Nothing in common?

I dated someone with NOTHING in common. It took about 2 dates and maybe 3 phonecalls to call it quits. I just didn't want to waste time.
Did yall have a good time together?...seems like I don't have much in common with anyone I date but I/we always have a good time.
Yup and he's out working hard for my valentines gift (I hope) as we speak.

I mean we do have the important things in common, like family values, morals, political affiliation and the sex but we do not have the same taste in music, I like to dance, I prefer him not to, I like to go out, he likes to stay in, he likes history channel, I like Biggest Looser, he likes to tell really long boring stories about his childhood, I don't like to listen, I like to spend me time alone, he prefers to be around me 24/7, I like to put dirty clothes in the laundry basket, he likes to put dirty clothes in the vicinity of the laundry basket, he likes to host dinner parties, I'd prefer not to meet his friends too often... ok, Imma stop before I start really thinking about it.

I've had more in common with other men but I prefer them as friends.
I do wish he was in to my music, that's the only thing I really miss.

I drag to concerts I like, people he's barely never listened to before, Al Green, Mavis Staples, Stevie Wonder ( if it's "new music" I'll go with a son) and, as a compromise, I bought tickets to a Pink Floyd concert once.
After going to the bathroom 3 times, I dragged him from our seats claiming that the encores were better viewed by the exit so we won't have to stand in line to leave the auditorium.
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I like to dance, I prefer him not to
he likes to tell really long boring stories about his childhood, I don't like to listen, I like to put dirty clothes in the laundry basket, he likes to put dirty clothes in the vicinity of the laundry basket
these made me laugh out loud
Depends on what you mean by "nothing in common."

My SO and I have the following things as different from each other as night and day: family background, career paths, education, intellectual interest, cultural background, the languages we speak, the food we like, generation/age, level of household cleanliness (i.e. "cleaning" is not on my priority list...ever), entertainment interests (this man cannot watch a DVD at home if you put a gun to his head), country mouse v. city mouse, etc.

But, we have in common the following values: kindness to everyone including strangers and enemies, loyalty, respect for hard work, "clean living"/life in the slow lane, keeping our promises/word, and strong ties to our families.

We've been together over 6 years.

ETA: I've realized that being so different means each of our strengths makes up for the other's weaknesses in a given area; we combine to form a powerful team in life.
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I did, and it was a disaster. :nono:

At first he pretended to like the things that I liked. Eventually he stopped faking and by that time I realized that he was not the man for me. :nono: Of course it took me a while to finally let him go.

We also didn't have anything in common when it came to values and family. He admitted early on in our relationship that him and his ex had had two abortions. That should have been a red flag for me (I'm not against others having abortions, but it's not for me). His family dynamics were also quite different from mine. For example, his dad didn't attend church regularly. Church is very important to my family. Should've also been another red flag. :nono: But I ignored them, and that was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I'm just grateful that I was able to get out of the relationship eventually with minimal damage.

That relationship was SUCH a waste of time. :rolleyes: