
Whoops. I didn't look up far enough to see that you had the original question. Have you tried clarifying your hair? I don't get dryness. But then again, I cowash it out the next day and alternate sls and non-sls scalp-only poo'g as needed to prevent build up. Right now I'm using acv rinses to do the same. Not every time tho. Build up can prevent moisture from getting into your strands. Just a thought.

ETA: Also, check your recipe. I'm not sure why you're getting instant dryness. I don't get that at all. It could be that your hair doesn't like sulfur. Not sure, hon. Sawwy. :ohwell:

NJoy I pretty much followed your recipe and only substituted grapeseed and avocado oils for EVOO because my hair doesn't like it. And yes, the instant dryness is crazy. The mix feels fine on my scalp and I don't think I'm getting much, if any, on my actual strands -- can't figure it out either. Anyway, thanks for the help.
BadMamaJama, I actually moisturize right after I put the mix on my scalp because I thought that would help ensure any mix that got on my actual strands would be well moisturized. I'll try doing it before and I also may change my mix to make it heavier on JBCO and use less of the lighter (jojoba, grapeseed) oils and see if that helps. My hair very thin and pretty low density as well, so I can't afford to have it come out in little clumps. At the rate I'm going, even if the mix works for me I'll end up with two or three booty length strands left on my head.

LOL at the 3 booty length strands left on your head. I agree with NJoy that you should clarify and kind of start all over. Clarify, moisturize and that way when you put your mix on you can start to see what works. I always put moisturizer on, then my mix. I also baggy after putting my mix on my head.
I baggy for about an hour or two and my hair stays moisturized. I don't cowash everyday either. Maybe every 3 days I'll wash to clean my scalp of buildup.
LOL at the 3 booty length strands left on your head. I agree with NJoy that you should clarify and kind of start all over. Clarify, moisturize and that way when you put your mix on you can start to see what works. I always put moisturizer on, then my mix. I also baggy after putting my mix on my head.
I baggy for about an hour or two and my hair stays moisturized. I don't cowash everyday either. Maybe every 3 days I'll wash to clean my scalp of buildup.

Okay. Thanks. I just clarified then moisturized and sealed. Tomorrow I'll take your advice and moisturize, apply my mix and baggy for a couple of hours and see how it goes. Thanks so much to you and to NJoy for your quick responses and helpful suggestions.
BadMamaJama said:
LOL at the 3 booty length strands left on your head. I agree with NJoy that you should clarify and kind of start all over. Clarify, moisturize and that way when you put your mix on you can start to see what works. I always put moisturizer on, then my mix. I also baggy after putting my mix on my head.
I baggy for about an hour or two and my hair stays moisturized. I don't cowash everyday either. Maybe every 3 days I'll wash to clean my scalp of buildup.

This is exactly what I do. I also used:
4oz of JBCO
2oz EVOO
2oz Safflower oil.

My new growth stays moist until I CW a few days later or shampoo the following week.
@BadMamaJama, I actually moisturize right after I put the mix on my scalp because I thought that would help ensure any mix that got on my actual strands would be well moisturized. I'll try doing it before and I also may change my mix to make it heavier on JBCO and use less of the lighter (jojoba, grapeseed) oils and see if that helps. My hair very thin and pretty low density as well, so I can't afford to have it come out in little clumps. At the rate I'm going, even if the mix works for me I'll end up with two or three booty length strands left on my head.


Girl, stop. :lachen:@ 2 or 3 booty length strands. :lol:

I hope the clarifying helps. Also, when some start new growth programs, you may get a bit of increased shedding at first. I'd get that in spurts but never really worried about it. I took it that those were hairs that were gonna be shed anyway but increasing the growth rate just sped that up.

I'm not sure if that's what you're saying that's going on and I don't think shedding releases "clumps" at a time. But, I thought it was worth mentioning as something to think about.

Please keep us posted. And of course, only do what you feel is right for your hair. I don't want you looking at me sideways swinging 2 or 3 booty length strands. (:lachen:Girl, I'm gonna wear that one out. Too funny. :lol:) What works for one may not work or be for another.
. . . At the rate I'm going, even if the mix works for me I'll end up with two or three booty length strands left on my head.

cynd - Lol at your 2-3 booty strands! It makes me sad the mix isn't working so great for you. Especially since I modeled my mix after yours. However, I did take out the rosemary and put some drops of EMU oil in place of it, just because I already had it in the house. My hair really doesn't feel dry. . . in fact if feels soft and moisturized and I'm actually in crochet braids so I don't have the luxury of doing too much cowasing and moisturizing with my actual hair. I'll see the damage (2-3 booty strands):laugh: if there is any when I take it out this weekend. I really hope the clarifying works for you.
I hope you see this before you apply tomorrow. You may want to consider your mix as the SEAL phase of the Moisturize, Condition, Seal (MCS) process.

So you have moisturized and sealed. You seem to be missing the CONDITION segment. Oil is a sealant - so if your hair is dry underneath the oil will seal in that dryness. Add the drying affect of sulfur and you have a perfect environment for hair breakage.

With the light bulb coming on recently that I have been combing out all of my growth because of my hair not being moisturized and conditioned - I am a MCS predator on my hair. I always have a mix of water and conditioner in a squirt bottle prepared for use at all times. (I have one at my office also along with an oil mix in an old water bottle :yep:) My last two take downs have had very little hair comb out and my DGD's hair had even less. (she's 4 and I make her MCS and baggy every night too and trust me it has paid off big time.)

Scarves give me a headaches too so I use the satin bonnets over the plastic caps. I have gotten to the point I can't go to sleep without my bonnet on. If you are using a scarf try switching to a bonnet $2.99 or less @ Walmarts and they seem to stay on.

You mentioned adding more JBCO - that oil and castor oil in general is very very heavy. And if your hair is low density it may be "weight" to your hair. If you are going to increase oil content in your mix - consider adding some coconut oil which has moisturizing and conditioning properties.

PLEASE consider adding the condition phase (I am trying to use up as many as my hair products as possible so I even use regular conditioner with my water).

I am using ayurvedic oils (bhringraj, brahmi, amla) in my mix, which are supposedly good for hair breakage, growth and strength.

Sorry for writing a book - but I know you and I are on a mission. And I want it to be MISSION: POSSIBLE.
Checking in! My schedule's looking like this so far:

Sunday: Full Wash & DC
Monday: Moisturize with S-Curl & seal with EVOO
Tuesday: Apply concoction
Wednesday: Cowash
Thursday: Apply concoction
Friday: Moisturize and seal
Saturday: Apply concoction

I might go the full six months. At first, I was sure I was going to go natural, but I still have doubts that I could manage it. My longest stretch was 7 months and this challenge will put me back at that point. After this challenge is over, I'll see if I'll texlax or BC.
I hope you see this before you apply tomorrow. You may want to consider your mix as the SEAL phase of the Moisturize, Condition, Seal (MCS) process.

So you have moisturized and sealed. You seem to be missing the CONDITION segment. Oil is a sealant - so if your hair is dry underneath the oil will seal in that dryness. Add the drying affect of sulfur and you have a perfect environment for hair breakage.

With the light bulb coming on recently that I have been combing out all of my growth because of my hair not being moisturized and conditioned - I am a MCS predator on my hair. I always have a mix of water and conditioner in a squirt bottle prepared for use at all times. (I have one at my office also along with an oil mix in an old water bottle :yep:) My last two take downs have had very little hair comb out and my DGD's hair had even less. (she's 4 and I make her MCS and baggy every night too and trust me it has paid off big time.)

Scarves give me a headaches too so I use the satin bonnets over the plastic caps. I have gotten to the point I can't go to sleep without my bonnet on. If you are using a scarf try switching to a bonnet $2.99 or less @ Walmarts and they seem to stay on.

You mentioned adding more JBCO - that oil and castor oil in general is very very heavy. And if your hair is low density it may be "weight" to your hair. If you are going to increase oil content in your mix - consider adding some coconut oil which has moisturizing and conditioning properties.

PLEASE consider adding the condition phase (I am trying to use up as many as my hair products as possible so I even use regular conditioner with my water).

I am using ayurvedic oils (bhringraj, brahmi, amla) in my mix, which are supposedly good for hair breakage, growth and strength.

Sorry for writing a book - but I know you and I are on a mission. And I want it to be MISSION: POSSIBLE.

Many thanks ilong. I didn't mention conditioning ( I guess I'm using the terms moisturize and condition interchangeably) but I do both every day. In fact I'm a conditioner junkie. :blush: You're right about the JBCO being heavy on my fine strands, but I was thinking of increasing the percentage of it my mix just a little since it primarily will be on my scalp. Thanks for your suggestions. I have bhringraj and brahmi and may try those in my mix as well.
@cynd - Lol at your 2-3 booty strands! It makes me sad the mix isn't working so great for you. Especially since I modeled my mix after yours. However, I did take out the rosemary and put some drops of EMU oil in place of it, just because I already had it in the house. My hair really doesn't feel dry. . . in fact if feels soft and moisturized and I'm actually in crochet braids so I don't have the luxury of doing too much cowasing and moisturizing with my actual hair. I'll see the damage (2-3 booty strands):laugh: if there is any when I take it out this weekend. I really hope the clarifying works for you.

I'm glad the mix is working for you @kdiamond. I don't think it's the mix. I've used all of the other ingredients and it may end up being that my hair just doesn't like sulfur like NJoy suggested. Love emu oil btw.

Girl, stop. :lachen:@ 2 or 3 booty length strands. :lol:

I hope the clarifying helps. Also, when some start new growth programs, you may get a bit of increased shedding at first. I'd get that in spurts but never really worried about it. I took it that those were hairs that were gonna be shed anyway but increasing the growth rate just sped that up.

I'm not sure if that's what you're saying that's going on and I don't think shedding releases "clumps" at a time. But, I thought it was worth mentioning as something to think about.

Please keep us posted. And of course, only do what you feel is right for your hair. I don't want you looking at me sideways swinging 2 or 3 booty length strands. (:lachen:Girl, I'm gonna wear that one out. Too funny. :lol:) What works for one may not work or be for another.

Not a chance NJoy. 2 or 3 booty strands or not, I'll always be grateful to you and each and every member of my LHCF family for your advice.:yep:
checking in. im gonna shampoo my hair later today and reapply.

Has anyone thought about instead of using liquid castor oil, use the solid kind??
Finally deep conditioned Monday night and I found my baby daddy :lick::lick::


My 10 weeks post new growth felt awesome! I covered the conditioner in a mix of oils I had laying around. I applied my sulfur mix last night.
Finally deep conditioned Monday night and I found my baby daddy :lick::lick::

My 10 weeks post new growth felt awesome! I covered the conditioner in a mix of oils I had laying around. I applied my sulfur mix last night.

Ooohhh I've been eyeing the Macadamia oil condish by them!!! Idk. Wen got my head sprung I might be stuck for a minute!!
Shampooed and conditioned my hair, applied sulfur mix, and now I'm trying to air dry using the scarf method. Hopefully it produces the desired results so I can do this everyday, I really enjoy cowashing!
applied my mix and whole head baggied yesterday.
I'll be skipping tonight and then applying again tomorrow night.

Friday I am due for a senna gloss and steam.
Finally deep conditioned Monday night and I found my baby daddy :lick::lick::


My 10 weeks post new growth felt awesome! I covered the conditioner in a mix of oils I had laying around. I applied my sulfur mix last night.

I finally got that the and the morrocan oil condish bogo free. I like em both. I think they are going to be great for my hair post 9 weeks when it starts craving protein products.
It's about time! I finally applied my concoction without making an oil slick! I researched on how to really massage my scalp for the most benefit and I'm finally getting some good tingling...not itching but TINGLING!!
It's about time! I finally applied my concoction without making an oil slick! I researched on how to really massage my scalp for the most benefit and I'm finally getting some good tingling...not itching but TINGLING!!

Hmmm....I'm not getting tingling at all...just some itching from time to time. Should I increase my peppermint or rosemary??:ohwell:
baddison said:
Hmmm....I'm not getting tingling at all...just some itching from time to time. Should I increase my peppermint or rosemary??:ohwell:

I'm too afraid to change the EO ratio of 4-5 drops, but a few more drops probably won't hurt either. I didn't get the tingling until after I had my plastic cap on for a little while. When I massage DD's hair she says her scalp feels warm and tingly and the only thing I put on her scalp is EVCO. When I get the itching I take that as a cue that it's time to clean my scalp. How do you massage? You are suppose to press firmly on your scalp and massage in a circular motion. The scalp should move only, not your hair so much.
Hey Ladies,

Just applied my mix. I received some jolly rancher fragrance from wholesale supplies yesterday and added a few drops to my mix and now it is "awesomer" lol :grin:
I love this mix because my old mix would itch my scalp. Mainly the castor oil. Of course this has castor oil in it but one of the other oils must counteract the itching because my scalp has been fine so far.

One drawback though, I can't seem to keep my satin bonnet on my head anymore when I sleep. I guess I'm gonna have to start using a satin scarf instead. Luckily I have satin pillowcases for just in case it slips off.
I love this mix because my old mix would itch my scalp. Mainly the castor oil. Of course this has castor oil in it but one of the other oils must counteract the itching because my scalp has been fine so far.

One drawback though, I can't seem to keep my satin bonnet on my head anymore when I sleep. I guess I'm gonna have to start using a satin scarf instead. Luckily I have satin pillowcases for just in case it slips off.

I put on a scarf and bonnet and mine still didn't stay on. Idk what else to try.

I got a good 5-8 minute scalp massage last note. Grow baby grow!