Am I the only one that found the smell of MT to be nauseatingly sweet? I wanted to give it a go early on but couldn't take that strong sweet smell. I feel a little queasy thinking about it.
The whole tender to the touch scalp freaks me out a bit.
I am also scared of long term side effects. I am trying to find some studies on the product. How long it was tested before being put on the market, testing in humans etc.
Will post back if I find anything.
Mine is a cautionary tale versus a horror story about Megatek. When I was using Megatek on my scalp 3 to 4 times a week, I kept reading about keeping up the moisture level in my hair. Well, I ended up over moisturizing and it caused breakage! I really wasn't applying Megatek to the length of my hair, so there was no need for all of that extra moisturizing I did. Besides, I have fine hair, so I do need protein on the length of my hair. I still use Megatek, but as a weekly protein treatment.
I used it when I was relaxed and it made my scalp hurt.
Sorry to hear this. Too much moisture broke off my hair too. Its funny because you never hear about people being cautious with moisture, only protein. But too much cowashing/DCING/prepooing really did me in
Thanks for sharing.