Official Herbal Thread Participants List

Hello ladies. Aggie and I haven't forgotten about you, lol. We've been really busy lately, but we wanted to let you guys know that we're planning on making the herbal thread sometime mid-December to early January. So hopefully some more researchers come during that time. Aggie is also planning a recipe thread, I believe, so that's going to be exciting :grin:.

Good, I was wondering what was going on I have some information and will be waiting. Happy Thanksgiving!
Good, I was wondering what was going on I have some information and will be waiting. Happy Thanksgiving!

No ltown, we haven't forgotten. We think that stating off the new year with the new herbal threads is a good idea seeing that everyone is busy now with thanksgiving and will be doing other things in preparation for the Christmas holidays. So we'll see everyone then.
Ok research participants. Now that the holiday season is nearing it's in, you may start sharing your research information. I have the link to the thread where you can post your research in the above post.