October 2014 Hits & Misses

Possible awesome hit: Jane Carter curling cream

Got it with the 40% off to try since I've been trying curling creams lately and so far I'm loving it. Hair feels moisturized, very defined and almost no frizz. Very light hold which is fine with me as long as it keeps the hair defined. We'll see how many days I can get from this wash n go. If I get my usual 3-4 I may have to grab a couple of more of these during Black Friday.
Shea moisture manuka honey DC - Its not "omg" worthy to me but a really nice option. On dry hair only though just like all other SM masques for me. On wet hair I wasn't a fan.

Joico Treatment Balm - :lick: The slip and hydration are real. I went through the whole bottle and fell in love each time.

APB ayurvedic oil
APB tea tree pomade
Elucence moisture balancing conditioner
LCL dryer

Rollersetting before flat ironing. Blow drying was definitely sucking all the moisture out. My hair feels and looks much better if I roller set first.
Miss -- not only for this month but for the last few relaxers: Coconut oil. I thought it was the relaxer causing my hair to come out in clumps but it was the coconut oil. I cut that out (except for during the mid-protein step) and no more clumps falling out while rinsing...no more using it to protect or using it as any kind of post/pre treatment... Now my hair doesn't like ANY oil straight on it. I thought coconut would be the exception.

I see Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle is getting good reviews... I just bought it... It's a part of my stash... don't know when I'll use it but hopefully it works as well for me as it does for everyone else. For $3.99/bottle it might replace Giovanni Tea Tree Triple Treat if it's good enough.
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Super mega HG for the WIN hit: Jessicurl Deep Treatment as a styler/moisturizer. Man, I paired this with the Spiralicious and got the most defined moisturized twist out ever. Definitely a keeper!!
Self-relaxing with Affirm Fiberguard Lye
Working through my stash
Flexi Hair Clips
Satin-lined beanies
Hit: Crece Pelo leave in. It smells so good!

Prettymetty, did the Crece Pelo leave-in make you hair feel soft, and new growth (if you're relaxed)? I'm curious because I have it collecting dust since I'm addicted to lacio lacio. If you've tried lacio lacio leave-in can you tell me how you think they compare?

Hit x100! Neutrogena deep treatment mask it gave me super smooth easily detangled hair and its been a week and my hair feels considerably more hydrated!
nymane I am natural, but Crece Pelo leave in made my hair smooth and very soft. Usualy my hair starts reverting after a few days, but it is still frizz free. I haven't tried Lacio leave in yet