Oh Dear GOD!!! Oh, WHY??? Hair DISASTER!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh my God...Please somebody help me! Okay, exactly TWO weeks ago, I did my own touch up and it came out absolutely BEAUTIFUL! It was shiny and had so much body... Well today I'm looking in the mirror and AWWGH!!! Oh Dear God help me !!! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I have NO edges on my left side, and I look like a hair club for men poster child!! I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY???? I used the regular ORS box system and I DC'd for 1 hour, it was perfect!!! I was pulling my hair back into a pony this morning and @$^*#$! )(*%^#$%@ sdsdjhgj; lkl;jghjfh!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:



Someody PUH-LEEZE help me!!! What can I do? What should I use? How long can I expect to wait before they grow back? I don't know WHAT TO DO!!!I swear I am so so enbarrassed...SOOOO embarrassed!!! I feel SO hideous ladies...Please????:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Have you been under stress lately? That's not normal breakage from a bad processing job. Stress causes my hair to break like that.
Were you wrapping your hair in the same direction every night? When I wrap to often and too tight, I get breakage!!!! :perplexed
kri, had you noticed hair coming out in the past 2 weeks? It could not have happened overnight.

Anyway, that was just my curiosity, it has nothing to do with the problem at hand.

If I were you, I would start taking care of the area NOW.

When was the last time you washed it? You may want to use a neutralizing shampoo again just to be on the safe side.

Also, I would start using something to stimulate that area. If it is not major, you should start seeing growth there in no time.

Personally, if I did not see growth there with in 2 weeks, I would seek some professional help. In fact, I would go ahead NOW and find someone and make an appointment for a few weeks out, while I massage that area and treat it with something that stimulates growth and healing.

I am sooooo sorry this happened to you girl. Keep your head up - YOU ARE NOT HIDEOUS!!!! For meantime styling, can you hide it with a side bang, or part it down the middle so that hair from the top can hide it?
Oh no!!! You must have overprocessed in that area somehow, and then it broke off. That's the only thing I can think of.

I would get to rubbing in a growth aid STAT and doing daily massages! Baby the area and i'm sure it will start filling in in no time.

In the meantime, no heat on the area, no ponytails, pulling the hair back, etc. Baby, baby, baby that area.

I am so sorry that happened, i really am :hug2:

And by the way, you are NOT hideous.

awww honey! i am so sorry to hear that and your face in that 3rd and 4th pic makes me just wanna give you a big hug.

okay, i grew back my edges after a similar fiasco with Pomada de Azufre mixed with a bit of peppermint oil and coconut oil. i applied this twice weekly, after co/washing. i found the Pomada de Azufre in Walmart and Rite Aids aroud here.


and of course, reduce the tension and friction on the hairline in the meantime.

this is what worked for me, and i am sure that others will chime in with more ideas for you.

your hair will grow back sweetie, and in a few months you'll be posting a follow up with all types of celebration smilies.
:bighug: I'm sorry to hear about this. I feel your feel, I've have that to happen. Dry those tears, everything will be okay. Believe me, your edges will grow back. Did you notice any irritation, redness, or shedding in that area after you relaxed? If not, I would have to agree with Smarty Pants, that may be stress related. How do you feel about using an MN mix on the spot to help it grow back? Mega Tek is another good growth aid. I'm not sure about Organic Root Stimulator Temple Balm but that may help.

I'm so sorry. It was probably overprocessed. My hair was over processed once and gradually fell over a few days. Through out my hair was just like your sides. I mean ALL my hair was gone. I went to a stylist and she gave me weekly hard core protein treatments followed by deep cond. So, just treat it good over the next few weeks and it will grow back. Keep us posted.
Have you worn any braids or sew-ins this past year that may have contributed to breakage in that spot?
You guys... yes, I have been under stress... I lost my job this friday, they let 3 of us go- and I got paid more than double my spouse, so I have NO IDEA what we're going to do now... I just had a baby 3 months ago and was back from maternity leave for only 3 weeks...:perplexed

I HAVE noticed hair coming out, but I thought because it had the white tips that it was okay...I would run my fingers thru my hair and they would just come out... long strands, like by the time I'd finished, I'd collect like 12-15 pieces, and they all were white at the tips... isn't that normal?

Maybe it is stress, but DANG! I need my hair back! What have you guys used with great results, and fast ones too? Now, keep in mind I just lost my job and can't spend 50-11 bucks...
I'm so sorry this happened to you:sad:

Be patient it will grow back. Try some MT or ovation in that area, trust me it will grow :bighug: and you are NOT hideous.

Have you worn any braids or sew-ins this past year that may have contributed to breakage in that spot?

Nope. Haven't had anything in my hair... just wrapped it at night. That usually is how I do it, for the last 5 years...
Wigs were eating my edges up and MN really brought them back. Also I would neutralize again as well. Keep your head up.
I am so sorry this happened to you! <<<<BIG HUG>>> !

I am working on my edges but and they are sloooooowly growing in. I am using OCT (but I am considering switching to MT for thickness) I am oiling my hair with MTG (or any sulfur product if you don't like MTG smell) and applying peppermint oil.

It will be ok....just be patient and baby that area.
You guys... yes, I have been under stress... I lost my job this friday, they let 3 of us go- and I got paid more than double my spouse, so I have NO IDEA what we're going to do now... I just had a baby 3 months ago and was back from maternity leave for only 3 weeks...:perplexed

I HAVE noticed hair coming out, but I thought because it had the white tips that it was okay...I would run my fingers thru my hair and they would just come out... long strands, like by the time I'd finished, I'd collect like 12-15 pieces, and they all were white at the tips... isn't that normal?

Maybe it is stress, but DANG! I need my hair back! What have you guys used with great results, and fast ones too? Now, keep in mind I just lost my job and can't spend 50-11 bucks...

Are you sure this isn't post partum shedding? Your new growth may have been disguising the hair loss from post partum shedding, then once you relaxed it-- you could see the evidence of the shedding that had been occurring all along.

After I had my daughter my entire left side was slowly wiped out. :ohwell: That "three months ago" window is what gives it away.
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You guys... yes, I have been under stress... I lost my job this friday, they let 3 of us go- and I got paid more than double my spouse, so I have NO IDEA what we're going to do now... I just had a baby 3 months ago and was back from maternity leave for only 3 weeks...:perplexed

I HAVE noticed hair coming out, but I thought because it had the white tips that it was okay...I would run my fingers thru my hair and they would just come out... long strands, like by the time I'd finished, I'd collect like 12-15 pieces, and they all were white at the tips... isn't that normal?

Maybe it is stress, but DANG! I need my hair back! What have you guys used with great results, and fast ones too? Now, keep in mind I just lost my job and can't spend 50-11 bucks...
I'm sorry.
I don't really use growth aides but I can suggest you try MN (I know a lot of ladies here use the Family Dollar brand). You can try BT or Bee Mine. There's also a thread in the recipes forum that uses Emu oil and some other oils. I'll try to bump a thread for you that deals with regrowing your hairline.

I know it's difficult but try not to stress too much over this. You already have a lot going on. I think things can be done to correct this.
Are you sure this isn't post partum shedding? Your new growth may have been disguising the hair loss from post partum shedding, then once you relaxed it-- you could see the evidence of the shedding that had been occurring all along.

After I had my daughter my entire left side was slowly wiped out. :ohwell: That "three months ago" window is what gives it away.
Me too. I had Susan Taylor's hairline after my second son.:nono:
Are you sure this isn't post partum shedding? Your new growth may have been disguising the hair loss from post partum shedding, then once you relaxed it-- you could see the evidence of the shedding that had been occurring all along.

After I had my daughter my entire left side was slowly wiped out. :ohwell:

I don't know... But it's only in the left temple area... so I don't understand WHY it's happening like that... shouldn't it shed all over?

BTW-someone suggested I use MN... what is that?
You guys... yes, I have been under stress... I lost my job this friday, they let 3 of us go- and I got paid more than double my spouse, so I have NO IDEA what we're going to do now... I just had a baby 3 months ago and was back from maternity leave for only 3 weeks...:perplexed

I HAVE noticed hair coming out, but I thought because it had the white tips that it was okay...I would run my fingers thru my hair and they would just come out... long strands, like by the time I'd finished, I'd collect like 12-15 pieces, and they all were white at the tips... isn't that normal?

Maybe it is stress, but DANG! I need my hair back! What have you guys used with great results, and fast ones too? Now, keep in mind I just lost my job and can't spend 50-11 bucks...

Where is MD are you. I have a bottle of Hair Renew that you can try. It is not a miricle worker like the OCT/MT/MTG/MN and others out there, but it is very soothing with great healing ingredients. I use it while I am in braids for a little boost and I will never finish the 2 bottles I have.

Here are the ingredients:
Purified water and extracts of Lavender, Burdock, Bhring Araj, Saw Palmetto, Nettle, Ginger, Aloe Vera, Mint, Green Tea, Hops, Cherry Bark, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Horsetail, Capsicum, Zinc, Vegetable Glycerine, essential oils of Ylan Ylang, Bay, Lavender, and Rosemary
I think your just going through post partum shedding. That happened too me after 3 months of giving birth to both of my children. It's because of your hormones are regulating. It's normal. Your hair should start growing in after a month or two. It will grow back.
I agree with Sistaslick, I think this is postpartum shedding. I'm sorry that you lost your job, but stress will only compound the problem. Remember, GOD never gives you more than you can handle. Get a gameplan together, hit those newspapers. As for the hair, the same thing happened to my friend after she had her baby. If you're not breastfeeding, try 1000mg of Biotin and rub some Minoval in that spot. Within a month it should start to fill back in. Stay strong.
Where is MD are you. I have a bottle of Hair Renew that you can try. It is not a miricle worker like the OCT/MT/MTG/MN and others out there, but it is very soothing with great healing ingredients. I use it while I am in braids for a little boost and I will never finish the 2 bottles I have.

I live in Bowie...PG County
If it is postpartum shedding, I don't know if those growth aides will work. I bumped the threads for you though so you can check them out. They should still be on the first page.
I agree with Sistaslick, I think this is postpartum shedding. I'm sorry that you lost your job, but stress will only compound the problem. Remember, GOD never gives you more than you can handle. Get a gameplan together, hit those newspapers. As for the hair, the same thing happened to my friend after she had her baby. If you're not breastfeeding, try 1000mg of Biotin and rub some Minoval in that spot. Within a month it should start to fill back in. Stay strong.

Actually, I AM breastfeeding... but is it really unsafe?
I live in Bowie...PG County

Girl, PM me you address. I can send this to you, if you would like to add it to your regimen. I wish i had some of the uber aids to send you, but I don't right now. I used to have some MN. I will see if I can find some that I never used and can send you that too.