Oh Dear GOD!!! Oh, WHY??? Hair DISASTER!!!

I am sorry it all happened to you. It sounds like the ladies ideas are all right. New growth hiding it, post partum shedding, relaxing irritating it, stress, just a big mixture of them all. But it will grow back. I had my hair cornrowed by a teenager at the beginning of the year and she did it way to tight, my mom could see my scalp bumping up (she watched) and my hair pulled out around left side temple. I tried MN, babying it, braids, but I think OCT or MT and summer did the trick, it's all filled in now and growing. Before summer it seemed like it would be hopeless and I would have a small bald spot because I saw no growth for 3-4 months. Becareful if you decide to MT though cause that stuff is really irritating my scalp making it sore, I'm taking a break from it.
Good luck with your hair and everything else
God Bless
I don't know... But it's only in the left temple area... so I don't understand WHY it's happening like that... shouldn't it shed all over?

BTW-someone suggested I use MN... what is that?

:nono: Yeah, you would think-- but no, the shedding isn't uniform. Sometimes it is concentrated in a specific area, and it is usually the hairline/edges for most folks. Like I mentioned before, it only took out my left temple-- but it was very, very noticeable. :ohwell:

eta: When you are preggo, your hair sort of gets held in its resting phase. Once the pregnancy hormones have returned to normal in your body after giving birth, the hair that was scheduled to shed finally gets a chance to move into telogen phase. Then it falls, all at once. It can happen throughout the hair, but it is almost always most pronounced at the hairline.

Here's a link that talks a little more about it. Here The lady asking the question was also 3 months out-- and that is usually when it starts to become the most noticeable. :yep: That's why I said the three months is what gave it away! :yep:
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It looks like your hair is naturally receeding.

Uh, thanks, but I don't see how... when the other side is just fine. I mean, "naturally receeding" would have given me time to notice it a while back. This just happened over 2 weeks and it was fine beforehand.

I think it was the relaxer. I experienced some hair loss giving myself my last texturizer in the same spot. Not to the point of baldness, but there was some breakage.

In a lot of people that's a weak spot. The hair can be very fine and delicate there. I learned that I always have to save that spot for last.

As for the care of it... I grew my nape out from being completely bald! I'm sure you can grow your edges out :yep: Especially being here.

What helped me is jojoba oil with some tea tree and rosemary. Whatever you decide to put on it, I'm sure will help. They'll fill in in no time, try not to be too upset! :bighug:
Wait, Susan Taylor of Essence mag? HA! I just googled a pic, and that sort of lifted my spirits...

I just guess it could be worse...although my current situation still sucks.:look:
Wait, Susan Taylor of Essence mag? HA! I just googled a pic, and that sort of lifted my spirits...

I just guess it could be worse...although my current situation still sucks.:look:

Girl yes, at first I was like Susan Taylor-- Susan? :scratchch ...who is... oh Susan TAYLOR! :lachen:
...hmmmm. Actually, yes. I did. Why??? What have I DONE to myself???
Because.. you prolly over processed and the cells were damaged. You then irritated the skin and with the combo of the skin being dried and damaged, you made way for your hair to come right on out.

i did this too... and I am STILL growing my hairline back.

You will need to massage the area a few times weakly and provide it with adequate moisture. Also, you should refrain from relaxing it for atleast 2 years.
Aww, I'm so sorry. I can see the pain in your face. :sad: I have nothing helpful to add but with patience I am sure it will grow back. :yep: Perhaps in the meantime experiment with silky hair scarves when you go out, or style your hair so that it falls over that area.

Hugs, beautiful lady!!
Also, you should refrain from relaxing it for atleast 2 years.

Okay,I want my hair to grow back, but I just KNOW there is a way to have a healthy relaxed head of hair. I can NOT go two years without relaxing. I can't. I usually go 12-15 weeks. Maybe you meant at least 2 MONTHS?
1st let me give you a big cyber e-hug and a kiss. I hope it is nothing serious and grows back quickly.

My suggestion: go to a Dermatologist or Thrichologist before I did anything else to my hair or scalp. I would not put anything on that area until the doctor gave the okay. You may need steroid shots. It could be traction alopecia or an allergic reaction to the relaxer. Allergic reactions can happen anytime even if you've never been allergic to the product before. It may be what others have said, incorrect wrapping, breakage, over processing, hormones - anything.
Yep.. Its not PPS.. it is irritation. You literally pulled your hair from your head... a head that was damaged in the first place.

I didn't mean relaxing your whole HEAD... just the area.. lol. When it grows back it'll look like b-d-b's.. but REFRAIN from relaxing the area. there is no way a relaxer can help it.
If you HAVE to relax it (which I am so against) put a massive amount of oil and conditioner on it and place the relaxer on RIGHT before you are going to rinse.
My sides in 2006... TWO years after I did the same thing you did: I was STILL realxing and not caring for it.. and it showed.

Sides now...

It took a lot of trial and error.. but ultimately.... what worked for me was :
bi-weekly massages with warm Vatika OIl
No relaxing
Minimal combing
:grouphug3:aw, we are all here for you. again, these ladies have given u some great ideas. I am so sorry about your WHOLE situation, and I will definitely be praying for you.One day you will look at all of this as just a test. But your edges will grow back in, and God will provide for you and your family. I pray that you do get back on track and try not to stress. Let us know in a few weeks how everything turns out. :yep:
Are you sure this isn't post partum shedding? Your new growth may have been disguising the hair loss from post partum shedding, then once you relaxed it-- you could see the evidence of the shedding that had been occurring all along.

After I had my daughter my entire left side was slowly wiped out. :ohwell: That "three months ago" window is what gives it away.

I agree. To me, this sounds like post-partum shedding that may have been compounded by other stressors. It killed my hairline around the three-month mark, too. Now I'm nine months out, and the hair has filled in completely. I just left it alone (except for a massage here or there) and was careful not to put it under tension.

Big hugs!!!
My aunt used the ORS relaxer system and it broke her hair out. I think that it may be stronger than what they portray it to be.
I didn't mean relaxing your whole HEAD... just the area.. lol. When it grows back it'll look like b-d-b's.. but REFRAIN from relaxing the area. there is no way a relaxer can help it.[/quote]

OP, first e-hugs to you! I'm sorry to hear that you're going through all this.

A similar situation happened to me almost 2 yrs ago when I went to a salon to get a touch-up. My left side also similar to yours.

I agree with the above quote from a previous poster. I simply avoided relaxing that area of my head. And, it did grow back; at first it did look like b-d b's; but the most important thing is that it grew back.

OP, keep your head up; this too will pass.
I didn't read all the post

Over processing wouldn't necessarily do that much damage (read below). Did you neutralize properly? Not neutralizing properly will make your hair fall out. Also, if you used a relaxer that is too strong, that too will make your hair fall out. I would suggest, neutralize again, protein treatment and deep conditioner. It will be a few months before you edges will grow back fully but it can start now. So don't be discouraged.

About 20 years ago, my hair was down my back and I let someone who claimed to know how to do hair do mine and low and behold .... My hair was coming out by the globs as she smoothed the relaxer in my head. By the time she completely rinsed it out, I had hardly no hair, only strands. Come to find out she used a relaxer that I told her I could not use (super). I had to get my hair shaved and cut into a style so it could grow back nicely. After that day only 1 person has touched my head besides myself.


I sm so so so sorry this happened to you!

I saw your 3rd and 4th pics and they made me feel so sad. I actually felt the pain that you must be going thru. (((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

You already got some good advise but I wanted you to know that we got your back and you dont look hideous at all!
You guys... yes, I have been under stress... I lost my job this friday, they let 3 of us go- and I got paid more than double my spouse, so I have NO IDEA what we're going to do now... I just had a baby 3 months ago and was back from maternity leave for only 3 weeks...:perplexed

I HAVE noticed hair coming out, but I thought because it had the white tips that it was okay...I would run my fingers thru my hair and they would just come out... long strands, like by the time I'd finished, I'd collect like 12-15 pieces, and they all were white at the tips... isn't that normal?

Maybe it is stress, but DANG! I need my hair back! What have you guys used with great results, and fast ones too? Now, keep in mind I just lost my job and can't spend 50-11 bucks...

the cheapest (and perhaps most effective) thing that you can do at this point to save your hair is to RELAX and find some way to deal with your stress other than bottling it up inside. i know these are tough times for you right now, but its still important for you to do something special for yourself everyday so that your body has a way of dealing with stress other than releasing strands of hair from your scalp. if this is stress related the hair WILL come back as soon as you are under less stress