No measuring/journal challenge Update


New Member
Well, I know I'm a day late but I was wondering who was in the challenge in the first place. Today is the day we should measure how much hair we have now and how much hair we started out with. How thick and the health of the hair is. I started out with 9 inches of hair and my hair is about 11 inches without a relaxer because I am transitionig. It has gotten thicker and stronger.
I was in the challenge. The condition of my hair has improved after using HHIAB Oil , Moisturizing spray and ends treatment. I didn't even need to straighten my hair with the curling iron after using this stuff. It's not shedding as bad either.

I think that I have about 1 - 2.5 inches of new growth. It amount of NG varies. I tend to have more in some spots than others. Note, this is just a "visual" measurement.

Is this going to be an on-going challenge?

Ballet Bun ...
i was in that challenge but cant measure my hair at the mo coz i'm in braids so i decided to extend it to the end of feb when i take them out