December 2,3,4...What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans???

IDareT'sHair gurrrlllllll, it was ON and POPPIN' last night! VIP was the, drinks was flowing, food was nice, and music was grooving. My waistline got quite the workout. :giggle: Plus I was looking hot if I do say so myself. :lachen:

Problem is now.....the humidity and the umm waistline activity:look:, meant that I sweated out my twist-out. SO now my hair looks like a HAM. And I have lunch with my parents at an upscale restaurant in an hr......I have no idea what to do. :ohwell:
I just texlaxed my hair with Affirm mild Creme (lye) Relaxer and is now sittting with KeraCare Humecto Conditioner for about 30 minutes under my dryer.

I need to give my myself a henna and indigo color as well but I may save that for next weekend - a little closer to Christmas because of my grays.

My gray hairs are growing in a little faster because of my vitamin regimen I think, so I don't want to color it too soon. I'm a Spa Therapist so I will not have time to color it any other time until after the New Year. I will be working 14-16 hour days and will only have time to :sleep: after I get off work.
On Thanksgiving my cousin gave me a BANGING flat iron/blow out, and I kept it fresh until today, so YAY! That's the longest i've ever had a blow out last, and had I kept it up this weekend I could probably get another few days out of it! But my head is full of cones, and dying for a WASH!

Detangling now, to shampoo/ clarify, and DC for the rest of the day and night!

let's do it to it!
I did a pre-poo with Ojon restorative hair treatment over night. I did a shampoo today, pre-oiled my damp hair and applied a henna gloss.