No Ring On It!


Well-Known Member
This weekend the family got together with some out of town guests. My aunt was speaking to this young man and asked if he had a girlfriend or wife. He told her he had a girlfriend he had been with for ten years and they lived together. She inquired if he would marry her and put a ring on it. He said he wasn't ready for that and it really wasn't his thing. She asked why after 10 years, a baby,and living together was he not ready. He asked if she wanted him to be honest and she shook her head. He told her straight out, "Because I'm already getting everything without having to put a ring on it!" Even though he said the girl wanted marriage. It goes to show you that these men do and don't do things because they do or don't want to. All I could think about was this woman is going to put in more years, hoping he comes around. I turned to my daughter and told her, that is why you NEVER settle!
Let me just add that this cat is lightweight lying. His REAL reason is that he's not that into her. Because if he were, he'd marry her, if only because he loves her and it's important to HER. The fact that he's not really checking for her feelings on this speaks VOLUMES. So this is even more reason for her to push on.
I know this chick in the same situation. Been living together for over 10 years, have 3 kids (or is it 4 now) together and he still hasn't proposed. I honestly don't think he ever will because we all know he settled for her. :rolleyes:
ITA with previous responses. He doesn't want to add the formality of marriage so that when the woman he wants to marry comes along he can just up and leave. He doesn't care about her or the children enough to make a commitment. It really bugs me when women shack up without an understanding and then claim they want marriage. I call shenanigans. If you wanted marriage you would require it not allow it to be an option.
Had an ex-friend who has been with her husband since 14. Got pregnant at 15, 17 and 19, still no ring. Finally she got married last year or the year before in her mid twenties. She said he never wanted to get married and neither did she but that was a lie. She wanted that ring badly and kept talking about marriage constantly.
He did because he doesn't respect his gf and obviously doesnt care whether she hears about it or not.

I could say she cant NOT know but denial and hope together are terrible things :nono:

this is the thing that bothers and worries a me. a man can be with you in every way and still hold these opinions of you that are extremely hurtful and disrespectful. says a lot about who they are as a person, and as women i think we often just underestimate how dirty/nasty/hateful men could really be. we dont want to think of them that way because most women could never hurt somebody they care about that way.
What about someone who is "engaged"? She got the ring and has been living with him for over 7 years. A wedding date was set for back in September of 2008 but never came to fruition.
I am trying to understand this. Personally I think this about the choices people make and what the other person in their life is willing to deal with. I am not pushing an agenda but, marriage is not an end all for everyone. Women have been giving birth to children out of wedlock since the beginning of time. And that is not about to change.
And why do folks get all up in other folk's business?
Am I missing something here? I am interested in what you have to say.