No Bounce!


Active Member
Hey ladies!

I need your help. My hair is finally just about shoulder length and I am trying to wear a wrap. It looks O.K., but I have absolutely no bounce! The first time, it was a big poof because I was afraid I would over moisturize and I definitely don't want to have the slick, greasy look. This time, I moisturized more and I don't look greasy. I even have the fullness I want. I just don't have any body, no swing, no bounce! What can I do to achieve a full, healthy, shiny, bouncy wrap?
What oils/serums are you using? Are you blowdrying? If so, w/what and how? What kind of flat iron are you using?
Lastly, (lol) what wrapping lotion/leave-in are you using?
Well, I washed and then I sprayed on some Motions Nourish and dabbed on a little Shea butter moisturizer. I used a little bit of a wrap lotion and I sat under the dryer. I can't remember the name of the wrap lotion because I had never used it before. It was Black something or other. Then, I flat ironed with a regular ConAir flat iron. Nothing fancy.
Whenever i want some added 'umpphh' to my hair, i do an invisible roller set which consists of rolling a section (not parted or anything, just grab a little bit of hair) around as if i was using a roller, and i pin the hair to my scalp. I do this all over. I then put a bonnet on my head and go to sleep (or do whatever needs to be done around the house). You can also spray a little 'lite' hold hairspray to keep the style longer. Once i remove my pins, my hair is full of extra bouncy curls.
Thanks CH. That sounds like a good idea.


My hair is definitely not bone straight. I was wondering if maybe the problem could be that my new growth needs to be straighter. I am only 5 weeks post relaxer, but my new growth is a little bushy.

My hair is just laying there. It's like a dead wrap on top of a ttwa.
It's full and shiny, but it doesn't move.
maybe you should try a roller set and then wrap. the roller set will give you that extra body that you want and the wrap will keep it smooth looking.
It could b that u r weighing ur hair down with products meaning that u use too much leave in or shea butter. Or maybe even the wrapping lotion. Try to use less and see if u notice a difference in ur hair
Ahhh. Maybe you should rollerset on those big purple rollers with only a setting lotion, and once you take the rollers out, just flat-iron the newgrowth only. A product that you're using may be weighing it down some too.
Co-signing w/everyone. That Shea Moisturizer may be too heavy for your hair, esp if you're putting it on while it's still wet. Rollersetting ALWAYS adds body/fullness.

I think you may be on to something when you talk about your new growth. Depending on your hair's texture, new growth can make you hair stick out and be a little more stiff than usual. Is there a way for you to blowdry your growth w/a comb attachment or do you not have a hand dryer?
Oh my! You guys are great!

Yes. I can blow dry my new growth. Thanks DD.

O.K. guys, so I am going to wash. Then I am going to rollerset my hair and flat iron it. Sounds good. When do I blow dry my new growth? Also, my hair is very very soft and it's rather fine. Will the setting lotion or wrapping lotion give it a little weight? I will need SOME weight or my hair will just be a fly away mess. Or will it?
DITTO rollerset first, then wrap. I am 4b relaxed and was never able to achieve bounce from a wet wrap -- my hair would dry straight, but on body/bounce. However, when I rollerset, dry and THEN wrap hair immediately after taking out rollers (the so-called doobie), my hair is absolutely fab!. BTW, the doobie really works better for me because my hair dries WAY faster in the roller sets than in the wet-wraps -- those wraps would take hours (sometimes days if I put too much leave-in!) to really dry . . .
I would blowdry after rollersetting (just the new growth). Also, a GOOD wrap lotion will add shine as well as a light hold/weight. What do you use as a heat protectant while you flat iron?
O.K. now I feel really stupid. Everyone is saying rollerset first an then wrap. Do you mean take the rollers out and then wrap my hair and sit under the dryer again? Or just take out the rollers and wrap my hair and tie it up for a while?
Dolce_Dawn said:
What do you use as a heat protectant while you flat iron?

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I usually don't use any heat on my hair, but I want to wear it down for the weekend. Can you recommend something? Also, can anyone recommend a good wrap/setting lotion? Are they two different things?
LOL... don't feel stupid. They mean rollerset, dry, take the curlers out, blowdry the new growth then wrap your dry hair. You may not even need to use a flat iron too much if you use the right lotion.
Dolce_Dawn said:
LOL... don't feel stupid. They mean rollerset, dry, take the curlers out, blowdry the new growth then wrap your dry hair. You may not even need to use a flat iron too much if you use the right lotion.

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O.K., thanks!
YOU DON"T USE A HEAT PROTECTANT WHILE YOU FLAT IRON????? You need a big spanking for that one!

Sweetie, (and I mean this w/love) don't ever do that again!

I use a serum (KeraCare Silken Seal): it gives great shine and makes your hair super soft! A lot of people use BioSilk (a thinner serum), Kemi Oil or a light pressing oil. If you have fine hair then I suggest something very light. Again, you don't want to weigh your hair down.
Oh, and I use Keracare setting lotion, Wrap N Tap (gives great shine!) or Elasta Qp Design Mousse (also gives tremendous shine!).

What I've seen hairdressers do is put big rollers in the hair and sit you under the dryer until you're dry.
Then they take the rollers out and wrap your hair and sit you back under the dryer for like 15 minutes, I guess to kill the extra curl while maintaining the bounce and fluffiness. HTH
Dolce_Dawn said:
Oh, and I use Keracare setting lotion, Wrap N Tap (gives great shine!) or Elasta Qp Design Mousse (also gives tremendous shine!).

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Thank you so much! This is a tremendous help. I will head to the bss right now! Oops I forgot. I'm at work. Guess I'll have to go later. One more question. How large should the rollers be?
LOL!!!!! Don't be scurred!!!!

If you use the right setting lotion and maybe a little leave-in, you may not need to flat iron. If you do end up flatironing then I would suggest a serum: Neutrogena Triple Moisture serum has gotten rave reviews. KeraCare and Biosilk are a little expensive for the casual user (since you say you don't really use heat). I would take my time, take little sectione of hair, apply the serum/oil and flat iron each section.

Serums are good to have for after-styling to. They add extra shine!

After all of this, you HAVE to tell us how your hair comes out!
Dolce_Dawn said:
After all of this, you HAVE to tell us how your hair comes out!

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I most definitely will.
Try the ready to use setting lotion by lottabody. It comes in a white and purple container. That is theee best setting lotion i've ever used and i have the keracare (which i hate). After ur hair is dry, remove the rollers, ur hair will have a slight bounce to it from the curls. then, u can wrap it and get back under the dryer for like 10-15 mins. this should flatten the curls somewhat BUT ur hair will be swingmatic

DD - do u use the silken seal on all of ur hair? I just use a tiny amount on my ends right before rollersetting. I never realized it was a heat protectant.
CH- I prefer the Wrap n Tap over KeraCare, too! (WrapnTap is made by Lottabody).

Yes, I use Silken Seal before I flat iron. Just a smidge on each section. It leaves my hair very soft and shiny. I only started doing this after getting my hair highlighted by a hairdresser and she did this. I could not believe how silky my hair was. I mean, it really did shine like Jennifer Aniston's hair! I was sold and had to try this for myself!
I agree full-heartly with what CaramelHonee said - You are probably putting too many products on your hair to get the bounce you desire...only speaking from past experience.

CaramelHonee said:
It could b that u r weighing ur hair down with products meaning that u use too much leave in or shea butter. Or maybe even the wrapping lotion. Try to use less and see if u notice a difference in ur hair

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