of Jesus ...each disciple that walked with Jesus had their own personality, their own purpose, according to God's will. He made them all different for a reason. You will always be triumphant, in all that you do, because of your humble heart and desire to please God.

@PinkPebbles, take care. I hope you didn't leave out of anger toward anyone. If you're reading, do know you will be missed.
Laela,:kiss: Words cannot express my love for you, my sister. You are so caring...for ALL of us on this forum. Thank you for always be the calm one when the storm is causing the boat to rock :love2:
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

:bighug: :love2:

Look at God....
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

I will say I'm not the most bible thumping one but I do know that others who you may never know look at your and decide if they want to follow God.At times we need to leave will enough alone.Like getting that last word in is going to do what I mean really.Going hard on a website is going to make you appear better to who really? To me it makes you look sorta sad but that's just my thought.I joined this site paid my 6.50 only bc of the one and only the baddest lady on the planet to me esp with those loving words and smileys Shimmie.If it were for her I would have never paid.

We are to be a unified force.I can correlate this a bit with the black race.As long as we are divined we will continue to live a dream deferred..that applies to christian's bc if we are to unify all the nonsense that is going around could be stopped..but we want to keep up foolishness and make ourselves appear holy..our righteousness is filthy rags to God...Ok Im done.

:kiss: I just read this as I took time to read this thread through.

I'm far from perfect and the first to admit it. I know I am one who needs much in changing which is a good and even more Godly to do.

If for no one else, I have to do better... for you, GoddessMaker.

Each day that I am blessed to see your presence in this forum, I see the beauty of life and love in you. You are growing far beyond and above the hurt and the pain which no longer pierces your joy. The power of the pain is over and the only presence is the beauty of you, heart, body and soul.

Pray that I never fail God and pray also that I never fail you.

Little sister of life and love... a treasured jewel you are; always have been, always will be, a treasured jewel in the heart of God our Father and in those who will always love you.

You are love... :love2:
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

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Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

AMEN yes and Amen I totally agree love NEVER gives up!!!

I believe this forum has and continues to do a lot of good for a lot of people, myself included. I think that because of the medium, we can lose sight of the fact that you have to take time to know people and where they are coming from. As people stick around longer they become known and their perspective is understood better. I think there's danger all around in coming to conclusions about people that you really don't know outside of isolated posts on the internet. We all probably know what it feels like to be wholly misunderstood or mischaracterized by someone; so we probably ought to keep that in mind when thinking about and responding to others since we could be doing the same to them. Equally risky is viewing people through stereotypical lenses and responding to the stereotype rather than to the person. It actually takes effort to understand one another truly. Love puts in the effort.

Jesus made things so simple: Treat others as you would be treated. :)
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

This morning I was feeling kind of down I rarely feel that way but anyway as I began reading ALL the posts even the ones that weren't so nice it actually made me laugh and lifted my spirits your responses were unwavering in the faith and gave me the spiritual oomph that I needed this morning..

God bless you all
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

I know im late but :look: but I have to be careful to not be so quick to read someone's statement in the wrong way. Also to remember that we dont talk physically so they way we read each others posts may be in the wrong tone and thats how alot of misunderstandings come as well...but I enjoy the Christians Forum, I have learned alot in being here as well...and I do see some women who have a sincere desire for God. though I dont know some of yall personally, its like my spirit connects with some of yall and I can sense the sincerity...:bighug:
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

I just wanted to say that I have been truly blessed by the words and posts by Shimmie Nice&wavy GoddessMaker Laela Health&hair28 Nymphe and others.

I have not read this whole thread yet, but I wanted to say that I have learnt a lot from this forum and I enjoy visiting. Also GoddessMaker your avatar photo is absolutely gorgeous! Your make-up is beautifully done too.

Jynlnd13, if I've never expressed this before, I'm making it clear now. I am humbled by your testimony of life. Your heart bleeds the love of God with each post that you've shared. You've poured your very soul into this forum, and there is absolutely no way that anyone can deny that you have a love and a heart for God that only wants to please Him and to have more of Him.

I can only imagine where you are each day, as you sit before a lit screen and the sounds of your keyboard, sharing your love for God. Perhaps your love is pouring through the texts of your phone to share your heart here. I don't know, yet I do know that instead of bitterness, you've flowed in love in spite of the challenges you face.

I dare anyone to come against you in this life. For they know not the very heart of you.

You've been healing others from a heart that is so true. Don't ever doubt the love of who you are, nor the love and healing that you give to others, for you indeed are 'Love'. :giveheart:

Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

I know im late but :look: but I have to be careful to not be so quick to read someone's statement in the wrong way.

Also to remember that we dont talk physically so they way we read each others posts may be in the wrong tone and thats how alot of misunderstandings come as well...but I enjoy the Christians Forum,

I have learned alot in being here as well...and I do see some women who have a sincere desire for God. though I dont know some of yall personally, its like my spirit connects with some of yall and I can sense the sincerity...:bighug:

Often I've considered responding via YouTube just to give readers a visual of what I'm sharing. :yep:
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

I just wanted to say that I have been truly blessed by the words and posts by @Shimmie @Nice&wavy @GoddessMaker @Laela @Health&hair28 @Nymphe and others.

I have not read this whole thread yet, but I wanted to say that I have learnt a lot from this forum and I enjoy visiting. Also @GoddessMaker your avatar photo is absolutely gorgeous! Your make-up is beautifully done too.
Jynind13...thank you for your kind words. I appreciate you reading this thread and sharing your heart. May you have a wonderful day today...God bless you!
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

This morning I was feeling kind of down I rarely feel that way but anyway as I began reading ALL the posts even the ones that weren't so nice it actually made me laugh and lifted my spirits your responses were unwavering in the faith and gave me the spiritual oomph that I needed this morning..

God bless you all
Let the morning bring word...of His unfailing love!!!!

I'm blessed to know that you have been lifted up and that you are feeling refreshed today. God bless you too, sis!!! :love3:
Re: Ok...I'm Going to Put This Out There For ALL of Us "Christians" to Read and Ponde

I know im late but :look: but I have to be careful to not be so quick to read someone's statement in the wrong way. Also to remember that we dont talk physically so they way we read each others posts may be in the wrong tone and thats how alot of misunderstandings come as well...but I enjoy the Christians Forum, I have learned alot in being here as well...and I do see some women who have a sincere desire for God. though I dont know some of yall personally, its like my spirit connects with some of yall and I can sense the sincerity...:bighug:
Glad you came and shared your heart! You are a blessing and I'm glad you are here. Blessings, always....:love2: