Not Washing Hair

u know what, u can get half the growth if u do for half a year
jk, really but once it grow out and get waist lenght u can start washing it whenever u want, that one way I see it, I think all it seem that she used were things rich with Vitamin E, olive and wheatgrem oil all have E
It is simply amazing, what people are prepared to do to grow their hair long. Only a two years ago, someone was telling me that I wash my hair too often, because I will wash out my natural oils, however her sister commented how strong my hair is. Still people believe that less washing is better for your hair.
lillian743 said:
Where can I find out more info on this lady?
Does she have a web site?

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No she doesnt have a website. She said that her herbalist told her this method. Her hair is really pretty though. She says that she hasnt done it in awhile. I talk to here occasionally on the phone.
Ohh Ok, Well I guess it was a good thing to do since you said her hair is really prettty. Hmmm I kind of want to try it now.
But I dont wanna stink.
Oh o.k I am glad her hair grew but my hair itches alot when it is dirty, so I don't think that I will be trying that anytime soon.
actually, my auntie does that but her hair doesnt smell. she simply washes her hair, presses it and leaves her hair in 1-2 long braids. she combs and rebraids her hair regularly but doesnt wash it for a good year.she doesnt add anymore oil to it though.her hair never smells. her hair is past her waist. she has like 2c/3a hair though.
jasmine said:
actually, my auntie does that but her hair doesnt smell. she simply washes her hair, presses it and leaves her hair in 1-2 long braids. she combs and rebraids her hair regularly but doesnt wash it for a good year.she doesnt add anymore oil to it though.her hair never smells. her hair is past her waist. she has like 2c/3a hair though.

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Well, she certainly saves a lot of money on hair products like shampoo and conditioners!! So does this mean moisture isn't necessary after all for increased hair growth? Or does it mean that washing is too much manipulation? Is not washing the hair similar to wearing protective styles?
I have a cousin who said she has done this for several months to grow her relaxed hair very long, quickly. She said it works because you don't mess with it. And her hair was so long and beautiful, past her bra strap within a few months when it was originally cut to earlobe length. I would think my hair would fall out if I ever did this, but maybe it won't. Maybe over time it gets preserved. It is interesting.

Maybe someone can start a "Not Washing Hair" challenge just to see what happens.
I can see how someeone's hair might do better with less washing/stripping. a year is to the total extreme with it though lol
I think u should just try the oils, and not the lack of washing, u can wash , all the oils r have V E, that could be something important,
lillian743 said:
I know NOT washing your hair is nasty but it helped her grow some hair.

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Same thing with my friend. She's told me of times she only washed it once that month (she's relaxed). Her hair is growing so long too.

I am willing to bet that anyone who doesn't wash their hair's length is only pronounced because of the weight of the scum and grime on the hair reduces shrinkage and hides the split ends that you would normally chop off. There are more important things to me than length when it comes to my hair, such as hair strength, shine, softness, and CLEANLINESS.
cardinalfire said:
I am willing to bet that anyone who doesn't wash their hair's length is only pronounced because of the weight of the scum and grime on the hair reduces shrinkage and hides the split ends that you would normally chop off.

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In my friend's case, nah. She barely had any hair in high school, then she got frustrated and went on a mission to start growing her hair. I wish I had a B&A of her head, because it looks good. But, she also doesn't get things like dandruff that I get. So, I have no choice but to wash once and twice a week.
Dose anyone know the actual method of using the oils? I mean are the oils used on the scalp as well as the hair and how often, etc. I would like to try it but I am not so sure about that not washing for one year thing? Actually I have been thinking about washing my hair less because mhair is quite fine and I tend to lose hair when I wash it regardless of how careful I am with it. But I have begun washing my hair twice a wekk since I joined this board and have gotten quite use to it. So I wonder h ow my hair will respond to this. But one thing I do have going for me is that I do not get dandruff.

But I would really like to know bauot the actual method with this not washing hair thing.
OK i think we all know someone who can do any and everything and still have a head full of beautiful hair.

For anyone tempted to try this ah "method" just remember that when you head starts to itch really badly in say oh month three or four, that's not a growth spurt itch, that's little thingies crawling, living and making a home on your scalp! Perhaps you can incorporate the oils into your regime another way. Personally I can't see how smothering your hair follicle will increase growth but there's an exception or two to every rule.
If that method works for others that's beautiful! But this is not for me
, I like my hair clean every 3 or 4 days.
Maybe that's why some homeless peoples' hair grows pretty long...they don't wash it but it looks SO GROSS!!!
When I was relaxed I only washed my hair once a month. Several times I only washed my hair on the day my mother gave me my relaxers (about every three months). I had a lot of hair. When I began doing my hair myself, I washed my hair once a week and didn't notice any huge difference except that my hair was cleaner and had a lot more body to it.

I couldn't imagine not washing my natural hair every 1-2 weeks. It's itchy right now and I'm trying to hold out until later on in the evening to wash it.
I dont know if enought ppl have tried the method of D Weting too see if really works, am really not sure, but I know I cant got longer then about a month, I did try this method, when I 1st heard about it before I came here, I really do think Wheatgerm really helps the hair, I am using it right now, alone for my Stinky Challenge, I really think its great, Ppl can do what works for them, but for the summer I think I will do half/ and half, cause I would really like to know which works for me, thanks
What's the D Weting method Happylocks? What do you mean by doing half and half, do you mean not washing for half the time?