October 21,22,23...What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans??


PJ Rehabilitation Center
TGIF Divas to the 10th Power...Now, on a More Pleasant Note:

What are you doing this weekend to Nuture & Nourish YOUR Hair???

Tomorrow after work I plan to:

Cowash with Claudie's Fortifying DC'er

Do a Quick L'anza Reconstructor

Spray on some Komaza Honeycomb Rejuvenator sit under dryer for 10-15

Rinse and Apply either Dudley Cream Protein or Cathy Howse UBH under dryer until Hard

Rinse and Steam with either: Jasmine A&S in Cherry Pineapple or Tiiva Capucua & Coffee

Do a Black Tea Rinse for a Final Rinse & Nexxus Ensure to Close Cuticle

Apply Leave-In & Dry

How About Y-O-U????:grin:
Umm.....I will wear a twist out on Saturday and then that night either do my usual routine of protein DC on dry hair, poo, tea rinse, moisture dc and do some twists for another week....OR braid this hurr back up! what u think IDareT'sHair.

I think either way will be really cute!

I'm kinda feeling "Twist Outs" right now tho'. You can always braid it back up lata'.:grin:

How's that Steamer Doing?
finally take ends down after having them pinned up for 2 weeks straight (yup, havent seen or touched my ends in that long...talk about hardcore protective styling...hope it works out well!)

cleanse & dc my twists
oil rinse before rinsing dc
heavy seal my ends
hide ends away for another 2 weeks.
My steamer.....:love3: I think it has contributed to my hair being a LOT more moisturised for a longer period of time. And as for braiding it back up later...I may just do and wait for payday. We'll see.

ETA....sorry 'bout all that EndAll drama.....hope ya get back your $$$ soon.
I am not doing anything much to this hair this week but it is due to come out in two weeks. I sprayed my nu-gro spray on it applied my WEN fig oil as well and will let it do it's thing. So just wigging it up still :)
My aunt is going to flat iron my hair for me on sunday. I'm trying to decide if i want to rollerset, airdry or blowdry it right before.
I'll probably do an Aphogee 2 step since I haven't done it in a while, steam for an hr, apply s-curl, coconut oil, plait it up and scarf it. No heat until my touch up in December.
I will be flat-ironing my hair this weekend..It's my b-day weekend so I plan on goin out and having fun with some friends, because I have a few that are leaving soon. So I pray to have a good straight look that I can actually wear out. The last time I did it soon as the humidity hit it was a mess. I'm still trying to figure out what works and doesn't when I straighten especially since it's rare that I do. It's getting cool here so low humidity any tips on what to do to get that perfect straight swinging hair on natural hair???
No plans as of yet; I'm still rocking my Celie plaits from this past weekend. If I do anything to my hair it will consist of removing these plaits, applying a light moisturizer (Oyin Hair Dew) and re-plaiting.
Nothing more than oil my scalp with my Sulfur and Castor oil mix. Other then combing my hair absolutely nothing
Might put some Nexxus Pro Mend Overnight treatment on my ends (as instructed) if I feel like it... but probably not
ok....so, I'm on call next week sunday, so I'll be braiding it up this weekend. Need to go buy the curly ends of the braid tomorrow. Poor me....lol.
This weekend I plan to clarify, DC, and roll it up. My blow dry and flat iron turned out really nice last weekend but I am to lazy to blow dry my hair two weeks in a row.
May have to wash and DC earlier than scheduled, so probably on Sat morning early. I think I OD'ed a bit on protein last wash. my hair isn't as soft as it usually is, even after extra moisturizing. I'm on a roll now in this transition, I don't want any more setbacks.
mud wash
twist with kimmaytube leave in

may try making flax seed gel and whipped mango butter
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I had conditioner in my hair all yesterday, since I had to take my dad to his dr appt and didn't feel like washing it out last night. Today, I'm going to steam (probably not necessary but been wanting to get under the steamer for a few days now), doing an oil rinse, detangling and rebraiding in big chunky braids. I think I'm going to prep for hennindigo tomorrow. I'd do it tonight but tonight is date night. I'll be wigging it, of course.
By Sunday, I should be back in cornrows. And btw, I'm getting better at it. :yep:

Tonight's wig will be my new girl, Samara. Gotta keep wearing these long wigs to get used to long hair. Otherwise, how am I going to act when I start wearing my hair out? I'll tell you. A hot mess! :lol: You'll see me coming a mile away, honey. That reminds me, let me go find that funny long hair stories thread.
I've been PS'ing for the past two weeks with my phony pony. Saturday night I plan to co wash with Aussie Moist condish, DC overnight with Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment mixed with JBCO & Rosemary Oil. Sunday morning rinse out and then do a rollerset. I want to wear my hair out for a day or two and then PS again for the next two weeks. Trying to hit APL by the end of the year!