Niko's cousin sightings

In addition to protecting da hair from the sun and stuff, I'm also thinking fashon aka fasyon, you know all sessy and stylis' like

Nonie, That is cute i like That:grin:
I keep looking, and I have seen some very pretty heads of hair, but I have yet to be close enough (or, if I am, to summon up the courage) to ask. Heck, I am trying to grow my hair out enough to get a stranger to ask me that question!
:blush:Wait, we have a store??? Dang, it's like that??!!!

BTW guys, for those learning about Nikos' Cousin, please learn it correctly from the get-go.

It is not Nikko or Niko. It is Nikos. It is the name of the techie that maintains this site and is at the bottom of every page. So his cousin would be Nikos, apostrophe, Cousin.

In other word's it is Nikos' Cousin as it appears on our apparel:

I'm sorry but every time the name is misspelled I cringe. Carry on....
I keep looking, and I have seen some very pretty heads of hair, but I have yet to be close enough (or, if I am, to summon up the courage) to ask. Heck, I am trying to grow my hair out enough to get a stranger to ask me that question!


I justify my inability to not ask on my location. I'm up in the boonies in Northern Cal. Can't be too many cousins here :lachen:

Someone should prove me wrong.

Omg, I just KNOW I saw Nikos' cousin last week, on Friday afternoon.
It was at the Bank of America in Bay Plaza, and she was leaving the bank with a baby stroller. I didn't get a good look at her face, but her PONYTAIL was almost hip length.
If you're here, please come out? I wanted to run after you and ask if you were Nikos' cousin and maybe feel on your hair a little bit, but I didn't want to scare you.

Lemme get that reggie too. :sekret:
@ Twinkletoes: You never know, DH and I were up in the boonies of NorCal last weekend-lol.

My "Shot in the Dark":
-I saw you at the Whole Foods on National. Your pony was swinging and silky -looking.
-You had a beautiful scarf on your hair as you perused the vits aisle.
-You had a luscious puff going on and a white tee I was enamoured of your waves and curls (4a?).
-You're new to thw gym, I'd never seen you before, but what I wanna know is how you keep your hair straight and swinging after such a good run/workout? Are you natural? Hair type?

Yeah, I tend to think I see Nikos' cousins everywhere and all day here on the West side of L.A.
Niko's cousin is someone from here that you see on the street. It's an easy way to ask if someone is on LHCF without sounding too weird :D

OMG! I feel like an IDIOT !:lachen: I thought there was one girl who had cousins with pretty hair that people saw hence, Niko's Cousin.

:nono: I need some help.
we need shirts with the cartoon girls on it. you can pick which cartoon to put on your shirt.
I jus wanna know if there's any Nikos' Cousins in the 34711,32808 areas??

Das what i wanna know:pop:...:look:....Elephant want peanutssssss!!!!!:mad:
perfect timing - i had one of these moments yesterday:

Raleigh NC, Whole Foods, you were comparing coconut oils :love3:
We should get some of those cloth bags like the ones at Walmart know the ones you use so you won't use plastic bags....and it should say YES!!! I AM Nikos Cousin!!! That way we can use them any time we are out shopping.

I justify my inability to not ask on my location. I'm up in the boonies in Northern Cal. Can't be too many cousins here :lachen:

Someone should prove me wrong.


I have this issue too! I'm in Knoxville, TN and outside of students at the university I attend, I don't see too many of us around here.
We should get some of those cloth bags like the ones at Walmart know the ones you use so you won't use plastic bags....and it should say YES!!! I AM Nikos Cousin!!! That way we can use them any time we are out shopping.

I completely agree!! I want a cute pink one!! With lil rhinestones!:grin:
You were in the T-mobile store yesterday when I was paying my bill at the kiosk. I was $1 short for paying the exact amount, the T-mobile folks don't give change, and I only had $20's and loose change left so I would have had to over pay. You were so kind to give me a dollar in exchange for four quarters so I could pay the exact amount for my bill.

I didn't see it at first, but you had this huge, chocolate colored puff! It was so healthy and beautiful. It had to be at least a 8 inches in diameter, maybe more! If you're out there,:wave:, because I just know you have to be a cousin!
I rang up your transaction paid for dog grooming and your braidout was on point!!! the fact that it made me want to practice my braidouts more.:grin:

It was early morning at Mount Trashmore. I was on my morning walk. You were jogging, every time we passed, we exchanged smiles and you spoke motivational words. YOUR PUFF WAS FRICKIN FLAWLESS!!!!!!! cousin? is that you?

Your my name Twin... You just BC'd and I feel your Lurking, someone's hair board. You use words like "co-wash" "Big Chop" words only hair board users would/should know. Sis are you out there???.. Come out from amongst the lurkers...
BTW guys, for those learning about Nikos' Cousin, please learn it correctly from the get-go.

It is not Nikko or Niko. It is Nikos. It is the name of the techie that maintains this site and is at the bottom of every page. So his cousin would be Nikos, apostrophe, Cousin.

In other word's it is Nikos' Cousin as it appears on our apparel:

I'm sorry but every time the name is misspelled I cringe. Carry on....

Wow! We have apparel? Thats great!! off to check it out