News report on black women going natural lol

This is my first time seeing this so thanks for posting it. I love it. I hope we see more women freeing themselves. But I sincerely hope this doesn't lead to relaxed women being harrassed for not being natural.

I also like how popular Black women are these days. I have mixed feelings on the spot light being on our hair though.
This is my first time seeing this so thanks for posting it. I love it. I hope we see more women freeing themselves. But I sincerely hope this doesn't lead to relaxed women being harrassed for not being natural.

I also like how popular Black women are these days. I have mixed feelings on the spot light being on our hair though.

Too late. It happens everyday. *shrugs*
I think that any time a group decides to pull away from the mainstream definition of beauty, the powers that be take notice. If naturally curly white folks stopped flat-ironing and perming in droves, I think that would get attention as well. Or if women stopped dying their hair.

All of this attention of our hair is a mixed bag for me. I'm glad to see more black women embracing the versatility of our hair, but I don't want to see Natural extremists vs Relaxed extremists.
I enjoyed this news article. Thank you for posting. I am so glad that this particular news channel recognized natural hair as a professional style for the work place and especially as a TV personality. It is newsworthy to me because some organizations and corporations do not fully accept or embrace natural hair as being the professional look of their choice, and this may be written or unwritten in their employment standards.
I was just about to post this exact link...someone shared it with me on facebook.

I liked this story; it seemed very positive. Like another poster stated, I hope it doesn't lead to too much 'divide' amongst those who are natural vs those who aren't.
I really enjoyed watching that. Especially seeing the reporter change too. Thanks for posting!
I think it's good so many women are going natural & loving their natural hair and teaching their daughters to love their natural hair as well. Maybe in another generation the image of black womens hair will be completely different.
My mom was light skinned and had silky 2-something hair. I wanted to look like her too. I don't know how she did it, but she managed to make me feel like my hair was beautiful and special despite the fact it wasn't just like hers. I was never self-conscious or ashamed of my hair.

Now she messed with me a bit on the skin color. She kept saying if I took real good baths, my skin would be like hers. So you should have seem me. I was all about that bathtub! I think she was just making sure I scrubbed really good in the tub. hehe hehe
loved the video. I do wish that someone would acknowledge that most women's problem with relaxers is lack of care and not properly protecting the entire scalp prior to relaxing.
this is great! thanks for posting. i really enjoyed watching it as well--especially the little girl at the end. she's so so adorable
I thought that was very touching indeed. I just knew that the mom was going to say that she took her daughter to the shop to get a relaxer, my mouth was about to drop open, but she did a big chop instead, how special.
I think it's a big step for a news reporter to actual adopt the natural hair movement instead of just doing a news piece about it. She freely admits that her extensions moved her up the ladder.
I don't mean to be a Debby Downer but natural hair was a big thing back in the '70s. Then it fell out of favor. Big time! Is it a fad or is it here to stay as a regular, normal hair care option? I would like people to see it as simply another way to wear your hair and not make an issue of it anymore. I like seeing the natural hair community thriving on YT and the rest of the internet but I don't like corporate media taking an interest in anything we do. What about 3-4 years from now? Will it be seen as silly or "soooooooo last decade" and therefore unacceptable?

I don't trust or like the media. Why does black women's hair need to be a news story?They trivialize and sensationalize everything it seems.
I don't mean to be a Debby Downer but natural hair was a big thing back in the '70s. Then it fell out of favor. Big time! Is it a fad or is it here to stay as a regular, normal hair care option? I would like people to see it as simply another way to wear your hair and not make an issue of it anymore. I like seeing the natural hair community thriving on YT and the rest of the internet but I don't like corporate media taking an interest in anything we do. What about 3-4 years from now? Will it be seen as silly or "soooooooo last decade" and therefore unacceptable?

I don't trust or like the media. Why does black women's hair need to be a news story?They trivialize and sensationalize everything it seems.

1. To a few, it may be trendy. But, to many, it's not a trend, rather a viable hair option.

2. Also, it won't be seen as a viable hair option without anyone taking notice, which is a good thing. So, to those with issues with that, it's for them to change their mindset.

3. I think it's a great notion to show the options to our hair. For far too long, relaxing has been seen as the only ACCEPTABLE option. The time's are changing.

4. After reading endless stories about the hair of others, why the hell not can I hear stories about mine?

5. The mistrust is highly understandable. But, was the mistrust apparent when only relaxed hair was covered?
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Yeah, well I still have misgivings about news stories like that but I don't mean to derail the thread. Carry on.
I just wish they would give a more balanced view of relaxers. Not everyone w/ a relaxer is going bald...that's just not true.
I think it's a good story if not over sensationalized. It's good to put it out into the world that women are going natural (to encourage those who may be interested but need to feel an "acceptance" I guess)...but then to lay into relaxers like that.

I am natural and my hair is really healthy and long but so is my mom who is relaxed and mbl, and has been relaxed since her early twenties forward over several decades later her hair is still on her head and thick, and healthy. AND she didn't need lhcf to do it (because she's the one who taught me low manipulation and also wide tooth comb which is half the battle right there, passed on from her mother).

Do I think the media has some points...sure. But I think they have to down one thing to uplift another and that's where it just goes wrong.
I saw this on BGLH, my mum was looking over my shoulder at the damged hair and exclaimed "How managed?" How did this happen?
Answer= bad technique

I have never had a scalp burn or bald spot or anything from a relaxer, braids or weave.

I like the the reporter mentioned that whe she did get a straight weave she began to move up the ranks. That was very important of the report.