Is a sulfur mix drying? Just curious. Never tried so I'm wondering what it does to the hair if you're in braids, etc because even if you focus it on the scalp, you'll still get some on the hair.
@ MsTiki, did you use it exactly as she did? How often did you use it?

As for the mix, I did until I ran out of JBCO. Then I used regular castor oil. I applied it a min of 3 days a week b/c I also use MN. I always cover with a baggy. Some weeks I CO wash the next am and other I let it set for the week. Depends on how lazy I'm feeling

Is a sulfur mix drying? Just curious. Never tried so I'm wondering what it does to the hair if you're in braids, etc because even if you focus it on the scalp, you'll still get some on the hair.

Sulfur oils can be drying so when I use it I up my moisture. I typically will cowash a couple of times per week when using sulfur oil. The small amt that gets on my hair has never caused any problems.

BadMama, NJOY or Pink - how often should we apply the mix.

I use mine only 1-2x per week and I still, am seeing results. Will I get more results using it daily? We shall see during this challenge :)
I'm in for 4 months. I will be using NJoy's mix. I have question. Are we supposed to use it everyday or twice a week. I will add starting pic later.

it's up to you. I believe on NJoy's blogs from what I've read she was using it daily along with her Vits she takes and got about an inch or more monthly but she could tell you better than me.
Heya!! I'm too excited for this challenge it's not even funny :) I'm doing 6 months or more. Starting pics coming tonight after I take them. I just relaxed yesterday, did a flat iron this morning.

May 2012 (when I started using Sulfur powder)
and these are from today.


(Flat Iron from 8/17)

cynd said:
Great timing... my sulfur just arrived a couple of days ago. I'm definitely in for at least 4 months. Will post a picture as soon as I can but, here's what I'll be using several times a week:

1 tsp sublimed sulfur
4 oz jojoba oil
2 oz JBCO
2 oz grapeseed oil
2 oz avocado oil
5 drops peppermint
5 drops rosemary

The mix above sounds like the closest to what I have in the house outside of the sulphur so I will follow. I'll try the 4 month challenge (end date 12/31) and I will apply 2-3 times a week. Hopefully I will start 2013 with major hair improvements! My start pics are below:

Quick question I already said.id join the MN challenge buttt.... I really wanna try sulfur too. Do yall think it would be over kill?
freckledface said:
Quick question I already said.id join the MN challenge buttt.... I really wanna try sulfur too. Do yall think it would be over kill?

I don't think I'd mix sulfur with anything but a natural oil. I'm not sure of the adverse effects it might have
I'm in .

Which challenge are you in, 4 or 6 month?
Probably the 6 month challenge

Which mixture will you use?

I'm natural.
@Kdiamond19, I'm only going to use 1 oz each of the avocado oil and grapeseed oils (for a total of 8 oz of oils). There was a typo in my initial post. I switched those two for Njoy's olive oil because my hair doesn't like olive oil.
'K. I'm in! I gots goals ta meet before I BC these ends.

I just want to add a few comments:

- A little goes a long way! Just starting out, you may be tempted to use more oil than necessary and believe me, you'll have an oil slick everywhere you go. :lol: I use a nozzled bottle to add a little at a time to my scalp. After adding, massage that in well before moving on to the next area. Then an all over rubdown to make sure I've spread it over my entire scalp. I do this at night so, I add a baggy tied down with my scarf and then it's bedtime for me.

- You can order from your local pharmacy. They usually won't have it on the shelves. When you call, as for the pharmacy and ask them to order it for you. I did this with CVS and it came it overnight. Less than 5 bucks for a container, which lasts a good while.

- I started out with nightly use and daily cowashing. While transitioning, I switched to 1-2x a week, if I used it at all. (washing during transition wasn't always nice). I still got good growth by switching to 1-2x a week so, daily isn't necessary unless you just want to. I think the water in the shower also stimulates the scalp and I scalp massage in the shower to clean off the previous night's oiling.

- When using daily, I did scalp-only washes every few days, alternating between sls and non-sls poos to avoid build up. The focus is on my scalp and any run off is enough to address any oil that gets on the length. Another alternative is to do occassional acv rinses, focusing on the scalp, to remove build up. With this, I've never had build up issues or crazy dryness.

- You can switch up the oils for any scalp-friendly oils but keep the sulfur to oil ratio. Also, you can add a few drop of tea tree oil to the mix to help preserve the mix. Although, I've never had any problems with my mix going bad with continued use.

I can't wait to see everyone's progress! If we survive 12/21/12, we're gonna be some hair swanging ladies. :lol: Wishing everyone wild success. Expect it!

@NJoy and @PinkSunshine, how do you use it? Like do you use once a week, or just before washing, or do you baggy?

When I was first using it and documenting in 2010, I was using it daily and cowashing daily. I use it at night before bed and wear a baggy to bed to keep my pillows oil-free. Note: a little goes a long way or you'll have oil everywhere. :lol:

I've been using it while transitioning 1-2x a week and I've still been getting good results. Exactly how good, I'm not sure because I've been trying not to manipulate my hair much. I will say that I'm 16 months post and my natural hair is at bsl the last time I checked. Not bad.

@ilong that's a good question.
@NJoy and @PinkSunshine77 how often did you guys apply for best results?

See my comments above.

Is a sulfur mix drying? Just curious. Never tried so I'm wondering what it does to the hair if you're in braids, etc because even if you focus it on the scalp, you'll still get some on the hair.

Sulfur is drying but I think baggying keeps my hair moist while using the sulfur.

As for braids and getting oil on your braids, I don't think it would be bad as long as you're keeping up your moisture game and avoiding build up by at least doing a scalp-only wash. The run off will also get the sulfur oil further down your braids. Disclaimer: Washing your braids often may make them fuzzy so, if you have a way of washing to keep the fuzz down, you may want to do that. Some use stocking caps or a braid net and then immediately tie your braids down to airdry after washing and then m&s your braids. Just a thought.
Yes!! I'll be joining, too for 4months! I need to get back to BSL after a wicked trim set me back to APL. :angry2: I will use NJoy 's recipe. I will start off with applying 5 days per week, and cowashing at least twice a week, until December 15 (my next relaxer day!).

Sept 1 -Dec 31 4 month challenge

Here are Njoy's original ingredients:

1 heaping tsp Sublimed Sulfur Powder
4 oz Organic Jojoba Oil
2 oz Jamaican Black Castor Oil
2 oz Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil(EVOO)
4-5 drops Rosemary Oil
4-5 drops Peppermint

Please share the following:
Which challenge are you in, 4 or 6 month? 4 months
Which mixture will you use? I will use NJOY's recipe, at least 5x's per week
If different, show your recipe
Starting pic (coming soon)
If relaxed, how many weeks post? currenly only 12hours post relaxer:drunk:
So this is just like a dc? Does it leave a bad scent?

Sent from my SCH-I510 using LHCF

Not really like a DC since the focus is on getting the mix onto the scalp and into the follicles. So, after an appropriate amount of time to absorb, you can wash the rest off.

There may be a faint scent, depending on what's in your mix and how sensitive your nose is. It's not at all close to something like mtg. Using EO's help mask any scent that you may smell.
Which challenge are you in, 4 or 6 month? 6 months
Which mixture will you use? HTGE + 1 heaping TSP of sublimed sulphur + a few drops of eucalyptus oil b/c of how it helps strengthen hair emerging from the scalp
Pics of my mostly damp hair.


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I will use NJoy's mixture with added MN for 6 months.
To OP, shouldn't the end date, for 6 months, be Feb 28th? Feb 1st is only 5 months.

Will post starting picture September 1st...
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@greenandchic-- I have been using the HTGE mixed with sulfur for the past 3 weeks.
I def have growth from the added sublimed sulfur ++ there is absolutely no sulfur smell.

All I smell is my pound cake oil. lol
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Question ladies, with using this I guess it is safe to say that you will be protective styling for the duration of the challenge. I ask because with the frequent co washing and nightly bagging it seem almost impossible to wear you hair straight....is this the case?