Ok, here goes my post again on Domican Products.


New Member
Sorry Ladies! My poll in the previous post was not working so I am attemping again.

I am currently an at home mom and I am trying to find a hobby that I love and I always come down to hair! Anyway, I was telling my husband that if I brought the products from Dominican Republic and sell them excuslively on line would people by it? What do you guys think? Your opinion is greatly appreciated.

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.longhaircareforum.com/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1066601211Miosy">

Would you buy your Dominican Hair products on line?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Yes, I would buy Domincan Hair products on line
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />No way, I either have access in my home town or don't like Dominican products
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
I recently found a BSS in my area that has quite a lot of the Dominican hair products, but I bet you would get a lot of business, cuz I know they can't be found in a lot of areas, and also there are probably some products that can't be found anywhere!!

That sounds like an interesting endeavor!! Maybe you could start off auctioning the products on ebay...
I voted yes. That way I can stop harassing my friends that have access to stores that sell the products.
Lindy, Ebay is not a bad idea. My husband is a ebay freak and he mentioned that too me once. I may look into it. Thanks:)