Not a "why" Question but a "what am i supposed to say" Question...


Well-Known Member
Ok, almost every single man I have ever spoken to in my entire life has asked the question....."sooo what made you talk to me/give me your number/go out with me?"

What do they want me to say? It always feels awkward and it's not like we've known each other and you're reminiscing about the first time we saw each other dude I don't know you like that....You were cool and I found you attractive and possibly someone I would like to get to know better fool.

Also, what do you do when the guy you're seeing plays sports and wants you to come to his games??? I always felt weird about this because I never wanted to see a guy lose. What do you do when/if he loses? What do you say? How do you act?

These may sound like dumb questions but it's confusing....
“You were cool and I found you attractive and possibly someone I would like to get to know better.” – this was a very good response.

Also, what do you do when the guy you're seeing plays sports and wants you to come to his games??? – I would go to show support.

What do you do when/if he loses? What do you say? How do you act? – I would say that was a good game, you played well. What else can you say? He’s an adult, he should know about good vs. bad sportsmanship. Come to think of it this may not be a bad idea to see him react to defeat.
It sounds to me like they are fishing for compliments.

I would respond but with a spin like..."I thought you were cool and kinda cute, but the real question is what made you approach me/ask for my number/ask me out?"

Regarding going to the sports games...many men want to try and show off for a woman that they are interested in. Going to his game gives you a chance to see just how fast, strong, and agile he is even if the team loses. He also wants to see how you handle being his cheerleader.
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Ok, almost every single man I have ever spoken to in my entire life has asked the question....."sooo what made you talk to me/give me your number/go out with me?"

What do they want me to say? It always feels awkward and it's not like we've known each other and you're reminiscing about the first time we saw each other dude I don't know you like that....You were cool and I found you attractive and possibly someone I would like to get to know better fool.

Also, what do you do when the guy you're seeing plays sports and wants you to come to his games??? I always felt weird about this because I never wanted to see a guy lose. What do you do when/if he loses? What do you say? How do you act?

These may sound like dumb questions but it's confusing....

He's gauging your interest. He wants to know but it's better for him to wonder especially at the beginning. Men think logically and he knows you went out with him/gave the # because you were interested. Give a vague answer or turn it back on him playfully. Responses like, "You might find out one of these days" or SMILE and say "Tell me why you asked me out and I'll tell you if your reason matches mine."

Skirt around the question and use his own ammo against him for your own advantage. Knowing the full extent of a woman's interest can lead to a guy getting a bit too comfy too soon with you or make him lose interest even sometimes.

Hope This Helps
Terrific responses. Thanks ladies!!! I've always avoided going to their games because I knew they would want me to play the cheerleader role and that's so not my personality even though if I could make it believable I would definitely do it...

ETA: sooo now I guess I'm going to a game :look: Gotta find a cute outfit:grin:
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I would avoid answering that question..

With that said... If you can bring a friend or friends to the game it makes it easier.

If he loses... hug him. If he wins hug and kiss him! :grin:

I've been in the situation (many many times) and really... they don't want you to tell them that everything is alright if they lose. They just want you to tend to their wounds physically and emotionally and help prop em up for the next time which will hopefully be a victory.
I would avoid answering that question..

With that said... If you can bring a friend or friends to the game it makes it easier.

If he loses... hug him. If he wins hug and kiss him! :grin:

I've been in the situation (many many times) and really... they don't want you to tell them that everything is alright if they lose. They just want you to tend to their wounds physically and emotionally and help prop em up for the next time which will hopefully be a victory.

I can see a massage comin on:rolleyes: Maybe I'll ask him for one after his game :lol:
:lol: all I said was a hug possibly kiss!!! the guy seems like he's fishing a little bit but your date sounds like it could be fun! :yep:
:lol: all I said was a hug possibly kiss!!! the guy seems like he's fishing a little bit but your date sounds like it could be fun! :yep:

LOL! I think we both fishing for real.....Watching him play ball does not sound fun unless it's with me:lol:

I forgot I have gone to a game for someone else before it was a friendly game about 6 years ago on Thanksgiving it was cold and raining and I wasn't paying too much attention to the game. I was too busy going through the phone he asked me to hold. Made him lose concentration on the game trying to keep me away from his photo album:lachen: #nogoodnegro
LOL! I think we both fishing for real.....Watching him play ball does not sound fun unless it's with me:lol:

I forgot I have gone to a game for someone else before it was a friendly game about 6 years ago on Thanksgiving it was cold and raining and I wasn't paying too much attention to the game. I was too busy going through the phone he asked me to hold. Made him lose concentration on the game trying to keep me away from his photo album:lachen: #nogoodnegro

That is funny especially when you really are just trying to see what someone is about.

You're just trying to get to know them better - that's it - who knows whatcha gonna do once I find out more??

well if you go :look: at least you know he's into sports...