No lye to lye


New Member
Have any of you switched from a no lye relaxer to a lye? I'm thinking of using a lye, but I've been using a no lye for 3 years now. For those of you who have switched, did you notice any ill effects? Thanks:)
I went from no-lye to lye, and I have definitely gained thickness as a result. The only problem is that for me, lye relaxers lend themselves much more to texlaxing than no-lye does.

I'm thinking of switching back to no-lye so that I can process to 80% because 50-60% is about as good as it gets for me with lye.
i switched this year, and my hair didnt break Its thicker, has more moisture, but... it starts to burn before i can actully get that bone straight look, i get more like 60% straight more of a texlaxed look.:ohwell: I like it though my hair is healthier and though not straight the curls are looser and easier to comb! So if you want the texurized look or you can get it done quickly and so your scalp isnt on fire, go for it!
AlexB7 said:
Does hair break when you switch?

I didn't experience any breakage. I think the switch was really beneficial for me. I had more under processing and dryness issues with no lye.
Burn to scalp{substitute beautician} from the no-lye to lye switch with my last touch-up but I do now prefer the LYE. My new growth has a 'lift' and a wavy pattern. My hair feels less dry also. I have had no hair loss from the switch. I have only had the one touch-up with the lye, so really cannot tell how my hair in total has benefited. The beautician did not overlap onto the older no-lye hair but shampoo assistant did not neutralize well. Next touch-up will be with my regular beautician with whom I never burned.
I used a lye relaxer for my last touch up and the results came out really good! One thing I did notice was that the no-lye hair is much drier than the lye part. I read "Beautiful Black Hair Care" by Shamboosie and he suggests doing a corrective relaxer over the no lye part with a lye relaxer. Anyone ever tried this?
oobrittany said:
I used a lye relaxer for my last touch up and the results came out really good! One thing I did notice was that the no-lye hair is much drier than the lye part. I read "Beautiful Black Hair Care" by Shamboosie and he suggests doing a corrective relaxer over the no lye part with a lye relaxer. Anyone ever tried this?

My hair was so underprocessed in alot of areas from no lye that earlier this year my beautician did a corrective on me with lye all the way to the ends. I didn't have any breakage or shedding what so ever from it.
I flip-flop all the time between lye and no lye. It just depends on what I see first in the BSS or what is cheaper. I have never had any ill effects of switching. I'm also not loyal to any brand, so if it really was bad to switch, I would prolly be bald right now:grin:
No ill effects at all for me. I actually like Lye much better. It doesn’t dry my hair out as much and it gets my hair straighter. I switched to Mizani lye after using Optimum no lye for years.
JazzyDez said:
No ill effects at all for me. I actually like Lye much better. It doesn’t dry my hair out as much and it gets my hair straighter. I switched to Mizani lye after using Optimum no lye for years.

I was thinking of using Mizani as well. I will be using this for my next touch up. Thanks!
oobrittany said:
I used a lye relaxer for my last touch up and the results came out really good! One thing I did notice was that the no-lye hair is much drier than the lye part. I read "Beautiful Black Hair Care" by Shamboosie and he suggests doing a corrective relaxer over the no lye part with a lye relaxer. Anyone ever tried this?

Hi Brittany,

I read Shamboosie's book also and I tried the corrective relaxer method he suggested. I think my hair has gotten a lot thicker and there was minimal shedding. The only thing is my hair isn't as straight as it was when I relaxed it with no-lye , but as long as my hair is healthy, I don't mind!
