Oils,Pomades,Grease,Butters Oct 1 through Dec 31

@Golden75 I like KBB Jojoba..My hair responds well to it..Makes it really soft on the ends..

*I gotta buy more..

Happy Hair Growing!

@Lita - Yes, love that stuff. I need to buy more, even though I have about 1 & 1/2 bottles. Everytime I pull it out, it reminds me to be sure it's in the stash. Oh, and Claudie's Iman on da scalp!

Sealed with KBBHJ again. I'll try to spice it up tonight and use something different.
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I applied my sulfur oil to scalp and massaged. Then, I sprayed Claudie's Hair Revitalizer braid spray to my TWA and sealed with AP Olive Miracle growth oil. I sealed that with Donna Marie's Super Buttercreme. (love this product!)
Used an Oil on top of my DC'er. Not sure if it's Safflower, Soybean....something.:perplexed...:nono:

Tryna' use it up. Also used it with my Leave-In.

I think I might pull out Hairitage Hydrations Amazon Butter or just stay on Marie Dean's Honey & Soy Hair Creme.:grin:

Probably Marie Dean, because it's open and right now I'm in "Use Up 2012 Mode"
Used Marie Dean Honey & Soy on lil' Length and will use Njoi's Herbal Hair Dressing or something on Scalp.

Maybe Claudie's Temple & Hairline Revitalizer.:lick:
Yikes!!! I haven't updated in a while! MN oil mix and EO blend are my standards for my scalp. Been wearing my hair straight lately and using a few drops of wild growth or grapeseed on my ends every other day.

I'm thinking I may need some JBCO back in my life. I miss it!
DC'd under a steamer just now. Used almond butter, wheat germ oil, JBCO, grapeseed oil, mixed with 2 conditioners.
Massaged in Happy Hempy on my scalp last night and my ng feels nice today.

Will slather on some evco tonight in preparation for tomorrow's wash day.