Oils,Grease,Pomades,Butters,Lotions,Cremes Challenge 2014

Sealed my DC with SSI defrizzer oil, used Giovanni leave in spray Salerm 21 and Garnier antifreeze serum to blow dry my hair.
On Sunday, I did an overnight preepoo with Vatika oil. Yesterday, I added castor oil on top of my conditioner mix. After shampooing, I applied SSI Seyani to damp hair.
Applied APB leave in spray...
My beloved APB leave in pudding...
Sealed with APB Ayurvedic oil...

All in birthday cake scent...
Slathered on: Shea Terra Organics Banana & Mongongo Pre-Rx (wrapped in Saran Wrap) & under my Wig.

Will Co-Wash out after werk.
Used: EVOO over my DC'er (to Steam with)

After my Hair Dries - Probably APB's Ayurvedic Hair Pomade OR....Peppermint Pomade from The Pomade Shop
Used APB Ayurvedic Pomade.

May hafta' discontinue using the APB Pomade(s). Something in "Not Easily Broken", Rosemary & Sage and now the Ayurvedic made me itch.

I had to take Benadryl after using each of these.

So, I will stop using/buying those.

The Bergamont didn't seem to cause me to have a 'reaction' and I have a jar of that left.

But, as for the ones I mentioned, I will be discontinuing use.

So, that puts me on the hunt for a Winter go-to. My Beloved Komaza Scalp Butter is being discontinued.

Right now that leaves me with Clauide's, TPS and DB's Eucalyptus & Miint

Yea you might be allergic to something in it. Take a look at the ingredients and see what it could be.

I have the not easily broken pomade and I love it. I don't have any adverse reactions from it. No itches nothing. Just super soft new growth.
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Yeah....I am not sure what/why it is making me 'itch'. :sad:

At 1st I thought it might be the "Rosemary" in the Rosemary & Sage, but then the other two (NEB & Ayurvedic) also made me start itching.:nono:

I was ready to order up a bunch of them BF to get me through the Winter, but I may have to keep searching or just get a couple of the Bergamont's.:yep:

I can feel my face getting hot and tight and irritated feeling (if that makes sense)?:blush:
I think the Cantu Naturals line was made for my hair. The leave-in, the curl cream, and the coconut shine spritz kept my hair moisturized and bouncy in a twist out for four days.

I just received the Liquid Gold Green Magic Pomade and the Whipped Marshmallow butter so I'll be using those and reporting back soon.