Now Forming an Army of SUPER-LONG HAIR 4B (or mostly 4b) NATURALS!! Come on in!

Forgot to tell yall that I cut about 4 inches of hair. I'm back to APL and will be working diligently to get to BSL before year end. I know you guys know this already but just a friendly reminder not to skip your protein treatments! My hair feels amazing since I've started using SheScentIt Okra treatment!

How often do you use it?
Coolista-Paris and Centered Girl, cold hair rinses in the shower make my hair shrink and hard. But when I put the cold water in a spritz bottle and I spritz after I have gotten out of the shower my hair responds well. I use the cold water from the sink and not keep it in the fridge that's too cold for my hair. Best, Almond Eyes

thanks so much!
il taking these cornows out tomorrow and im gonna wash this hair, condition it , spritz it! :-)
Week 11 report. Okay, so my hair is totally different now. I am using the double up scarf method that almond eyes suggested - total WINNER. hair stays moist so that it's super soft in the morning.

Literally NO HAIR LOSS. Ends are LUCIOUS and SMOOTH to the touch. I've added spritzing with a tad bit of vinegar and distilled water in the shower to remove the oil concoction that I have developed. Daily removal seems to make my hair more soft rather than keeping it on.

Anyway ladies, my hair is on it's way. the only question now is what my terminal length is. Some of us are blessed with tailbone possibilities, others may never get to that length but still have a nice head of healthy hair! :) We'll see. I've gotten to BSL - well kinda - not full BSL and the back was not even :(
Just checking in. I am doing well. My hair is currently blown out. I moisturize and seal daily. My go to style right now is a bun (part of my dress code at work). At night I let my hair down for a bit and massage my scalp. I really like argan oil. I seal with it and I have added it to most of my products :)
Still here too. Regimen is going great. I'm mostly wigging it (baggying) 75% and wearing my hair out 25% of the time. I've dusted my ends curl by curl in the past month or so and don't plan to do so too often, but will keep an eye on my ends.

Looking forward to warmer weather and shorter drying times for my wash and gos, however my hair is slowly taking less time to dry since I began MHM/bald spot regimen back in September.
Adding to that, I'm not sure if I ever mentioned here that my spot is no longer bald as of January:yay: so hopefully this growth shows all round.

Anywho, here's how I wore my hair today after my wash.


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Still here too. Regimen is going great. I'm mostly wigging it (baggying) 75% and wearing my hair out 25% of the time. I've dusted my ends curl by curl in the past month or so and don't plan to do so too often, but will keep an eye on my ends.

Looking forward to warmer weather and shorter drying times for my wash and gos, however my hair is slowly taking less time to dry since I began MHM/bald spot regimen back in September.
Adding to that, I'm not sure if I ever mentioned here that my spot is no longer bald as of January:yay: so hopefully this growth shows all round.

Anywho, here's how I wore my hair today after my wash.

Omg I love your hair!!! I can't wait for warmer weather either
I just ordered my all time favorite Kerastase masque (Chroma Riche) and I got 2 free travel shampoos and 3 samples. I am super excited :yay: I can't wait to treat my hair to a DC :grin:
Prettymetty what do you moisturize your straight hair with?

Just checking in. I am doing well. My hair is currently blown out. I moisturize and seal daily. My go to style right now is a bun (part of my dress code at work). At night I let my hair down for a bit and massage my scalp. I really like argan oil. I seal with it and I have added it to most of my products :)
14 weeks in. Okay guys, the ends of my hair are soft and manageable. Game on. The only thing keeping my hair from reaching my goal length is that I am genetically programmed for a shorter terminal length. We shall see. Will keep you posted.
I am quickly approaching Bsl for the second time. Last time I got a trim and lost a lot of length. Now I am self trimming. I am doing micro trims every 2-3 months to gradually get rid of my colored/heat damaged ends. I trimmed in October and February. I plan to trim again in June. Once I reach Bsl I may decide to just maintain that length until my layers catch up. Decisions decisions :drunk:
I'm definitely 4b. Would love to join this army. I'm just getting back on track and starting to retain. Right now I'm just trying to get to SL. But I'm shooting for WL. I'm doing the modified MHM which is definitely helping me to retain as well as thicken up my crown.

Here is my hair wet


And here is my rollerset/flat twist combo.
MarchGoToFront.jpg MarchGoToBack.jpg
Hi ladies!

I'm looking for a great leave in conditioner for my daughters 4a/4b low porosity natural hair. Preferably something I can find on the ground. Any suggestions?
Hi ladies!

I'm looking for a great leave in conditioner for my daughters 4a/4b low porosity natural hair. Preferably something I can find on the ground. Any suggestions?

I like As I Am leave in. It has glycerin if you don't mind that. You can dilute it and make it go even further. You can get it from Sally's and Target and sometimes Walgreen.
I like As I Am leave in. It has glycerin if you don't mind that. You can dilute it and make it go even further. You can get it from Sally's and Target and sometimes Walgreen.

I am low porosity and I know faithva is too. I agree with as i am. Oyin hair dew as well. Shea Moisture doesn't really work on my lo po strands.
My daughter is 4b with super low porosity. I use the generic Nexxus Humectress as her leave in. I got it from Sally's.
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CenteredGirl You have piqued my interest. So after you wet your hair daily, how do you style it? What's your length. Is your oil mix the only thing you apply afterwards?
I noticed some serious growth yesterday. I must of had a growth spurt last month. looks like I will make 6 inches by my 1 yer post bc!
CenteredGirl You have piqued my interest. So after you wet your hair daily, how do you style it? What's your length. Is your oil mix the only thing you apply afterwards?


  • 2 to 4 braids pinned across the top of my head.
  • Yes only my oil mix. However I apply a bit before wetting as well.
  • As of yesterday, 1 inch past shoulder blade
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I find that when I slip into using products and just spritzing with water my hair doesn't like it.

My hair likes to be drenched in warm water (every few days) and very little product.

Almond Eyes
I found that the following works for those of us who have shorter hair using water only (And I put water only very loosely) is the following:

1. You can put some warm water in a spritz bottle and use an oil for your shaft and ends. Try not to get the oils on your roots as you do not want that to compete with your natural sebum. Or you can do a warm water rinse in the shower to get your sebum going and prep you hair, you do not have to do this daily if you have full sebum coverage. You can do a warm water rinse two or more times a week. I tend to alternate between warm water spritzes and warm water rinses in the shower.

2. My style of choice are big flat twists which I do to stretch my hair. I think once you hair gets to be about three inches or more you have to find a way to keep your hair stretched so that it doesn't get tangled. You can take out the flat twists in the day in order to style your hair and put them back at night. But be gentle with your flat twisting. I have to actually comb my hair gently when I do my spritz, my hair doesn't like finger combing exclusively.

3. In doing 'water only' keep up with your weekly Deep Conditioning and Protein treatments (as needed).

I experimented and got lazy two weeks ago and didn't do my protein treatments or DC and then I started to wear my fro without it being stretched and finger combed and then used a lot of shea moisture black jamaican castor oil leave in with glycerin and a cool water spritz and my hair rebelled.

Almond Eyes
Found some hair hates. She cant stand:

.braids and corn rows with or without extensions, tight or loose. All this time I thought I had low density. Think the hair was just breaking at the parting points. Density seems almost normal now after no extensions the last 4 or 5 months . Been wearing it rolled up in dry buns and its doing fabulous.

.extensions, weaves. Only because in most cases it means I have to braid it up. Bye bye beloved crochet braids. :ohwell:

.being wet all the time. High porosity means soggy and breaky easily

.being loose unless stretched or straightened.

.not being regularly snipped. Seek and destroys seem to be critical every 2 weeks.

.finger detangling. Doesnt work. Hair is too fine and porous. Found a great seamless comb a great technique that avoids breakage. Shed hairs removed and less ssk.

Ive retained more since November than I have half of last year particularly in my troubled crown area that hadn't really retained since my 2012 BC.
Would you mind sharing your detangling technique? Detangling is the bane of my existence and I've yet to figure out the best way to detangle my hair. Finger detangling doesn't cut it. I have a couple of Hercules Sagemaan combs, the Widu brush that's popular and a horse detangling brush (I will try whatever works. Lol) and can't quite get detangling down such that I'm not breaking or damaging my hair.

Found some hair hates. She cant stand: .finger detangling. Doesnt work. Hair is too fine and porous. Found a great seamless comb a great technique that avoids breakage. Shed hairs removed and less ssk. Ive retained more since November than I have half of last year particularly in my troubled crown area that hadn't really retained since my 2012 BC.
Would you mind sharing your detangling technique? Detangling is the bane of my existence and I've yet to figure out the best way to detangle my hair. Finger detangling doesn't cut it. I have a couple of Hercules Sagemaan combs, the Widu brush that's popular and a horse detangling brush (I will try whatever works. Lol) and can't quite get detangling down such that I'm not breaking or damaging my hair.


Heres the thing, I found that my coils can fold in half on themselves so the shaft is bent like a folded piece of paper. Lots of ends actually point back to and entangled in the roots. Severe breakage if not careful.

What I do is start with either moist (not wet) or dry but oiled hair. Yours might like something different of course.

Take a section and smooth it root to tip. You can use praying hands method or one handed. If there are coil clumps folded and tangled weird, I grab those and loosen with fingers.

Once that section is smooth, grab and pull taught near the ends with non-combing hand. The trick to not losing hair here is to keep it all pulled *firmly* in combing direction.

Begin combing at the very tip to root slow and easy. If you hit a knot, sometimes fingers are best to start then comb again.

Instead of losing half a combs worth of hair , I lose a few whisps. If im rushed and not gentle it can be more. *shrugs* I dont always have time to spend on hair. There will always be shed hair of course.

It doesn't take long. My longest layers are nearly cbl now and it takes maybe 30 min for a full post wash detangle. Obviously super long and super thick will take longer.