No Sex till marriage....okay, what about sexual compatibility?

Did you wait until you were married to have sex w/your current husband?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 83 69.2%

  • Total voters
My concern after all of these posts is the sister that had the initial question. Have you found the truth regarding this? Did you find the answer you needed? There is no defense for fornication in the life of a Beleiver. This subject should be closed.

As beleiver's His truth is all that matters. Not our opinion. Not what I "receive" or what makes my flesh tingle with agreement. His Word is clear. We have to ask ourselves why do we so readily receive the promises of God but have to be so heavily convinced of His law? Yes, He indeed loves us all but willfull sin has and always will separate us from God. Jer. 29 demonstrates how God who greatly loved and still loves Israel, had to turn them over to their enemy because of their disobedience. You'll read how He lovingly speaks to them of their restoration but that is after He tells them that they will be going to Babylon as captives for 70 years!!! It's like a parent who has to discipline their child ..."this hurts me more than it hurts you"...

He loved and still loves them but He's holy and there are consequences for making the wrong choice. That is why He leaves it plainly in His word so that we would make the right choice.

You don't need some deep revealtion from God when His word is clear on this subject. You just have to ask yourself , if you need scripture after scripture or you want to avoid this subject, is this the Will of God concerning you? Would the Holy Spiirt be leading you to "leave this alone"? No, only the enemy wants to deter you from the truth. Don't wait for your flesh to agree with this because it won't. The flesh will always war against the Spirit. If anyone prefers to continue in sin then that's fine. Really it is. Because God gives you a choice. Just understand what choice you are making. Understand when you accept this behaviour you are rejecting Him.
My concern after all of these posts is the sister that had the initial question. Have you found the truth regarding this? Did you find the answer you needed? There is no defense for fornication in the life of a Beleiver. This subject should be closed.

As beleiver's His truth is all that matters. Not our opinion. Not what I "receive" or what makes my flesh tingle with agreement. His Word is clear. We have to ask ourselves why do we so readily receive the promises of God but have to be so heavily convinced of His law? Yes, He indeed loves us all but willfull sin has and always will separate us from God. Jer. 29 demonstrates how God who greatly loved and still loves Israel, had to turn them over to their enemy because of their disobedience. You'll read how He lovingly speaks to them of their restoration but that is after He tells them that they will be going to Babylon as captives for 70 years!!! It's like a parent who has to discipline their child ..."this hurts me more than it hurts you"...

He loved and still loves them but He's holy and there are consequences for making the wrong choice. That is why He leaves it plainly in His word so that we would make the right choice.

You don't need some deep revealtion from God when His word is clear on this subject. You just have to ask yourself , if you need scripture after scripture or you want to avoid this subject, is this the Will of God concerning you? Would the Holy Spiirt be leading you to "leave this alone"? No, only the enemy wants to deter you from the truth. Don't wait for your flesh to agree with this because it won't. The flesh will always war against the Spirit. If anyone prefers to continue in sin then that's fine. Really it is. Because God gives you a choice. Just understand what choice you are making. Understand when you accept this behaviour you are rejecting Him.

Amen. Make it plain.
If two people truly love each, they will want to satisfy each other sexually. I have never heard of these sexual problems b/w couples who are 100% giving and loving to each other. Me and DH were akward at first, but he was willing to do and try anything to please me sexually. And I the same. Did your husband try to do things that pleased YOU sexually and not just himself?

re:the girl that got married who is misearble sexually
Same issue applies. Is her husband a God-fearing loving and giving man? Also, I find sometimes, due to poor information, women come to the marriage with hangups which affects their sexual experiece (i.e. mom says she never liked it, sex is more pleasurable for a man, its painful, its a chore, etc.). These hangups are not the husband's fault.

ETA: Either God is able or He's not. If this is the man God chose for you, and you went into this marriage prayed up, then you know everything will work out. When you get married outside the will of God, you are asking for trouble.
I think this quote sums it up best as far as sexual compatibility:

"You can't have expectations for something you are not suppose to know about"

Think about it.....

This conversation keeps coming up on Monnie’s blog and I thought it would be a good idea to do a free lesson about it. There seems to be a mindset that waiting for an established relationship before having sex is a bad idea. Their argument is that they want to know how the other person is in the sack before committing to that person. In other words, they want to try it before they buy it. While that is definitely a good plan when it comes to buying a car, it’s not so hot as it pertains to human relationships. For one thing, it seems odd to me that people are putting such a premium on good sex. Is good sex important? Most assuredly, but I think the best sex is a side-effect of a good relationship. Not the other way around.
My husband and I failed to wait until we were married and we were quite convicted by it, which is part of the reason why our wedding date moved up so quickly.

But here's what we have learned in our being out of order: we are now having to go back to square one to try to establish a "right idea" about sex. Here's what I mean: because we had perverted sex (both before we met and even while we were dating), we both had some guilt feelings attached with it. I felt shame about all the fornicating I'd done over the years and he felt shame about how he'd used women as objects over the years. So, it wasn't an issue about how good or bad the sex was, our biggest issue was dealing with these residual issues from our past. Imagine trying to have an intimate evening with your husband and you suddenly have a rush of guilt come over you out of nowhere. That can really mess up the mood!

I believe that any couple can have a fulfilling intimate life if they are both willing to be open, honest and patient with each to meet the others' needs. In my experience, it is far easier to "tweak" this area than it is to erase those memories (that can be real hindrances) from the past.