No Lye Relaxed Ladies-Do you have thin hair?


Well-Known Member
I ask because I just looked back at my old photos with a no-lye relaxer and the hair seems much thinner than it is now with a lye relaxer. Although this lye relaxer has caused me so much trouble, i wonder if it has contriubted to the thickness of my hair at present. Seen as I have now gone back to no lye, I dont want it to become thinner than it is now. What are your thoughts?
I can't remember where I read this, but I have heard that Lye relaxers help to maintain your hair's thickness. I will do a search and return with my results.:D
NOPE! My no-lye relaxed hair is much thicker than my lye relaxed hair ever was. Forget the relaxer, I attribute that to me. :lol:
I have been using a no lye relaxer forever and as the years went by, I've noticed that my hair has become thinner and thinner. I wasn't exactly sure what it was from but now that you mention this, I'm like, hmmm.:confused:
I've only used a no-lye relaxer in my life. My hair became thicker when I started caring for my hair.
My hair was thicker when I used no-lye relaxers. When I started going to stylist to get my relaxers, she used Affirm lye. Soon after, I started having excessive shedding and dry itchy, flaky scalp. I never tied the 2 together until I stopped using lye relaxers.
deontaer said:
My hair was thicker when I used no-lye relaxers. When I started going to stylist to get my relaxers, she used Affirm lye. Soon after, I started having excessive shedding and dry itchy, flaky scalp. I never tied the 2 together until I stopped using lye relaxers.

Is it possible that she may have let the relaxer process for two long?
Isis said:
I've only used a no-lye relaxer in my life. My hair became thicker when I started caring for my hair.

Ditto! I used to do damaging things to my hair that accounted to it thinning out.
I don't necessarily have thin hair, but I do have fine hair with not too many strands. I think many people confuse the two. I have medium-dense hair that is very fine and soft, though I think [hope] that my hair is thickening a bit.

I'm still trying to figure out if the No Lye is causing hair to thin out over a long period. Ladies who say that they use No Lye, my question is for how long?

I've been using No Lye all my life and all my life, my hair has been fine and thinner than I would like.

It's still a mystery to me...
Serenity_Peace said:
Is it possible that she may have let the relaxer process for two long?

Hi Serenity,

No, she was very good and focused primarily on hair health. She never let it process too long - my scalp and hair just can't take lye relaxers. I always used to get no-lye up until 2000 and I never had a problem with itchy flaky scalp until I started using lye relaxers. I used lye for 6 years and I had the problem for the entire time. No matter how ofter I washed, my hair would flake like crazy and itch so bad it was unbarable at times. When I stopped using lye, my scalp healed and there's never a flake in sight and barely any itching at all.
ella said:
Nope my hair is superthick.In fact my lye relaxed hair is thinner then my no-lye hair.

Would you say that your lye relaxed hair is straighter than your no-lye hair?

Anyone else can answer this question as well.
I've never used lye relaxers, so I can only compare to my natural hair. My hair has been on a roller coaster as far as thickness, but it has become fuller over the last year. I'll never have extremely thick hair, my genes do not dictate that, but my hair is making a come back. I think the trick is not to relax bone straight and to be gentle with your hair. I've been brain-washed against lye relaxers all my life, and I'll prob. never try them (knowingly at least).