November 11,12,13....What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans??


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Hey Divas! TGI (almost) Friday!:lol: And for Government Workers a nice 3 Day Weekend.:grin:

Unfortunately, that doesn't include me.:nono:

What are you doing to nuture & nourish your hair this weekend? Here's what I'm doing:

Cowash with Camille Rose Jansyn Moisture Max Conditioner
Quick Nexxus Emergencee under dryer no plastic cap
Steam with Christine Gant's Babbasu DC'er
Black Tea Rinse
Apply Leave-In & Dry under dryer

So how about you?
Protein DC with Silk Dreams Shea What! or Hydratherma Naturals Protein DC
Shampoo with CON
Tea rinse with black tea/nettle/burdock root/yarrow
Moisture DC with Enso Naturals Cacao Curl recovery and hempseed oil
Got a wedding in Miami this weekend so I will be wearing it out and down. I plan to prepoo with EVCO under the dryer...DC and blow dry and flat iron...would rather go low maintenance but gotta look fab for this wedding!

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I have some oil in my head right now that I will wash out in the morning.

Aphogee 2 minute treatment
DC with Joico Moisture Balm
Roller set then wrap it up for the week
i know i'm a day early...


i washed my hair with ao white camellia shampoo (which i'm going to use up)
i'm dc'ing with ao gpb...hoping for good results

i was really just annoyed with my hair do...ive been wearing the same hairdo for a lonnnnnng time. not that SAME one as in i havent redone it...just the same type of style and it bores me i'm gonna do something different or TRY to anyway.
pre-poo with oils ( olive, meadowfoam, kukui) molasses, aloe vera gel, fenugreek,coconut milk,and hsr under dryer for an hour
washing my hair with giovanni 50/50 poo
condish with gbp
detangle with db leave-in
layer with ic gel and do twistout
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Rollersetting in preparation for flat iron and trim
Currently sitting under inflatable dryer:)
I plan on doing my first braidout tomorrow, i might try a wash n go and i will also be using Eco-Styler Olive oil Gel for the first time so i hope i get it all right. I'll post pics....well hopefully
I probably won't do anything to my hair this week beyond moisturizing and sealing. Might go wig shopping since it's now officially wig season. Yay!
I'll be on travel next week so this weekend's regi must be on point, no exceptions
I just touched u my color. So tonight its blow-dry and flatiron in prepartion for a trim tomorrow. I'm just touching bsl but my ends are in desperate need of a trim.
Prepoo Saturday morning,wash with a moisturizing poo,dc overnight and all day Sunday then heavy moisturize,seal heavy and rebun with my phony bun..waiting for 2012 so I can cornrow it back up and wig it.
I henna'd last Tuesday... Tried to brighten the red color a bit more by mixing it with hibiscus tea since I darkened my hair by mixing my henna with coffee a few weeks ago. (pretty color but a little dark) It didn't brighten as much as I wanted, so I'm doing a hibiscus tea rinse after I co-wash and dc. Thinking of adding lemon to my tea to help brighten.
Testing out products, so I will co-wash with CJ Daily Fix tomorrow, DC with Deep Fix (I think). Saturday pre-poo w/ Mozeke carrot proten mask, co-wash with avocado cleanser. Trim & braid.
I'm overdue for a protein treatment, but my first priority now is to combat my dry dry hair. Chicoro's newsletter hit my inbox just in time, so I will be doing my first pre-poo ever on Saturday following her recommendations (Aloe vera juice and fav oil - wheat germ or JBCO for me, then EVCO). Cover with shower cap for 1 hr, then shampoo, DC under steam and a rollerset.

I might squeeze in an Aphogee keratin 2-minute after shampoo.
I had my hair in twists this week. Tomorrow I'll untwist and wear a twistout to the events I'm attending then come home and wash/DC braid up to air dry. Sunday I will flat iron and wear it straight for the week.
Last night, I...

Cowashed with Marie Dean Illipe 3-In-1 Conditioner

Sprayed on a mix of water/glycerin/hemp oil, then moisturized with Qhemet AOHC & AHTB.

Baggied for the night. :spinning:
Today I plan to attempt to flatiron my hair myself :antlers: for the first time in a lonngg time...
I put my oil mix on my scalp this morning and Vatika frosting on the length of my hair for 2 1/2 hours (the last 20 mins w/ heat)
I shampooed w/ Aveda Dry Remedy Moisturizing Shampoo
Then I put Aphogee 2 Min Reconst. on my hair and I'm sitting under the dryer for 6 or 7 mins
Then I plan to rinse out and then DC with AOHSR mixed with DB Pumpkin Seed Condish and peppermint oil for 3 hours (the last 20 mins will be with heat)
Then i will rinse out with cool water then put Aveda Smooth Infusion Style Prep on my hair then follow up with Aveda Smooth Infusion Glossing Straightener and blow dry in small sections.
Then I will flatiron and do a silk wrap.
Itgirl what I do is divide up the hair in sections. Spray the roots of each section with diluted shampoo, rub your scalp. let the foam run down the length of hair in that section. Rinse out under the shower. I DC doing the same thing except I don't spray the DC directly onto my scalp. I use a microfibre towel, wrap my head turban style and let it air dry 80 %. Do my M&S. And tie down with a satin scarf until fully dry. HTH!