Ok, am I totally wrong for this?

No, you are not wrong to have preferences. Just be sure you are not counting out some great guys because of height alone. Compatibility is just as important.

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I'm 5'2 and would get a lot of messages from guys claiming to be 5'6 or less too which is not my cup of tea as I prefer taller men. The guy would have to have everything else in the world that I desire and be super confident for me to get over the height thing. I dont see it as wrong, just knowing what you want and not wasting his or your time.

And for any tall women who are thinking, "you're short, he's short, what's the problem?" (as all my tall friends do say), I want to get some height genes in the family pool and I find height attractive.
I'm 5'3 and luurrvvves me a tall men. So I understand your preference. However, I wouldn't let his height be a dealbreaker if he was a wonderful man who knew how to treat me well. And the only way to find out if he is a great guy would be to get to know him.
let me give you a guy's point of view.

just yesterday, this guy wanted my opinion (they always come to me for advice lolol). he is dating a woman that he met online. i remember because he showed me her pic. anyway, according to him, she is the sweetest person, very nice, goal oriented, etc. here is the kicker.

one of her breasts is VISIBLY smaller than the other. I mean you can see it through her clothes. At first I was like.."shuga, are u sure she a woman" lolo....he said yes, she is, but now he is contemplating on breaking up with her because of that one issue. he is not a happy camper about it at all. he said she brought up the issue one time when another guy she use to date asked her about it. Well this guy said she just accepted who she is and it does not bother her. I guess so if u stuck with uneven breasts.

Anyway, my friend asked her if she considered breast surgery. i asked him even if she did have surgery, would you still date her. and he just gave me this blank look *hears crickets* I said, keep in mind, her condition may be genetics. let's say she did have surgery to correct her deformed breast. let's just say you guys get married and have a baby. suppose the baby is a girl, who grows up with the same deformity.

then he look at me some more, let out a heavy sigh and was like...i hate to do this because she is a nice girl. He said I can't do it. I don't know....

So he's gonna let me know today. I told him to think about it and don't hurt da po chile's feelins cuz she got lop-sided breasts.

so to you OP, if u don't like datin short men, don't do it. kids may turn out that way too. TRUST ME lolol

How uneven are we talking? Like these?


I hope not :look: :lol:
I dated a short guy (5'6", I am 5'9.5" flat footed) and he was so sweet and gentlemanly. He told me that he was a divorcee with 5 kids. I was oh well, we are only dating for a couple of months very VERY casually. Found out yes 3x's divorced and none of his kids were by any of the wives. That is why I stopped dating him, cold turkey. Casual dating divorce with 5 kids from a wife was fine, but his situation was down right scary. So I didn't stop dating him for being short, it was because negro had super sperm and if we would have had protected sex somehow in my head I figured his super sperm would come through that condom and get me. Nah son. LOL
I don't think you're wrong at all. You like what you like. Men have their "must haves" all the time regarding looks and no one thinks twice, so don't feel bad.

From personal experience, I have TRIED to look past my height / weight requirements and ended up still wishing the guy was taller, thinner or whatever.

If the guy really is nice, try to give him a chance, but if you find that you keep wearing flats around him or wishing he would wear platform shoes, you may need to rethink it.
I'm having a similar 'dilemma'.

A guy initiated contact with me online a few weeks ago. I was instantly captured by his profile picture because he is very handsome. I then read his profile and he met all of my initial requirements for responding to guys on the site (good grammar/can express himself well in writing, well thought-out profile, cultured, good physique, diverse interests, college degree, career, no kids, never been married, close in age to myself).

Then i saw the height: 5'4. I'm 5'4 as well, but like many of you said you have to account for the delusional extra inches :/

Not gonna lie, i had to think on it for a moment. Then i said what the hell and emailed him back. More emails back and forth, a few phone calls here and there...and i've decided to give the guy a chance, ie go on a date with him.

In the grand scheme of things, it's not too bad if the guy winds up being exactly my height or MAYBE like an inch shorter. I would be able to deal with that. If the man comes up to mid forehead or something like that, i probably wouldn't be able to do it.

Give the guy a chance. It's one night out of your life and you get to have a nice free dinner if you get to where he asks you out on a date. On top of that you MIGHT find your 'soul mate'. Besides, in your case, the guy actually is taller than you, albeit not by much.
Technically, he's still taller than you. I know many couples where the man and woman are around the same height. But it's up to you. If it's something that will nag at you and keep you from being attracted to him, then don't bother sending a message.
I've noticed that our preferences and "dealbreakers" tend to be fluid depending on how we meet a man. When the initial contact is based on determining dating potential we weed out for any and everything. Personally, when I get to know a man without the expectation of dating, I'm more likely to overlook "flaws" (like height, a space in the teeth, interesting attire, etc.) because I'm moreso drawn to his whole person. Just a thought.