Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

Lita, I just started Hairomega, so I can't say alot about it yet. Let's keep it here until we see how well it works and what the new formulated Nioxin looks like.
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Ok, I thought I was going crazy when I went into Ulta and they said they didn't have them at all. But I've done a very small amount of research and I think I'm going to try Groganics 2-a-day hair vitamins. Has anyone ever heard or used them before?
Well I got tired of looking around the world for a bottle of nioxin !!! I finally wrote Nioxin company asking for help... this is the response I got back from them today.....( SO IM GONNA HAVE TO WAIT TILL AUGUST :ohwell: )

Dear Carletta,

Thank you for contacting Procter and Gamble Professional Care Exclusive Lines.

The Recharging Complex is currently unavailable. They are improving and updating the formulation, and the new product will not be available again until August. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.


To view additional information on our products and to locate a salon in your area that uses our products please go to our websites and enter your zip code into the Salon finder for a salon closest to you. or

Best Regards,
Consumer and Professional Services
P&G Professional Care Exclusive Line
[email protected]

I have 2 bottles of the Hairomega so I'm definitely going to use them.

Just not sure when?

I have 1 bottle of Nioxin 90ct left, and a couple bottles of something else, I'll be using 1st.
I must say that I am extremely impressed with what Nioxin has done for my edges. I know I must be getting growth if it's making my edges and nape grow. (I'm wigging it for 2 yrs, so I don't press often). My strands seems thicker and stronger. Is it possible?

Most vitamins that I've tried in the past haven't done a darn thing for me. I don't know what it is about Nioxin and I sure wasn't expecting much at all, but my edges are filling in nicely and my nape...I just don't have words for it. The hair that I counted off as peach fuzz actually has length to it.

It seems like Nioxin is filling in all of the deficits or weak spots in my hair. I have NEVER had that experience with a vitamin. Just shows me how depleted my system was. I don't know if it's working so well because Nioxin is blocking DHT or what. Hopefully they're reformulating it for better and not for worse. Until then I'll continue with Hairomega.

This Nioxin is good stuff.
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I think it's still a little too soon to see any major differences maybe because I only straighten my hair once every 5 months or so (right now). I can tell it's growing, so right now it's pretty much the same as it was with Nioxin - just gotta watch and see. It took about two full bottles for me to see Nioxin working.

I'll keep you ladies posted, but it might take another month or so before I can really tell anything.
Here is a link to Hairomega on Amazon. You can click to see a list of individual ingredients.

Both Nioxin and Hairomega are dht blocking supplements. I really like Nioxin, but they're fooling around with it right now and I needed a hair vitamin that worked like Nioxin for my hair. I've tried many other hair vitamins and so far, Nioxin has worked the best. Now, I don't know what the new formula will look like, so it wasn't a bad idea to have a back up.

Back to your question. If you open the link above and grab your Nioxin bottle, you'll see that Hairomega has a greater amt per serving of the base vitamins.

Nioxin has a proprietary blend of herbs/extracts that total 235 mg. I really don't know how much of each of these I'm getting, whereas Hairomega spells it out for me. Both products contain wild yam root, sarasparilla, nettle and saw palmetto. Hairomega contains more of these ingredients, as well as biotin, folic acid, zinc, etc.

So, all of the above is why I think Hairomega is a stronger vitamin for what my hair needs. I'm certainly not trying to push anyone to try it. Just wanted to share with you ladies what I found while Nioxin mixes/messes with their formula.

Hope this answers your question.

Yes, Your Answer was very informative and very helpful.:grin:

Thanks Ms. Yodie.:yep:

ETA: I have 2 bottles of the Hairomega and was thinking about buying the DHT Blocker.
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i went on the Nioxin website today; and it looks like the newly packaged recharging complex vits are available now??

Does anyone know the difference between the old and new formulations?
One thing I 've noticed about Hairomega so far is that I have a lot less nasty buildup on my scalp and it doesn't itch nearly as bad as it used to. Guess that's good!
These look similar to the Hairomega

Anyone heard of this brand,,,not sure I like the cover of the bottle.

gorgeoushair...I bought those. They're the same as Groganics. I actually bought both to make sure. I'm using them now. Haven't noticed a significant difference because I'm still on the same bottle, but it's a DHT blocker as well, and it's keeping my nails in the same, if not better shape than with the Nioxin, so I know it has something in there that's working.
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NIOXIN BUYER BEWARE: I contacted Nioxin and they told me the recharging complex vitamins won't be available until late 2012. So if you are buying the "new formula" with the new packaging, they're fake. Buy at your own risk.

This is an excerpt from an email Nioxin sent me:

"Unfortunately, this product will not be available until the end of the year, sometime around December of 2012. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. Have a great day!"
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I hate that the formula wont be out until Dec, but the old formula is either gone or over the top expensive. They should at least keep the old one going until they are ready
Here are some observations that I made concerning Nioxin, Caribbean Hair and Hairomega 3 in 1 and dht (Hairomega has two formulations)

I have Hairomega dht. I went that route because I still had a big jug of multi vitamins that I didn't want to a waste and a few Nioxin pills left over.

Hairomega dht has done WONDERS for my scalp. I still get some build up, but it's not nearly as gross as it was before while I took Nioxin alone. It's 80% better than before.

I compared Hairomega 3 in 1, dht, and Caribbean Hair last night. All of these, including Nioxin are dht blocking vits. Now I realize that dht blocking vits are KEY to my hair health.

Hairomega 3 in 1 vs. Caribbean Hair
These both have very, very similar ingredients and similar quantities of those ingredients. Hairomega has a few extras that Caribbean Hair doesn't have - Sasparilla, Beta Sisterol, Wild Yam, and Nettle. Hairomega doesn't have Pygeum Africanum, which is one of the dht blocking ingrdients. It does have Nettle and Nettle blocks dht. So, they both kind of balance each other out. It just depends on which ingredient you prefer.

Both vitamins contain Saw Palmetto. Both sound great, but here's where the 3 in 1 and Nioxin may no longer work for me. I have fibroids and soy isn't favorable when trying to eliminate fibroids. Both Nioxin and Hairomega 3 in 1 contain soy in small quantities. Sheesh!!

Hairomega dht
It's been GREAT! Constipates me somewhat, but I can already see the huge difference it's made in my scalp alone. Maybe I need to drink more water with it. I think this would be a great companion to any multi vitamin. I want to cut down on taking this and that. This formulation does not contain soy. Even after two weeks my scalp had very little build up. AMAZING!! Feels so good not to itch my scalp all throughout the day. YUCK.

So, I might have to continue with dht and a regular vitamin or try the Caribbean Hair grow.

Just sharing my findings with you ladies. I might experiment and let you know what I come up with.

Caribbean Hair and Groganics
The formulations are the same on these. Groganics is a 30 day supply for about $12. This is a 15 day supply. Caribbean Hair is a 60 day supply for around $25. This is a 30 day supply. So, two bottles of Groganics is equivalent to 1 bottle of Caribbean Hair.
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yodie Hairomega dht block vitamins,been taken them for almost a month..I've notice skin has a glower appeal...I like that..If anything happens with my hair I'll let you know..

*When I started taken hairomega,I stopped using my face peels to see what effect the vitamin would have on my skin,so far no problems...I will begin my face peels & serums again.....Working on uneven tone & 3pox marks..

Happy Hair Growing!
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Lita, I'm glad you mentioned that. I've been noticing that my face is a lot clearer as well. Wasn't sure why, but I'll take it. I don't even have to use as much foundation as before and some of my dark spots have really lightened.
Here are some observations that I made concerning Nioxin, Caribbean Hair and Hairomega 3 in 1 and dht (Hairomega has two formulations)

I have Hairomega dht. I went that route because I still had a big jug of multi vitamins that I didn't want to a waste and a few Nioxin pills left over.

Hairomega dht has done WONDERS for my scalp. I still get some build up, but it's not nearly as gross as it was before while I took Nioxin alone. It's 80% better than before.

I compared Hairomega 3 in 1, dht, and Caribbean Hair last night. All of these, including Nioxin are dht blocking vits. Now I realize that dht blocking vits are KEY to my hair health.

Hairomega 3 in 1 vs. Caribbean Hair
These both have very, very similar ingredients and similar quantities of those ingredients. Hairomega has a few extras that Caribbean Hair doesn't have - Sasparilla, Beta Sisterol, Wild Yam, and Nettle. Hairomega doesn't have Pygeum Africanum, which is one of the dht blocking ingrdients. It does have Nettle and Nettle blocks dht. So, they both kind of balance each other out. It just depends on which ingredient you prefer.

Both vitamins contain Saw Palmetto. Both sound great, but here's where the 3 in 1 and Nioxin may no longer work for me. I have fibroids and soy isn't favorable when trying to eliminate fibroids. Both Nioxin and Hairomega 3 in 1 contain soy in small quantities. Sheesh!!

Hairomega dht
It's been GREAT! Constipates me somewhat, but I can already see the huge difference it's made in my scalp alone. Maybe I need to drink more water with it. I think this would be a great companion to any multi vitamin. I want to cut down on taking this and that. This formulation does not contain soy. Even after two weeks my scalp had very little build up. AMAZING!! Feels so good not to itch my scalp all throughout the day. YUCK.

So, I might have to continue with dht and a regular vitamin or try the Caribbean Hair grow.

Just sharing my findings with you ladies. I might experiment and let you know what I come up with.

Caribbean Hair and Groganics
The formulations are the same on these. Groganics is a 30 day supply for about $12. This is a 15 day supply. Caribbean Hair is a 60 day supply for around $25. This is a 30 day supply. So, two bottles of Groganics is equivalent to 1 bottle of Caribbean Hair.

Hmmm VERY interesting findings. Well at least now I have to other options to look into after I finish off my Nioxin vits :yep:
Lita, I'm glad you mentioned that. I've been noticing that my face is a lot clearer as well. Wasn't sure why, but I'll take it. I don't even have to use as much foundation as before and some of my dark spots have really lightened.

yodie Less foundation is always a plus..I plan on giving hairomega a 3-4 month try..Hopefully the results will continue..

Happy Hair Growing!