Oil - I think is the key to health and beauty

I have been ingesting coconut oil capsules for almost a week now (4 before bedtime) and I SWEAR my skin has gotten clearer. Here is a current pic, though I do have a little mineral foundation dusted on (just a small hint as i don't like a lot of foundation type product on my face). I have kicked up my excersize regimen too over the last month and I promise I have been glowing...

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I am a lover of oils too!! I have so many and love them all...Castor, Jojoba, EVOO, Avocado, Sweet Almond, Vitamin E, Coconut, Grapeseed :look:. I mix them with butters for a wonderful cream to use from head to toe. I've also started cleaning my face with castor/evoo and love that also. My next purchase will be flax or hemp to ingest.
Here's a naughty secret: DH and I just discovered by accident when we were looking for something to give each other massages that Camellia oil is the TRUTH in the bedroom.....(hope I don't get in trouble:look:)

Girl, Emu oil is a nice lubricant for the bedroom as well....VERY nice...:sekret:
Safflower oil is good to smooth on after bathing and is especially great on the legs after shaving. I used it a lot during the summer and my bare legs had a nice sexy glow.
I have been ingesting coconut oil capsules for almost a week now (4 before bedtime) and I SWEAR my skin has gotten clearer. Here is a current pic, though I do have a little mineral foundation dusted on (just a small hint as i don't like a lot of foundation type product on my face). I have kicked up my excersize regimen too over the last month and I promise I have been glowing...


Bre your skin looks great. What brand/color of mineral powder are you using? I tried it at ulta and it made me look ashy but it looks good on you. I'm about your complexion.
Bre your skin looks great. What brand/color of mineral powder are you using? I tried it at ulta and it made me look ashy but it looks good on you. I'm about your complexion.

I use Bare Escentuals and i love it! The shade I have on in the picture is bareminerals foundation 36074 "dark". I think that is how you identify it..i don't see a name :) I think you will love it.
Another oil lover here. I have tea tree oil, rosemary oil, virgin palm kernel oil, red palm oil, castor oil, olive oil, safflower and coconut oil. I love them all. I use them on my hair. I just did my first oil rinse last nite and it was great. Since it is winter and I run the heat because I am cold, I am gonna oil my hair and scalp before co-washing this winter. This should work well for me.
I have been ingesting coconut oil capsules for almost a week now (4 before bedtime) and I SWEAR my skin has gotten clearer. Here is a current pic, though I do have a little mineral foundation dusted on (just a small hint as i don't like a lot of foundation type product on my face). I have kicked up my excersize regimen too over the last month and I promise I have been glowing...


Your skin looks perfect! Off to buy some coconut oil and some Bare Essentials.
I have all kinds of oil: vatika, coconut, castor, avocado, camellia, olive, evening primrose, fish oil, and flax. (I'm about to buy some Amla:grin:)

Since I've been consistently ingesting flax, taking my EPO and Fish oil supplements, doing oil rinses, and using the oils on my body, I have never been this regular, my skin has never been this soft, my face has never glowed like this, my hair has never been this shiny, soft, and healthy, and my appetite has never been this controlled. And I wake up full of energy, I have an overall sense of well being, and it makes me want to work out and eat healthy to maintain my appearance.

In the bible, God annoints with oil.

I think there is something to this.

ETA: There is a movie, I think it's called Lenzi's Oil, or Lorenzo's Oil. Its about a boy who is dying a painful death from a disease from which there is no cure. His father ultimately found the cure to be in, you guessed it, OIL. This movie is based on a true story.

How do you use your oils? Do you ingest them or use them on your hair and skin?
For those of you who use oil on your face, do you also have oily skin? My face gets so oily during the day that I have to blot my skin. I'm afraid of using a heavy oil -- especially olive oil -- for cleansing or after washing.

Thoughts? :look:
For the women that will try the mineral makeup, for me i have found a few key things that are crucial:

1. you must find the correct shade or it will make your skin look off/ashy/too dark/too light, etc

2. you must use the right brush for application. I don't like the bare mineral brush that came with my set, i use the big face brush from mac and like that one better.

3. you don't need a ton of this stuff. i shake JUST A LITTLE powder into the cap, swirl the powder around on the brush, then tap away all excess. Also, right before applying i will mist on my mac fix+ spray refresher all over my face, then apply the powder all over my face until dry.
For those of you who use oil on your face, do you also have oily skin? My face gets so oily during the day that I have to blot my skin. I'm afraid of using a heavy oil -- especially olive oil -- for cleansing or after washing.

Thoughts? :look:

I have a very oily T-Zone...I would blot my nose and forehead several times a day. The olive/castor wash is actually helping it!! I'm not as greasy as usual, and my cheeks aren't dry either :yep:
I have a very oily T-Zone...I would blot my nose and forehead several times a day. The olive/castor wash is actually helping it!! I'm not as greasy as usual, and my cheeks aren't dry either :yep:

:yep: Oily skin can be dehydrated too...avoiding oil can acutally make oily skin worse
For those of you who use oil on your face, do you also have oily skin? My face gets so oily during the day that I have to blot my skin. I'm afraid of using a heavy oil -- especially olive oil -- for cleansing or after washing.

Thoughts? :look:
I have very oily skin and olive oil dosen't make it any oilier. I use jojoba oil after I wash my face because it helps to control oil. Since it's so similar to our own natural oils it tricks the skin into thinking it has produced enough oil so you don't get overly oily skin. It's great for sensitive/acne prone skin too. My skin started to glow when I started using jojoba oil.
How much coconut oil are you taking? I've been doing re-search on this and I want to try it. I've read about some good results from this.

Sorry. I just checked the thread again. I take about 2TBSPs a day. I hear that 3 is probably best. I add it to my coffee or just gulp it down.

Can you give the links again to where you're buying your oils? I thought I saved them. So I think that I'm going to start the whole family using oils as a moisturizer...I'm thinking olive oil. Any other good moisturizers? I'd like to add a fragrance...maybe strawberry. Anyone doing this? Any links to frgrant oil sites? I really wanna buy all the oils from one site. Thanks for the help. :grin:

ETA: Found my links!
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YES!! Oils are soooo good for you. I use apricot oil to mix in with my lotions in the winter time. I never understood how some women go onn a fat free diet thinking that will keep them thin. What they don't realize is that their hair gets dry, their face looks older and organs don't function as well. If you ask me, oil is just as important as water.
I just received my huge tub of extra virgin organic coconut oil in the mail last week. I'm going to start oil rinsing/washing to try to cut down on shampoo usage :grin:.
Sorry. I just checked the thread again. I take about 2TBSPs a day. I hear that 3 is probably best. I add it to my coffee or just gulp it down.

Ok, thanks. I tried to gulp some but I almost hurled, lol. I think I'll look for the supplements.