Now Forming an Army of SUPER-LONG HAIR 4B (or mostly 4b) NATURALS!! Come on in!

I like the volume I get in twists but my ends tend to tangle more with them. Minibraids are what I stick to most of the time. Good luck to all the twist challenge participants, hope you get great results!

My lil update:
So following my Tangle Teezer setback and June trim, my hair is back to being BSL in the back layer. I was gonna take length check pics, but I decided to just put my hair away and focus on retaining the rest of the year. Year end reveals are more climactic, lol.

I wore twists and a couple of twistouts in the past few days before going back to my braids. When I was putting them in I had some breakage. Figure I'm overdue for a protein treatment. Aubrey's GBP which I use sometimes may not be enough...

What natural DCs do you guys like for protein? I may have to turn mixtress when I take this set of braids down. Oh, if anyone wants tips on taking down minibraids (no hair added) check out video 45 on my channel (link is in my siggy).

HHG girls!
I like the volume I get in twists but my ends tend to tangle more with them. Minibraids are what I stick to most of the time. Good luck to all the twist challenge participants, hope you get great results!

My lil update:
So following my Tangle Teezer setback and June trim, my hair is back to being BSL in the back layer. I was gonna take length check pics, but I decided to just put my hair away and focus on retaining the rest of the year. Year end reveals are more climactic, lol.

I wore twists and a couple of twistouts in the past few days before going back to my braids. When I was putting them in I had some breakage. Figure I'm overdue for a protein treatment. Aubrey's GBP which I use sometimes may not be enough...

What natural DCs do you guys like for protein? I may have to turn mixtress when I take this set of braids down. Oh, if anyone wants tips on taking down minibraids (no hair added) check out video 45 on my channel (link is in my siggy).

HHG girls!

Pooks If you are looking for something stronger than GPB, Aubreys also has a Blue Green Algae protein mask. I have yet to see it in any store and had to order it from Aubreys website.
I'm noticing a lot of mid shaft splits and split ends. I'm usually diligent about moisturizing daily. I slacked off on protein for a while (when I was in braids) but I started back to using Mane and Tail condish. This is seems to help.

Anyone else having issues with mid-shaft splits? How do you get them? Is there anything I can do to prevent them? Where's @Nonie?

Platinum, well bubble hair can cause them and since liquid boiling in hair is the cause, I've even stopped DCing with heat. I suppose products that call for it are made in such a way that there's no danger for that...but I do wonder if when we don't follow directions of a product and assume all DCs must use heat, if we don't raise the temperature of conditioner that has penetrated our strands to a point where bubbles form and the hair swells and splits.

I also believe brushes can cause them. I mean, the bristles of brushes are staggered in such a way that while some do go between strands, others just rake over your hair in a way that makes me think of nails on a blackboard. Create that friction enough times and you tear at the cuticle and weaken the length.

Lastly, I think direct heat can cause them like from straightening or blowdrying--probably from bubble hair since moisturized hair has internal moisture that can heat up and form bubbles.
Pooks If you are looking for something stronger than GPB, Aubreys also has a Blue Green Algae protein mask. I have yet to see it in any store and had to order it from Aubreys website.

Imani - Totally forgot about that product! Been absent from the boards for a while. Thanks for the reminder, I'll look into it. :)
Saw this picture on Tumblr, and thought it could serve as inspiration for us 'soldiers'. lol


I believe this is the original source of the picture.
Guys I'm so sick n tired my 4b hair. This is just a rant anyway... i cant do anything with it.. currently @ apl... been in cornrows n PS'ing with wigs.... i just feel really unkept with this hair... i cant wear wash n go's... hair shrinks to 2 inches even though i have 11 inches.... everyone around my family has a perm, weaves and keeps talking down on me and my hair... i just need encouraged thats all.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2

maybe you should wash and dry your hair in braids so that you have a nice stretch when its all dry. my hair loves to shrink too much for me to just braid it, so i use the "ouchless" hair ties, about 10 of them and then braid the ends. then when done washing you can pull on the braid using the tension method to dry with a blow dryer or just air dry everything. Maybe a good oil will give you some sheen,.. i don't use oils rigt now but people tend to like grapeseed oil. good luck!
I would love to join. Im fresh out the gate with a big big chop (shaved) goal is big dense curls and coils. this is my second attempt at natural hair. If you take a look at my fotki, you can see a pic of my first attempt.

I really dont have a regime..I just do when I get ready, but I "do" daily.
Im using megatek and minoval, JBCO as growth aids. Mizani h20 nightime and True Textures by Mizani..
I style with Shea Moisture Curl Smoothie (THE TRUTH)!!

I think I will be buying more Shea Moisture products. My hair likes.
Im protein sensative so a few times a week I will use Infusium 23 or Roux, but thats it.
I love to baggy. Im a hot head so I see steam in the bag in a few minutes. But I only baggy after a wash, I started to get a pimple or two on my scalp.
I wash twice a week at the most. Right now Im using up all my poos in my stash and that ranges from old school Donnies to Hello /Hydration. But I plan on trying the Shea Moisture line for a month.

well I think that about sums me up.
Hello all... :)
Stay encouraged! I get the same thing done to me but my hair isn't apl like yours. I slick my hair down with gel under my wigs. Maybe a weave will take your mind off of your hair. A break is always good. Here is a pic of my hair slicked down and ready fir my wig lol
Hello, ladies!
It's about time that I join and be counted in the 4B army.
Please post your current reggie, your ultimate super-long hair goal, and starting and current pics, if you have them. Feel free to share your "relaxed to natural" story too....those are always fun to read :grin:
My regimen is going to change a bit since I now workout 5-6 days per week and have become bored with wigs but here is what I did during my first year:

  • Do a pre-treatment with coconut oil or a coconut oil based mix the night before I was going to shampoo.
  • Wash, condition, detangle, moisturize, seal, and cornrow my hair all on the same day. Always allow the hair to air dry.
  • Wear my wig for the week, remembering to mist my hair with a little water followed by a cream moisturizer and oil to seal. Then at the end of the week the process would start over again.
Sometimes I would do protein treatments or deep condition but I wasn't consistent with either of those steps.

My hair goal:
Right now I'm making my way to APL but my first major goal is BSL hair. That to me is the begins of long hair. My ultimate goal is TBL.

Starting and Current Pictures:
And now it's time for pictures. My last length check, two days ago, proved to be unsuccessful but I did get some ok photos of my braid-out which looked pretty good. :)
1st: Taken Dec 2009 - My hair after a trim back in the relaxed hair days.
2nd: Taken Dec 2, 2010 - A few weeks after my BC at NL.
3rd/4th: Taken Sep 11, 2011 - My day old braid-out.
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Just posted a thread of my bantu out on my blown out hair thought I would share here as well btw that pic of Fatou, from he BGLH feature is the reason I decided to blowdry my hair in the first place.


More pics in this thread
Just posted a thread of my bantu out on my blown out hair thought I would share here as well btw that pic of Fatou, from he BGLH feature is the reason I decided to blowdry my hair in the first place.


More pics in this thread

Ohhhhh this is <3!!!

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Hello, ladies!
It's about time that I join and be counted in the 4B army.
My regimen is going to change a bit since I now workout 5-6 days per week and have become bored with wigs but here is what I did during my first year:

  • Do a pre-treatment with coconut oil or a coconut oil based mix the night before I was going to shampoo.
  • Wash, condition, detangle, moisturize, seal, and cornrow my hair all on the same day. Always allow the hair to air dry.
  • Wear my wig for the week, remembering to mist my hair with a little water followed by a cream moisturizer and oil to seal. Then at the end of the week the process would start over again.
Sometimes I would do protein treatments or deep condition but I wasn't consistent with either of those steps.

My hair goal:
Right now I'm making my way to APL but my first major goal is BSL hair. That to me is the begins of long hair. My ultimate goal is TBL.

Starting and Current Pictures:
And now it's time for pictures. My last length check, two days ago, proved to be unsuccessful but I did get some ok photos of my braid-out which looked pretty good. :)
1st: Taken Dec 2009 - My hair after a trim back in the relaxed hair days.
2nd: Taken Dec 2, 2010 - A few weeks after my BC at NL.
3rd/4th: Taken Sep 11, 2011 - My day old braid-out.

Ravengirl ur reggie sounds almost exactly like mine except I use evoo to prepoo. And I detangle w the evoo and water before I shampoo. I plait instead of cornrow under my wigs bc I don't know how to. I need to learn tho bc as my hair gets thicker and longer its hard to get it to lay flat.

I'm tired of wigs too, even tho they've really helped my progress. I just recently tried twists which was time consuming. Not sure if they will be a staple style but def something I will do occassionally esp in the warm months.

I used to think apl would be long. But now I'm also thinking it may not really seem long til bsl.

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@Ravengirl ur reggie sounds almost exactly like mine except I use evoo to prepoo. And I detangle w the evoo and water before I shampoo. I plait instead of cornrow under my wigs bc I don't know how to. I need to learn tho bc as my hair gets thicker and longer its hard to get it to lay flat.

I'm tired of wigs too, even tho they've really helped my progress. I just recently tried twists which was time consuming. Not sure if they will be a staple style but def something I will do occassionally esp in the warm months.

I used to think apl would be long. But now I'm also thinking it may not really seem long til bsl.

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Looks like we are on the same wave length with keeping it simple. I did the braid-outs for almost a month before going back to wigs. It was fun to have a nice long break after a year plus of protective styling but the daily maintenance became too much.
I feel the same way about reaching APL compared to BSL. It will be great to reach but reaching BSL is a bigger deal to me. It would prove that my efforts were worth while.
Looks like we are on the same wave length with keeping it simple. I did the braid-outs for almost a month before going back to wigs. It was fun to have a nice long break after a year plus of protective styling but the daily maintenance became too much.
I feel the same way about reaching APL compared to BSL. It will be great to reach but reaching BSL is a bigger deal to me. It would prove that my efforts were worth while.

I've never been apl so it will def be a big deal for me, that's when I will feel like its all been worthwhile. But it just seems as I get closer to it, it doesn't feel as long as I thought it would so I'm thinking bsl is when it'll feel long. Plus I have layers so I think that's what makes it not feel like its long. Maybe I just have hair anorexia, lol.

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I think my hair is finally longer than its ever been before in my life! I'm close to apl, should make it end of this year. I'm sooo excited and feel I've finally found methods that work. I got most of my reggie from kimmaytube. Her hair is looser than mine but has other similar properties.

My hair was very close to this lenth about 11 yrs ago in high school when I was relaxed and growing out a bob haircut. It stayed that long for like one semester, I was getting flat wraps (w that wrap and tap setting lotion) and rarely put direct heat on it just wrapped it with a little hot six oil. And then flat irons and microbraids became popular and it was downhill frm there.

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How is everyone detangling? Before or after u shampoo? Wet, damp, in the shower, etc?

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:lick: HI! I guess I am part of the Army.

Been natural since 1998... ( when it wasn't so

I use:

For shampoo - Etae
For conditioners

Oyin Honey Hemp conditioner
Nature's Gate Original Conditioner

Lots of coconut oil
lots of Aloe vera Juice and Gel.

and Castor oil.

I usually braid it and go. Cornrows... or individual braids without extensions.

I always Detangle with my Denman.

That's it!

Hair is thriving!
let me enlist lol, currently past cbl heading for apl, ultimate goal is waist length, will add more later

ETA: So right now I am quite close to APL
I think I can graze it by my birthday by the end of december. My phone and camera are acting dumb so I can't get pics for a while, but soon guys! :)

I currently have in senegalese twists, they're up in a bun 'cos i'm paranoid about my ends even in extensions!

I'm cowashing 3 to 4 times a week, and i shampoo every 2 to 3 weeks.

My hair thrives in these twists, so I also joined the 2012 bootcamp challenge for the crown and glory method.

Let's do this!!
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I BCed last weekend so I can finally join :grin: My ultimate goal is MBL..........or maybe WL. :lachen: I am using braids with extensions as my low-mani, protective style. It works for me, esp with my regular gym attendance. I have never been past SL so I am excited to see how far this 'fro can go!
hope everyone is still one this and are achieving their goals. Ive never been past cbl/sl and would just be happy with any healthy growth lol cant wait!
How is everyone detangling? Before or after u shampoo? Wet, damp, in the shower, etc?

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It depends on how tangled my hair is. If it is super tangled (which almost never happens) I will lightly detangle before I wash my hair with a wide tooth comb. Usually, I just detangle in the shower after shampooing with lots of conditioner in my hair. Or right out of the shower with moisturizer and oil in my hair. I always detangle my hair when it is damp and lubricated with some form of product with my fingers and comb (and sometimes modified Denman D31.)

hope everyone is still one this and are achieving their goals. Ive never been past cbl/sl and would just be happy with any healthy growth lol cant wait!
Hi, mallysmommy! :wave: Don't think I have seen you around here before. Just wanted to say hello and welcome to the board first. I can personally say that you came to the right place to learn about haircare. :) I also struggled with growing my hair so it can be challenging at first but trust and believe that you will see results once you figure out what works for you. Good luck!
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I am a 4b and completely new to this whole transition (about a month). Prior to that, I was wearing my hair loose and it was very dry. In 2009 I had it cut in a Halle Berry-esque style and it is now at collar bone length. I feel that if it has grown a basic amount while being cared for somewhat properly (as well as stretching relaxers for unnecesarily long amounts of time), yet worn dry and loose, it will benefit from this whole process. My transition started with me searching ways to grow my hair longer on the web. The result has been astounding for me...all of the information has been overwhelming! But I have learned a lot and have completely transformed the texture and maintence of my hair in the past 30 days due to moisure, sealing, nightly baggying and keeping the manipulation low (this was the hardest because I'm a combed-straight, relaxed, flat-ironed kind of girl...WAS). I actually discovered many of you beautiful ladies on this exact forum with long, beautiful waves and I was hooked. I am now committed to transitioning to be 100% natural, with my last relaxer having been October of this year. I am ready to be in your army!
Now this is where I have a very important question:
In one of these threads, I saw a comment where a girl with beautifully transitioning hair stated that length was her main concern, health second. I feel that way, which is why I refuse to cut the length...however I am concerned about the way it will look after a few months. I'm not sure how I'll feel about having 12-14 inches of relaxed hair beneath the natural hair. Does anyone recommend this, or have any tips/pics?