Oil Moisturisers


Well-Known Member
Question for those that use Oil Moisturisers ie ORS Olive Oil Moisturiser.

Do you seal it in with an oil?
Do you use it on wet hair (instead of a leave-in product)?
ORS is my backup moisturizer when I run out of Bee Mine. I seal it with grapeseed oil. It works well whether my hair is wet or dry. HTH
Bublin, what happens if you don't seal it? Does your hair get dry? IMO the reason oils are added to moisturizers is so they can provide "sealing" so if I were using a product that was an oil moisturizer, I wouldn't seal. It'd seem like overkill; but what do I know. I don't use them so, I'ma tiptoe the hell outta here....
I've used ORS in the past and would not seal. It's pretty oily on it's own and my hair stayed moisturized after some time so I didn't think a sealant was necessary.
I was literally about to start a thread on a similar subject, specifically about Elasta Qp's Olive and Mango Butter Moisturizer. The first ingredient is water, but the second is olive oil. I sprayed my hair with my watery leave in conditioner (water and conditioner), then sealed/moisturized with the olive/mango butter moisturizer. Should I be sealing on top of it? Is that what ya'll be doing?

Also is this even considered a oil moisturizer as the first ingredient isn't an oil? It's pretty creamy but not buttery like shea or cocoa butter.
i use products like these as a detangler/leave-in...i never seal and only use them on wet hair. oil moisturizers that i have used in the past that worked well include:
komaza shea lotion
komaza coconut curl lotion
oyin hair dew
shea moisture curl and style milk
kbb hair milk ( i think its called sweet ambrosia now)

i plan trying darcy's botanicals leave-in as i am running low on oyin hair dew. after using an oil moisturizer to detangle i apply gel to my hair and twist it for my weekly twistout style.
I use an oil moisturizer when my hair is straight or I'm baggying my ends (Elasta QP Recovery Oil Moisturizer) and I don't seal with an oil afterward. When I was relaxed it was one of my main moisturizers so I did use it on wet hair, it worked fine either way. I prefer oil rinses so I don't seal with oil anymore anyways. Sorry if I didn't help much.