Time 4 the Flaxseed Oil! Whos with me?

Flaxseed Oil is soooooooooooo nasty. It tastes like Castor Oil. Its gagolicious! I was taking it regularly for a while because I heard it was healthy for you but I got lazy about taking it because it was so nassie! I guess I'll have to find a way to mix it with something so that the taste doesn't deter me again.
Yes, I'm in!:)
I started taking the Cold Pressed Flax Seed Oil from GNC on Sept 1st.
The bottle states take one tablespoon (15ml ) daily.
So that's what I did at first.......BIG MISTAKE!
I was sooooo sicK! I literally felt drunk, you know, woozy in the head.:confused:
So I backed off for a couple of days.

I treid it again but I cut it down to 5 ml, 3x's per day and that went fine. Then I tried to increase my dosage and take 10ml at one time.
That was unsuccessful, I was sick again.

So for me, I have to break it down over the course of the day.
It's just too powerful , for my body, to gulp down all at once.

Not to mention it's VERY nasty!:lol:

But I do like the overall benefits, so I will keep doing the 5 ml's 3 x's a day thing.

i'm so in!!!
im popping about 4,000 mcg biotin a day and washing it down with 3,000 mg of msm powder in my water so why not throw some flax seed in the mix
myco said:
If you're taking the ground flax and flax oil in the right amounts, it's more of a cumulative affect. It takes a couple of days to a week of continued use before you notice any effect. Even then, the difference won't have you chained to the bathroom. You'll just notice a higher quality product. (Sorry, that was the best I could think of). It's not like synthetic laxatives where you are literally on the clock once you take it.

Hope that wasn't TMI

:lol: It definitely was not TMI! Thanx!
For those that don't like the taste of regular flax oil, Spectrum has a cinnamon flavored one as well as a lemon flavored one.

Both taste just fine to me. You can find htem in the refrigerated section at whole foods or Wild oats.

I can't handle milled flax because it sends me right to the bathroom. The oil won't as long as I stay within the correct limit (1 tablespoon per every 100 lbs) and eat before I take it, or, put it in a protien drink.

I'm in. I started taking two tablespoons daily 7 days ago. I didn't know it was a laxative. I wondered why I was running to the bathroom so much. :lol:
Hi ladies,

I have taken Flaxseed oil for years for my skin. I take a tsp in my yogurt two times a day. Keeps the skin smooth and radient looking, helps against breakouts too.

thanks for your contributions ladies!!!

i actually didnt get in till early this morning, so i will start my flax after dinner today :)

any health food store should carry flax oil, aslong as its a reputable seller you shoul be cool. i'd rather buy in a store than online, cuz the bottle may break easily (with the oil)..

capsules are kool, but to be honest the oil is better...i think u guys on the capsules will benefit greater (money wise and healthwise) on flax oil :)
I started back taking mine yesterday. I use the GNC brand and I chase it down with orange juice so its not that bad. I'm taking 1 tablespoon a day is this enough or do I need to take more?
gradygirl said:
I started back taking mine yesterday. I use the GNC brand and I chase it down with orange juice so its not that bad. I'm taking 1 tablespoon a day is this enough or do I need to take more?

1 tablespoon is perfect!
I take one tablespoon of the Spectrum brand daily and it does keep my facial skin soft and moisturized. I also think that it helps keep my newgrowth soft and manageable:D
Since I just purchased my pills, I will switch to the oil in about 20 days (taking 3/day). Don't want to waste money.:nono: I will definitely try the cinnamon or lemon flavor brand from Whole Foods!
Count me in as well. I just started taking flax seed oil capsules. I take one in the morning with my multivitamin and one in the evening with my calcium supplement. I get 900 to 1200 mg daily. It's by Nature's Sunshine.
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I started taking my oil a few days ago. I had great results from the pills so the oils will probably be even better. It dosen't taste as bad as I thought, I can tolerate it.
I'm assuming that the benefit of flaxseed oil is the omega 3 oils?? If so - I've been on this bandwagon for a while - I'm finishing up my first bottle of Omega 3-6-9 capsules from Puritan's Pride - it's a total of 3600 mg (Flaxseed/Boarge/Fish) oils.

And ya know, I was WONDERING what had me in the bathroom with the 'high-quality' BM's!! :lachen: Now, I know.
Candy_C said:
It is time to pull out my yucky flaxseed oil, 1 tablespoon a day keeps the scissors away!!! my hair has missed this stuff sooo much.

now that the weather is funky i think this is the perfect supplement to balance things out.

In my experience, Why Flaxseed OIL Is So Important:
  • my hair was never as moisturized as it was when i took flax
  • my whole texture seems to be as one, my hair resembled a dark brown sheet!
  • my ends were so moist i thought i may have gave myself a fresh trim and oiling in my sleep!
  • my hairgrowth was slightly more with flax than without...they say biotin and flax are best taken together too
  • i could moisturize my hair ONCE per week!
  • Dry hair? psh my hair was far from dry..it was oily and shiney!
  • Over 9,000mg in a tablespoon? u cant really complain about that!
  • i had results within 3 days...flax OIL doesn't take long to get into the system
so for these reasons i'm goin back on it today, plus i saved money on face cream..i simply didnt need any!

Very interesting!!
And what about taking just the ground seeds? Same effects?

Edit: Sorry I saw the answer when reading completely the thread! Same effects!
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yeh i feel say the benefits are definately in the omega 3,6,9 and other goodies. our body cant produce these oils so its a great source of moisture internal and externally
Count me in Candy!! I'm afraid to gain weight, but I need to step my game anyway with my diet and excercise anyway.
Count me in!!!

I have the flaxseed oil and the ground flaxseed for my cereal. But I've gotten lazy. It was soooo much easier for me to take it when I popped the capsules.

But anyway, I'm determined to get back on track! Thanks for this thread as a reminder!!!:)
I'm in. I just started taking flaxseed oil liquid last week...Already taking MSM 1,000 mg, Biotin 5,000 mg (just started these today) and Natures Bounty hair, skin and nails for the last two months.