Obedience to the Lord "Where You Are" (Sex outside of marriage)


New Member
This question has been churning in my head recently per some recent threads and a rerun of an episode of "Girlfriends" re. sex outside of marriage and what the Bible says about sex outside of marriage and what the Lord's "true" will/directive is on the matter....

I am not asking this in judgement of anyone, anywhere, or anytime...other than PRE-JUDGEMENT of myself because ***dangit*** I wanna have sex and I've been waiting a LONG TIME and in my carnal mind, singleness would be alright if I could have some sex...:ohwell: ... but (sigh) I digress.... I was having a moment there....:look:

The "Girlfriends" rerun was when Toni met Todd and she decides to have sex with him. So the scene is as they are in post-coital sleep, she kneels on the side of the bed to pray and thank the Lord for sending Todd to her and so on... (don't remember the entire prayer). Now I've seen this episode before and hadn't really thought about it until this most recent time and I was kinda like :confused: :perplexed....

So my question is: what is the Lord's position on the matter? Is that prayer being honored?

What's the healthy/godly perspective on this matter?
RelaxerRehab said:
This question has been churning in my head recently per some recent threads and a rerun of an episode of "Girlfriends" re. sex outside of marriage and what the Bible says about sex outside of marriage and what the Lord's "true" will/directive is on the matter....

I am not asking this in judgement of anyone, anywhere, or anytime...other than PRE-JUDGEMENT of myself because ***dangit*** I wanna have sex and I've been waiting a LONG TIME and in my carnal mind, singleness would be alright if I could have some sex...:ohwell: ... but (sigh) I digress.... I was having a moment there....:look:

The "Girlfriends" rerun was when Toni met Todd and she decides to have sex with him. So the scene is as they are in post-coital sleep, she kneels on the side of the bed to pray and thank the Lord for sending Todd to her and so on... (don't remember the entire prayer). Now I've seen this episode before and hadn't really thought about it until this most recent time and I was kinda like :confused: :perplexed....

So my question is: what is the Lord's position on the matter? Is that prayer being honored?

What's the healthy/godly perspective on this matter?
Rehab, before I got 'Saved' 25 years ago, I thought that I was a Christian because I still 'prayed' and did all of the 'good things' that Christians do.

BUT... I was still in sin, for I had a boyfriend and we were sleeping together ....and yet, I still prayed and did all those 'good things that Christians do.

Sex outside of marriage will still be what it is..."Sex outside of Marriage..."

25 years of celibacy for me has taught me something...

Yes, I want to have sex too, but..............I want the real kind. The forever kind.....Marriage. ;) That's what keeps me.

satan is just doing what he does to us as single women who 'press' toward the mark of righteousness. None of us are perfect. We're human and we do have feelings and desires which we choose how / when to act upon.

For you... No longer will you despair. The marriage you desire is not so far away; for God has promised 'yes' to the very desires of your heart.'

Angel, let go of 'if it be God's will'. It IS God's will for you to marry if you so desire. Forget the statistics; forget what you see 'not'...in the current natural. Prepare yourself as a beautiful Bride to be who WILL be.
And believe. Choose what you want to believe that will happen and then prepare for it. It's yours only for the asking and you shall receive it...your husband. ;) No but's.....what if's ... or when's... Just believe and I am believing with you, all the way to the 'Altar'. .

"Fear not, little one, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you His kingdom...and within His kingdom is your husband. Come on, He's not going to leave you in there all by yourself. :lol:

In Jesus' name... Amen.
Shimmie said:
Rehab, before I got 'Saved' 25 years ago, I thought that I was a Christian because I still 'prayed' and did all of the 'good things' that Christians do.

BUT... I was still in sin, for I had a boyfriend and we were sleeping together ....and yet, I still prayed and did all those 'good things that Christians do.

Sex outside of marriage will still be what it is..."Sex outside of Marriage..."

25 years of celibacy for me has taught me something...

Yes, I want to have sex too, but..............I want the real kind. The forever kind.....Marriage. ;) That's what keeps me.

satan is just doing what he does to us as single women who 'press' toward the mark of righteousness. None of us are perfect. We're human and we do have feelings and desires which we choose how / when to act upon.

For you... No longer will you despair. The marriage you desire is not so far away; for God has promised 'yes' to the very desires of your heart.'

Angel, let go of 'if it be God's will'. It IS God's will for you to marry if you so desire. Forget the statistics; forget what you see 'not'...in the current natural. Prepare yourself as a beautiful Bride to be who WILL be.
And believe. Choose what you want to believe that will happen and then prepare for it. It's yours only for the asking and you shall receive it...your husband. ;) No but's.....what if's ... or when's... Just believe and I am believing with you, all the way to the 'Altar'. .

"Fear not, little one, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you His kingdom...and within His kingdom is your husband. Come on, He's not going to leave you in there all by yourself. :lol:

In Jesus' name... Amen.

:drowning:(((HUGS))) :kiss: :cry2: besides saying "Thank you", this is all I can do at the moment after your very inspiring and spirit-saving post....
Celibacy is not easy at all. I was celibate for over 10 years. There were times I was tempted and because of my nature, certain songs, move scenes, etc. started me remembering those feelings. Your carnal self and your spiritual self will always be at war. But married sex with a man who truly loves you is definitely worth waiting for. The sex is better.

Just remeber to trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding.
RelaxerRehab said:
So my question is: what is the Lord's position on the matter? Is that prayer being honored?

What's the healthy/godly perspective on this matter?

RR, i had asked basically the same question, some months ago, i got some awesome responses I clearly got the word from those who responded, i bumped thread up for you.
Precious_1 said:
RR, i had asked basically the same question, some months ago, i got some awesome responses I clearly got the word from those who responded, i bumped thread up for you.

Hi, Precious_1! Thank you for sharing your thread....

You know, I gotta admit that I know what the Word says.... I was looking for a loophole to appease my flesh....:lol: :look: :ohwell:

I suppose the "loophole" is DISOBEDIENCE.... and disobedience is sin, just like fornication is sin.... And the Lord ain't gonna bless no mess! :lol:
RelaxerRehab said:
Hi, Precious_1! Thank you for sharing your thread....

You know, I gotta admit that I know what the Word says.... I was looking for a loophole to appease my flesh....:lol: :look: :ohwell:

I suppose the "loophole" is DISOBEDIENCE.... and disobedience is sin, just like fornication is sin.... And the Lord ain't gonna bless no mess! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :naughty: yes, i know, i want to appease my flesh sometimes too,:look:
You can only do what you can do-and that's only so much. God knows we are imperfect, that's why he constantly forgives us.

Don't beat yourself up over it though, you're human and we make mistakes.
RelaxerRehab said:
:drowning:(((HUGS))) :kiss: :cry2: besides saying "Thank you", this is all I can do at the moment after your very inspiring and spirit-saving post....

:kiss:.... I don't mind waiting ... on the Lord. For when He brings, He brings it 'Right on...'

Prepare for what you desire. God's heart is surely on fire to bring you all that your heart is asking Him for. And always remember. we're asking Him, our Father, who always betroths his daughters. Always. Always. Always. Yes :yep: He does and He will.

Rehab.... Prepare....;)
StrawberryQueen said:
You can only do what you can do-and that's only so much. God knows we are imperfect, that's why he constantly forgives us.

Don't beat yourself up over it though, you're human and we make mistakes.
Exactly, Strawberry...and then we allow God to do the rest and Him we trust and follow and not our flesh. ;)

And BTW: I don't want anyone here to think that I have this thing with celibacy 'down'. Pleezzzeeeee. Uh-uh...:nono: God just has a way of keeping me distracted to keep me from sex being 'acted' upon.

I'm not taking the credit for any of this. I have too much 'flesh' and I'm a mess when it comes to love and romance. So I don't want anyone to think I've perfected the Art of celibacy. I'm still coloring outside the lines.
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Is the church even teaching this anymore? Doesn't seem like it. I remember turning off 'Deliver Us from Eva' because they was tearing it up in the bedroom and then getting in the choir stand on Sunday and I was just DONE with it!
SkinnyMocah said:
Is the church even teaching this anymore? Doesn't seem like it. I remember turning off 'Deliver Us from Eva' because they was tearing it up in the bedroom and then getting in the choir stand on Sunday and I was just DONE with it!
Excellent Point SkinnyMocah: It seems that way, doesn't it. And it's discouraging to those who want to do right. It's sending a mixed message to those out there.

But remember it's Hollywood sending this message in the movies and TV shows, it's not from the Holy Spirit. ;)

You see satan knows that it's the media that 'we' are drawn to and he's using it to send a mixed message about the right and wrongs of where sex belongs.
Yeah, I agree. Celibacy is very hard but you have to have your mind renewed. I actually have a testimony about this.;)
All I know is I want to be filled with God's glory, I want to see His glory and I know the only way I can is if I have been washed completely clean, and still have on my garment of righteousness. If I have any kind of sexual sin, then I am not pure, and if I am not pure then I cant look directly at my Father and expect to claim my inheritance.
Naijaqueen said:
All I know is I want to be filled with God's glory, I want to see His glory and I know the only way I can is if I have been washed completely clean, and still have on my garment of righteousness. If I have any kind of sexual sin, then I am not pure, and if I am not pure then I cant look directly at my Father and expect to claim my inheritance.

Bump bump bump!:yep:
I think the responses were so good, so I'm going to give you a "parable" example to think about this topic in.

A few weeks ago, I had to buy a ticket for an event I’m going to. Everyday, I was perusing the websites, trying to get the “best deal.” And one day the price was exactly what I wanted, but I wasn’t near my credit card, so I had to wait until the afternoon. When I logged back on, the prices had gone up! I wasn’t happy, so I figured, I’d wait. And for the next 2 weeks, the prices really didn’t change. So finally, I bought my ticket. The prices were the lowest they had been since that deal, but still weren’t as good. I figured, it’s now or never. So I bought it. And actually, I was pretty happy with the price. It was still within my desired range. In fact, I got the last ticket at that deal. Well, the next day, I said “let’s see if the prices went sky high (because after buying that ticket, the prices went super high).” Lo and behold, the lowest priced ticket was $80 cheaper than mine. I thought to myself, “darn, if I had only waited.”

See, a lot of times, right before God is going to bless us, Satan tries to steer us wrong. He makes us think that blessing is “never coming.” I had this struggle when I was studying for the bar. Satan was trying hard to get me to mouth the words, “I didn’t pass the bar.” And I was tempted, oh so tempted. But I said, “not this time, sucker. There may be a sucker born every minute, but this time, it’s not going to be me.” When I applied to law school, someone told me “it’s already taken care of.” I was nervous, and didn’t believe it would go well, and then I got accepted. And God blessed me even though I doubted, b/c He was showing His love. But at this point in my walk, God is holding me more accountable. I know that I have to trust Him and believe for things to manifest. That belief is sooooooooo important, because without faith, it’s impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).

Now, I totally understand where you are coming from. I’m also a virgin, in my 20’s (not 20 or 21 either), and I’m struggling. And it’s not easy to be this way, when pretty much everyone else isn’t. And I’m cute. I’m 5’2, with a little barbie doll shape, a cute face, and all this hair, thanks to LHCF. And I get hit on by some really beautiful men. It’s not easy to be the one who says no. But many men, really do respect you and chase you more if you wait. Even my non-celibate friends often say “never sleep with him too soon.” There’s some jewel in that. Men really don’t want us easy, b/c they then become bored with us. It’s really true. Most of my friends that were wild and crazy in college are married w/families. But I know this is the right way. Even if God forbid, I do sin. I still know it’s His way. And in the end, His way will always be the best way. So, don’t be so hard on yourself for having the desire, b/c you are human. And prayerfully, you will complete the journey. And if you don’t He will forgive. But just remember, you don’t want to be the one to say “if only I’d waited.” At least from your posts, that’s the impression I get. Good luck and be blessed!
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