Nioxin Pills vs Megatek


New Member
Hey ladies I am on a journey to have long thick hair. I have just recently started to use Megatek for a week and I have seen and felt the thickness of my hair get better. I have researched Nioxin pills and I have read many many great reviews. Please let me know if I should do both or just stick to one. Any suggestions?
As you have read, Nioxin Recharging Complex is vitamin supplement for internal nourishment of your whole body and claims to benefit the hair, skin and nails. Eqyss Megatek is being used as an external scalp/hair treatment that users have said increases cell turnover at the scalp level and provides keratin to strengthen the hair. The two products fulfill different needs in the hair care journey. It would be up to you to decided if you want or need to use both an internal and an external growth aide at the same time in your quest for long, thick hair.