Oh it's on NOW!!!! That's right this just got Serious!

You guys who share you hair journey goals with people, even though they are family are so brave. I don't tell anyone what I want my hair to be, b/c I don't want the negativity. But my DH and he is really supportive.

I learned that the hard way myself. My mother and sister are both negative.

BlkOnyx488 you can do it!
Go for it! You can prove her wrong and encourage yourself and others during the growth process.
^ Can you imagine the influx of LHCF mamas on Maury, thinking they done pinned their arse length haired daughters on the wrong ninja? "I was 100% sure she was his until I seen all that hair." Lmao.

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:rofl: oh no my mama can't deny it I got my daddy's thighs LOL

You guys who share you hair journey goals with
people, even though they are family are so brave. I don't tell anyone what I want my hair to be, b/c I don't want the negativity. But my DH and he is really supportive.

See I was set up the conversation was going really nicely for a change. normally I dont tell her anything I just every now and then will send her a picture of my hair. this was the first time she was impressed enough to give me a call I guess. live n learn, live and learn
:lol: @ the way you recounted the story, BlkOnyx488 i felt like i was there eavesdropping on the conversation between the two of you. you have our complete support. she may not believe in you, but we do. keep taking care of your hair and you WILL get to your goal. :yep:
:lol: @ the way you recounted the story, BlkOnyx488 i felt like i was there eavesdropping on the conversation between the two of you. you have our complete support. she may not believe in you, but we do. keep taking care of your hair and you WILL get to your goal. :yep:

I was told once if people are not laughing at your goals, then your goals are not big enough! so let her laugh, that just means I am right on track!! :yep:
I'm on this too girl!! I need to prove to people that good hair care means long and healthy hair!!

I need to show it... going on a series of challenges now, on this forum and personally. You'll get there girl! You will and you will have the last laugh!
Your mom isn't the only one who laughs when a black woman says she's growing her hair long. We all need to get it done!
I grew up thinking I had very very fragile 4B hair. I BC'd in May 2011 and now that my hair has grown out some, I can see that I have medium 4A hair with a tiny bit of 3C on my hairline in the back. I also retained almost six inches all over my head in the past year (7 months since BC, 13 months since last relaxer). The difference is that my hair is no longer brushed and straightened with a hot comb and Ultra Sheen grease to within an inch of its life--or relaxed straight so that my struggling edges fall right out after a relaxer.

Now, according to my mother, I never had "bad hair" I just didn't know how to take care of my hair--as if she wasn't the one taking care of my hair and giving the orders even when I started taking care of my hair myself.
That reaction would have lit a fire under me too. My fam hasn't been the most supportive of my journey when they would see me dcing they would always laugh say things like your doing too much you're gonna end up bald headed. My sister also told my neice that I would end up relaxing.

My 16 year old neice is the only one who has complimented me on my progress. My mother flat out ignores it and doesn't say anything but I see her looking. My sister hasn't complimented my hair but did ask when I wore it straightened last time if it was all mine (I guess that's kind of a compliment).

I get compliments from coworkers and strangers but my own Mom can't compliment me that sucks. I hope your Mom comes around and starts being more supportive.
Sent from my ADR6400L using ADR6400L
You can do it! My mom said the same thing when I told her I should be almost bsl in the summer. It would be great if my hair grew to waist length but I won't tell her that she may go into a coma from laughter. We can't give up because one day... BAM! (We will be doing one of those slow motion bun drops, like on youtube... With fans... yeah fans lol.
LMBOOOI!! I love it!!!! I so hope you grow longer than butt length now! She is gonna wish she used that heat protectant for real nah! ;)

Sent from a land where women rule.....
I feel you, OP. I went through the same with my mother 4.5 years ago when I did the BC and cut off all my hair. She laughed and mocked me and said that she couldn't take hair advice from me because if she did, "my hair would look like yours!" <----her words to me. Now, who does she come to for advice? Me! I've BC'd twice within the past 4.5 years, and while my hair is BSL now, she's still neck length.
I feel you, OP. I went through the same with my mother 4.5 years ago when I did the BC and cut off all my hair. She laughed and mocked me and said that she couldn't take hair advice from me because if she did, "my hair would look like yours!" <----her words to me. Now, who does she come to for advice? Me! I've BC'd twice within the past 4.5 years, and while my hair is BSL now, she's still neck length.
When I first went Natural and my mother saw my hair for the first time
she said "Mike where's your wife? Where did you get that thing?:lachen::lachen::lachen:" Meanwhile My DH and I have been Happily married for 10 years and she just left her forth husband, yeah I went there:blush::grin:

LMBOOOI!! I love it!!!! I so hope you grow longer than butt length now! She is gonna wish she used that heat protectant for real nah! ;)

Sent from a land where women rule.....
she will come up with some reason why it happened to justify why it doesn't happen for her:rolleyes:

You can do it! My mom said the same thing when I told her I should be almost bsl in the summer. It would be great if my hair grew to waist length but I won't tell her that she may go into a coma from laughter. We can't give up because one day... BAM! (We will be doing one of those slow motion bun drops, like on youtube... With fans... yeah fans lol.
I know that's right!!!

That reaction would have lit a fire under me too. My fam hasn't been the most supportive of my journey when they would see me dcing they would always laugh say things like your doing too much you're gonna end up bald headed. My sister also told my neice that I would end up relaxing.

My 16 year old neice is the only one who has complimented me on my progress. My mother flat out ignores it and doesn't say anything but I see her looking. My sister hasn't complimented my hair but did ask when I wore it straightened last time if it was all mine (I guess that's kind of a compliment).

I get compliments from coworkers and strangers but my own Mom can't compliment me that sucks. I hope your Mom comes around and starts being more supportive.
Sent from my ADR6400L using ADR6400L

Family is crazy but you know the Devil knows the way to get to us is through people we love, a stranger can't get under your skin like a loved one can. That's why I don't even play the game.

I grew up thinking I had very very fragile 4B hair. I BC'd in May 2011 and now that my hair has grown out some, I can see that I have medium 4A hair with a tiny bit of 3C on my hairline in the back. I also retained almost six inches all over my head in the past year (7 months since BC, 13 months since last relaxer). The difference is that my hair is no longer brushed and straightened with a hot comb and Ultra Sheen grease to within an inch of its life--or relaxed straight so that my struggling edges fall right out after a relaxer.

Now, according to my mother, I never had "bad hair" I just didn't know how to take care of my hair--as if she wasn't the one taking care of my hair and giving the orders even when I started taking care of my hair myself.

Girl I feel you, my mother AND father love to rewrite history, the truth is with my mother she never tried to do anything to help my hair because she decided I didn't get te healthy growth gene from day one so what was the point:sad:

It's all good I am not the nappy headed half bald little girl anymore so my mother can kick rocks!!!!!:yep:

And you are no longer at the mercy of your mother
"GIVE US FREE":grin:
I smell a "prove 'em wrong challenge!"

1. State your name ___________
2. Who you gonna prove wrong ___________ lol!

Get that lenght girl, We all believe you can and you will!
Go for it (I'm going for butt length myself lol!)! I'm rooting for you,

flip that hair (when you get there). I would lmao if you drove there to do that (and why not? It's your mom and it's your turn to laugh).

Also don't freak if it takes longer than your estimated time. Just keep moving towards your goal.
Go for it (I'm going for butt length myself lol!)! I'm rooting for you,

flip that hair (when you get there). I would lmao if you drove there to do that (and why not? It's your mom and it's your turn to laugh).

Also don't freak if it takes longer than your estimated time. Just keep moving towards your goal.
thanks even if I don't make it in two years I will still be falling forward!!:yep:
So I say well Mother called her Mother, I said Well Mother it not as if WE ever practiced proper hair care with my hair so who knows how long it will grow with the right TLC:rolleyes::yep:


LOL OP, I also have called my Mama by MOTHER whenever she made me angry or irritated me or whipped my behind. "Yes, mother. No mam, mother. Sure, mother." :lol: Done that since I was a little girl lol. It's the only thing I could get away with since rolling my eyes/ raising my voice/ slamming door/etc. was definitely not an option.

Aw... Im sure you'll surprise and enlighten her about what our hair can do with the right kind of TLC. :grin:
We're around the same length and everytime my fam comments about my hair and I talk about waist length they cricket me... So I'm definitely in this with YOU!!!
Sometimes I text my mother pics of my hair progress. So I texted her the pic that's in my avatar. She calls me right away and we start talking about hair and what I am doing, she is currently ear length, after being a recent breast cancer survivor, so she ask me now and then about hair care but I know her, she doesn't want to DO anything or Change anything she is doing ie using a curling iron every day with no heat protection. Anyway she ask me how long did I want my hair to get?

I thought about for a second and said I want hair down to my butt.

she started:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I said what is so funny?

She said you can't grow your hair that long you don't have the genes for that. If you were able to grow your hair that long it would have happened a long time ago, but you don't have the long hair gene:rolleyes: and then she continues to:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

So I say well Mother called her Mother, I said Well Mother it not as if WE ever practiced proper hair care with my hair so who knows how long it will grow with the right TLC:rolleyes::yep:

She just kept:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

I said ok fine I did the math and I said give me two years I will have hair down to my crack MOTHER!!!

She said :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

So now I gotta grow my hair to my butt, dang!:spinning: This hair growing thing just got real real REAL serious

Omg this was so funny to read lol!

I know how u feel though.