Nexuss Humectress - Coats the hair?


ET / OT Bonafide Member
I decided to get Nexuss Humectress conditioner today because of all the rave reviews it was getting here on LHCF but when I was looking at the ingredients I noticed that it has petroleum in it :perplexed

Since I've been doing countless research on what is good and bad for hair pertaining to moisture, I know that petroleum is a big no no on the list for retaining moisture. I've been using Humectress after my deep conditioner, then moisturizing my hair. Is that how everyone here is using it? Wouldn't I be coating the hair so moisture cannot penetrate it? Please help all hair veterans and Nexxus PJ's!!
I use humectress on a regular basis, as a conditioner, and especially for moisturizing, have not had a probleum, I think you have to find what works for your hair, I love it and so does my hair, try to find what works for your hair, I do not find that humetress coats my hair enough to keep moisture out, hth
I've used Humectress as a leave in and as a conditioner. I really like it. I didn't have a problem with coating but like Tryingto said it depends on your hair. I like Sunsilk's Hydra collection. It's cheaper than Humectress but it's pretty good! My hair likes to swap up sometimes so I alternate between those.
Thanks ladies - I am learning so much on these forums! Being a newbie is tough but in time, I'll know my hair inside & out :cool:
I have used Humectress as a DC for years, and it's never done my hair wrong. I don't leave it in my hair so I don't have issues with the mineral oil. However, there are plenty of ladies who use it as a leave-in and love it.
I love both Humectress and Humectin, I use them as deep conditioners as well as a tiny bit as a leave in and I've never had a problem. I think it just depends on your hair.