No shedding or splits?


Well-Known Member
My hair is only beginning to get healthy yet I don't have split ends at ALL! neither does my sister... I'm cool with that no complaints; but my hair doesn't seem to shed either (which I'm a little concerned by as I think I may have heard that shedding means your follices are active? or something?) I know what shedded hair looks like it has like a white bulb at the end right? My sister's hair sheds (when I took her weave out yesterday & combed through it all the hairs had the little white bulbs on) but mine doesn't; surely this is not normal... eta: I have breakage tho :ohwell:

Anyone else?
Girl I wish that was my problem. I just managed to get the breakage under control (sort of), but the shedding just will not stop. I guess its a good thing, but its still unnerving to comb thru your hair and have so much hair fall out.
br0wney3z said:
Girl I wish that was my problem. I just managed to get the breakage under control (sort of), but the shedding just will not stop. I guess its a good thing, but its still unnerving to comb thru your hair and have so much hair fall out.

lol... I wish that was my only problem, I'm sure I've heard excessive breakage could be due to new hair/ growth trying to get through *don't quote me on it though:lol: *

Happy about the lack of splits though :D ... could be my eyes though :look:
Girl, you are killing me with those orange letters! ;)

Anyway, I don't shed much on a day to day basis either. I see maybe 10 shed hairs if that.

But, I assume that my hair sheds more while I am shampooing and it gets washed down the drain. Also, I think I might shed hairs and just not see them fall or blow away in the wind.

We all shed to some degree, I'm sure.
HoneyDew said:
Girl, you are killing me with those orange letters! ;)

Anyway, I don't shed much on a day to day basis either. I see maybe 10 shed hairs if that.

But, I assume that my hair sheds more while I am shampooing and it gets washed down the drain. Also, I think I might shed hairs and just not see them fall or blow away in the wind.

We all shed to some degree, I'm sure.

Oh i'm sorry... I write in black from now on ;)

hmmm, I didn't think of that, it could all just be going down the drain, however I don't see any sheds when I comb/ style. I've not combed my hair in three days & I've just (as I'm typing now) combed thru the length of the hair... yet not sheds, unless I don't get the white blub thingy,

even my hair is weird :perplexed :look: :lol:
Like HoneyDew said, I don't shed much from day to day, but I see it when I wash. Between washes, I comb/style only with my fingers. On wash day, I usually wash in plaits (not when I cowash, though). I have a strainer on my shower drain to catch the hair, so I get to "see" it - it's kind of disturbing seeing that much hair, though!

That said, I don't think your hair is weird at all. Like you mentioned earlier, it might be in a resting phase. I have few, if any (that I can see anyway) splits too, but that's a good thing!
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preciousjewel76 said:
Like HoneyDew said, I don't shed much from day to day, but I see it when I wash. Between washes, I comb/style only with my fingers. On wash day, I usually wash in plaits (not when I cowash, though). I have a strainer on my shower drain to catch the hair, so I get to "see" it - it's kind of disturbing seeing that much hair, though!

That said, I don't think your hair is weird at all. Like you mentioned earlier, it might be in a resting phase.

Great idea!! I might have to give that a try!
HoneyDew said:
Great idea!! I might have to give that a try!

I kind of use the hair stuck in my strainer as a gauge as to how damaged it is. If I see a lot of hair, I know there's breakage, and I probably need a protein treatment. If there isn't so much hair (I've accepted that I'm always going to lose some during the wash/detangling process:look: ), I know my hair is doing well.
preciousjewel76 said:
I kind of use the hair stuck in my strainer as a gauge as to how damaged it is. If I see a lot of hair, I know there's breakage, and I probably need a protein treatment. If there isn't so much hair (I've accepted that I'm always going to lose some during the wash/detangling process:look: ), I know my hair is doing well.

That is a good way to gauge shedding/breakage. :think: