Not Washing Hair

Sorry to sound like a snob but that's absolutely foul! Could you seriously imagine not washing your hair for a year I'm just thinking about the times when it really funks up like in the summer time and when you workout or just everyday chores etc...maybe it's just me but I couldn't do it sorry.
Isis said:
What's the D Weting method Happylocks? What do you mean by doing half and half, do you mean not washing for half the time?

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lol sorry, DW(Daily Washing), when I first was apart of that Thread about Daily Washing, I though it was washing daily, or just weting ur hair daily, the thread was confusing too me, but I do DW( Daily Weting) No Conditioner No Poo, just wet my hair in the shower(Wash with CW 1x a week ), Am doing that for the summer, But I dont know what works for helping growth and my hair, So I will test both Weting my hair daily, then change over, wet less, maybe every 2 weeks, without weting or washing, thats what am considering
Anybody use wheatgerm and olive oil regularly?
I read about their use together for restimulating follicles. And it imediately triggered my memory of this thread. I dont think I would go that long without washing, but I could do a modified version of it with at least monthly shampoos.
What do yall think?
carmella25 said:
I know of a woman how only wash hair hair once a year. She used olive oil for three months, then wheat germ oil for 3 months, and the vitamin e oil for 3 months, and the she would start the routine all over again. She grew her hair to hair brastrap in a year.

I end up putting extensions in hair hair one day and after i was done my hand were black like charcoal.

that is really gross! I bet her hair smelled and was really, super nasty! I went for 2 weeks w/ out washing mine, not even a co wash inbetween and my hair was so yucky! NEVER AGAIN!
I' sure that -ish did stank, but I aint tryna do all of dat thur!!! :lachen:
Really? Your hair starts to be ichy after 2 weeks? I used to only get my hair washed once a month when I was a little girl and it was the thickest, strongest and longest then.
I've since then spoiled myself and usually wash 2x's a just feels so good.
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diamoness said:
hReally? Your hair starts to be ichy after 2 weeks? I used to only get my hair washed once a month when I was a little girl and it was the thickest, strongest and longest then.
I've since then spoiled myself and usually wash 2x's a just feels so good.

I have to wash 2x's a week, if I don't my hair will smell :ohwell:
Yeah, I don't think I will EVER attempt that. I don't care if my hair grows to my ankles! I can smell myself when I go longer than three days without washing (or at least CW).

The fact is that people shed dead skin cells everywhere, including the scalp. Can you imagine how much dead skin cells would build up on your scalp, then imagine all that oil on top. The dead skin, sweat, and other biological stuff would start to rot...I'm getting nauseated just thinking about it.

aileendq said:
Yeah, I don't think I will EVER attempt that. I don't care if my hair grows to my ankles! I can smell myself when I go longer than three days without washing (or at least CW).

The fact is that people shed dead skin cells everywhere, including the scalp. Can you imagine how much dead skin cells would build up on your scalp, then imagine all that oil on top. The dead skin, sweat, and other biological stuff would start to rot...I'm getting nauseated just thinking about it.


EEEEWWWW!!! ROTFL!!! :lachen:

OMG...I can't even imagine not washing my hair for a whole year. EWW. I bet her hair stunk to high heaven! Even if it didn't....just KNOWING personally that I didn't wash my hair for a whole year would be an atrocious thought! Why would I even tell someone this?

It's like if someone didn't take a shower or a bath for a whole year. Ummm...gross!! :eek: That is so nasty!

I remember waaay back when during my pre-LHCF days, I would only get my hair washed when I would get a relaxer every 6-8 weeks (I know....nasty right?). And in between that time, when I WOULD wet my hair to slick the edges down with hair grease and a brush (man...what on EARTH was I thinking?? :confused: ) I noticed that my hair would STINK!! :( So if my hair stunk at just waiting 6-8 weeks without washing my hair, I can only imagine what that woman's hair smelled like after not washing for a whole YEAR! :eek: :eek:

I now wash every 3-4 days, and don't regret it one bit. :) :)
An old relative of mine had a disability and was totally blind. She never washed her hair as in shower, shampoo or over a sink or anything. She was about 87 when she died and had waistlength thick wavy hair which she combed and brushed everyday. And on occasion, she would let me brush it, when I was just a youngun. When she was bathed, once a week she would allow someone to wipe her scalp down with a soapy face coth, and then wipe it with a rinsing cloth but because she suffered from vertigo, which means she was constantly losing her balance and had a very bad fear of falling, she could not bend forward or lean backward without falling over and being frail it would have broken her bones. Every day in the morning first thing she would sponge bath from head to foot by herself sitting on the edge of her bed as you had to bring her water and soap and cloth to her and place it so that she could "arrange herself". She had been in this state for about 50 years. (blind). Her hair was gleaming silver in color from root to end and about a 2ab. (part Cherokee)with thick thick rippling waves. She did not use any products on her hair at all. I guess the natural oils just took over. She was dark toffee colored, her face was barely lined and her silver hair was absolutely striking. Her hair never knotted or tangled and she definitely did not look mangy nor did she have dandruff, nor did she ever have her hair trimmed. Just wore it in a crown or 2 braids everyday. She would brush it thorughly from root to tip every single day and rebraid it. Her hair was not greasy nor did it leave my hands black. She smelled like lye soap. See back in her time, her people did not use store bought shampoos and conditioners and she had a lot of the native ways and so herbs and things were a part of the cleansing process. Plus, Homemade lye soap was the order of the day. Also she had been known as a real beauty and would tell me that when she would ride in the wagon with her daddy as a young girl, folks would say there goes the prettiest girl in Oklahoma but that she was a good woman and did not tolerate any nonsense or pay the men no mind. She had been widowed and was cared for by the family. She said once she got ill and went blind, her hair was shorter than when she was a young woman. So I try not to be too judgemental and I do not judge everything by the European standards or by the new found standards of a lot of our people who did not not use to shampoo frequently in this country either. Now this poor ole soul did not have a choice, but I do not think I could go longer than 3 months max for the cause of long hair but I have not tried that as yet. Bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
An old relative of mine had a disability and was totally blind. She never washed her hair as in shower, shampoo or over a sink or anything. She was about 87 when she died and had waistlength thick wavy hair which she combed and brushed everyday. And on occasion, she would let me brush it, when I was just a youngun. When she was bathed, once a week she would allow someone to wipe her scalp down with a soapy face coth, and then wipe it with a rinsing cloth but because she suffered from vertigo, which means she was constantly losing her balance and had a very bad fear of falling, she could not bend forward or lean backward without falling over and being frail it would have broken her bones. Every day in the morning first thing she would sponge bath from head to foot by herself sitting on the edge of her bed as you had to bring her water and soap and cloth to her and place it so that she could "arrange herself". She had been in this state for about 50 years. (blind). Her hair was gleaming silver in color from root to end and about a 2ab. (part Cherokee)with thick thick rippling waves. She did not use any products on her hair at all. I guess the natural oils just took over. She was dark toffee colored, her face was barely lined and her silver hair was absolutely striking. Her hair never knotted or tangled and she definitely did not look mangy nor did she have dandruff, nor did she ever have her hair trimmed. Just wore it in a crown or 2 braids everyday. She would brush it thorughly from root to tip every single day and rebraid it. Her hair was not greasy nor did it leave my hands black. She smelled like lye soap. See back in her time, her people did not use store bought shampoos and conditioners and she had a lot of the native ways and so herbs and things were a part of the cleansing process. Plus, Homemade lye soap was the order of the day. Also she had been known as a real beauty and would tell me that when she would ride in the wagon with her daddy as a young girl, folks would say there goes the prettiest girl in Oklahoma but that she was a good woman and did not tolerate any nonsense or pay the men no mind. She had been widowed and was cared for by the family. She said once she got ill and went blind, her hair was shorter than when she was a young woman. So I try not to be too judgemental and I do not judge everything by the European standards or by the new found standards of a lot of our people who did not not use to shampoo frequently in this country either. Now this poor ole soul did not have a choice, but I do not think I could go longer than 3 months max for the cause of long hair but I have not tried that as yet. Bonjour

What an intriguing story. Thanks for sharing that.
was she rinsing her hair? I think I could go a year w/o washing if I rinsed my hair clear. What do you think? Would it be as gross?
I have gone months without washing my hair and it has never stunk. I didn't wash my hair from January to March this year and my hair was fine. I just don't wash a lot. I wet my hair every day too and when I do wash I usually use Elucence with a little lemon juice added. My hair has never stopped growing from this.
Okay when I was younger I hardly ever got my hari washed. I hated gettig ti washed. My hair was waist length and it would tangel so badly! My mom says it never stank. It woudl smell like outdoors but it wa snever pungent. Ive gone months without washing my hair. When I was relaxed I would wash every 2 months or longer. My hair still grew. I only wash so often now because of a prescription from my doctor. Otherwise Id wash less often. Washing dries my hair and scalp out. I could never wash my hair every day.

Also I used to braid hair quite often and 2 of my male clients who had the longest hair (not mixed or anythign but staright up 4a/4b hair one down to his butt and the other to his lower back ~they were not related~) washed thier hair very infrequently. One washed every 3 motnhs when the seasons changed adn the other twice a year. The twice a year one's hair did not stink and he didnt have dandruff. It was kinda icky and greasy but he had more hair than I did so what coudl I say? The other one... Yea his hair stunk. He played basketball and said shampoo made hsi hair feel like straw. But he didnt have dandruff and he did nt have greasy hair. So once again what coudl I say? My grandmotehr has sever arthiritis and cant wash her own hair anymore btu even when she could she only washed every once in a while and soem of you have seen her waist length hair Maybe it has more to do with the fact that she wears her hair in a bun 99.9% of the time and she doesnt use heat or relaxers.

Im not saying it works for everyone btu fro some peopel it does.
WoW! this is something I could never do...I love to keep my hair smelling and looking fresh...I can't even go a whole week without shampooing my scalp...if I scalp would itch like crazy and as for the smell...:barf:
I can't imagine ever doing this. Longest I've ever went w/o washing my hair was 2-3 weeks. My hair absorbs odors easily, and when the wind blew through it....WHEW!! :lachen:

O/T--your hair is beautiful! That's a great amount of growth for a little over a year. What's your regimen? :)

Lady_Lioness said:
WoW! this is something I could never do...I love to keep my hair smelling and looking fresh...I can't even go a whole week without shampooing my scalp...if I scalp would itch like crazy and as for the smell...:barf:
bklynwildheart said:
I can't imagine ever doing this. Longest I've ever went w/o washing my hair was 2-3 weeks. My hair absorbs odors easily, and when the wind blew through it....WHEW!! :lachen:

O/T--your hair is beautiful! That's a great amount of growth for a little over a year. What's your regimen? :)
Thanx bklynwildheart!!!

I'll PM you my regimen so that I won't be hi-jacking this thread.
I'm in a warm climate, so I really don't think I could do that. In fact, I know I couldn't do that. I get a lot of direct sunlight on my hair. It just wouldn't work for me.
Oh man, I would probably scratch all my hair out if i went a year without washing my hair. I have gone 1 month and that wasn't that bad. My scalp was iching kinda bad though. I just like having a clean scalp. When my mother was younger she just had her hair pressed and washed once and month it was almost to her waist. She had 4a/b hair at the time.
You know what? I'm going to try this not washing. No, I'm not going to wait a year to wash... I will probably wait at least every 2-4 weeks or at most 2 months. My hair is stronger from not washing my hair often.
I can't even front, I just washed my hair tonight after waiting a month, lol. My life has been crazy hectic as of lately and my hair is actually growing better now that I have stopped washing frequently.
I used to do that was "once a month" thing too when I was young --that's b/c my mom would only feel like washing/pressing my hair that frequently; I had such thick, long hair then! I'll do a wash once -a-month challenge with you and anyone else that wants to. Just let me know when to start. I'm relaxed, and right now I'm cutting back to every 2 weeks and am getting much more growth & length retained already. My hair smells great :)
I think that not washing hair for one month, even two or three is quite different from not washing your hair for a year. It works because you're not manipulating the hair. When I used to wear braids and weaves, I wouldn't wash my hair for 6 - 8 weeks at a time. [I did use seabreeze and commercial scalp cleaners and gently rubbed my scalp with a cloth, however]

But a year? Don't we also want to smell good? By hygenic? How can these people particiapte in life w/out pissing people off? How do they get intimate with their husbands? How do they ride the subway without offending people? How do you work out without clearing the gym?

I don't think it's sound advice and I sometimes question just how far people are willing to go in their quest for longer hair. :confused: Not judging, just commenting.
Hey Lady Lioness, could you PM me your regimen too? I'm just starting my hair journey, it would be wonderful to be where you are in a year or so.
Although I feel pretty much the same way about this as I did 3 years ago, I can see how this works for some people. If I were to ever do something like this (highly unlikely), it would require that I rinse my hair clear w/water everyday or every other day...I'll itch like a madman! I would "wash" every month with diluted shampoo. I think the "magic" of this regimen is that the hair is not being manipulated too much. When I leave my hair alone (protective styles) it grows.
:lachen: This is one of the nastiest things I've ever heard in the quest to grow longer hair:eek: GROSS!

But kudos to anyone who has the courage to do this for a full year:)
Mahalialee4 said:
An old relative of mine had a disability and was totally blind. She never washed her hair as in shower, shampoo or over a sink or anything. She was about 87 when she died and had waistlength thick wavy hair which she combed and brushed everyday. And on occasion, she would let me brush it, when I was just a youngun. When she was bathed, once a week she would allow someone to wipe her scalp down with a soapy face coth, and then wipe it with a rinsing cloth but because she suffered from vertigo, which means she was constantly losing her balance and had a very bad fear of falling, she could not bend forward or lean backward without falling over and being frail it would have broken her bones. Every day in the morning first thing she would sponge bath from head to foot by herself sitting on the edge of her bed as you had to bring her water and soap and cloth to her and place it so that she could "arrange herself". She had been in this state for about 50 years. (blind). Her hair was gleaming silver in color from root to end and about a 2ab. (part Cherokee)with thick thick rippling waves. She did not use any products on her hair at all. I guess the natural oils just took over. She was dark toffee colored, her face was barely lined and her silver hair was absolutely striking. Her hair never knotted or tangled and she definitely did not look mangy nor did she have dandruff, nor did she ever have her hair trimmed. Just wore it in a crown or 2 braids everyday. She would brush it thorughly from root to tip every single day and rebraid it. Her hair was not greasy nor did it leave my hands black. She smelled like lye soap. See back in her time, her people did not use store bought shampoos and conditioners and she had a lot of the native ways and so herbs and things were a part of the cleansing process. Plus, Homemade lye soap was the order of the day. Also she had been known as a real beauty and would tell me that when she would ride in the wagon with her daddy as a young girl, folks would say there goes the prettiest girl in Oklahoma but that she was a good woman and did not tolerate any nonsense or pay the men no mind. She had been widowed and was cared for by the family. She said once she got ill and went blind, her hair was shorter than when she was a young woman. So I try not to be too judgemental and I do not judge everything by the European standards or by the new found standards of a lot of our people who did not not use to shampoo frequently in this country either. Now this poor ole soul did not have a choice, but I do not think I could go longer than 3 months max for the cause of long hair but I have not tried that as yet. Bonjour

Thank you for sharing this story, my grandmother used to make her own lye soap also. Your relative is different from this other lady though. Your relative kept her scalp and hair clean by washing her scalp with the cloth and cleansing her scalp daily. The other lady did not clean her hair at all and added oils on top of that. Even with her disabilities your relative still had good hygiene habits. God Bless:)