Newbie with pics

Gee thanks..!
It USED to be red with blonde highlights now I guess it is what it is!!!
Thanks Everbody!
let me tell you I get a lot of compliments on the color, but the maintenance is a trip. Due to my involvement on this board my hair is a whole lot healthier.
What is this SURGE however? What does this do?
Honey Lemon: What is this surge one month challenge?
Hi Chya and Welcome!

Your hair is very nice and I love the color!

Surge is a product that is supposed to promote hairgrowth and strengthen hair within 14 days. The Surge challenge involves(for the ladies who decide to join) spraying your hair twice daily with the product and reporting back every week with the results. It will last a month. All of us are just hoping that we get favorable results from this product! Hope this helps!
THanks everybody!
Being on this board REALLY helps alot. I had a probably with dryness due to the color and Deep conditioning with the suggested products has helped alot. Plus Ive put down the blowdryer and wet wrap my hair now which REALLY helps.

SURGE: Does this stand for something else? Where can I purchase it and how much should I expect to pay? Thanks ladies!
Welcome to the board. You and your sister have beautiful hair. A lot of the ladys who ordered online ordered Surge from (including me). Some Walgreens as well as a few BSS have it. Surge is not an acronym(sp?) to my knowledge; it just means a surge of growth, which is what Im hoping for

perfect peace
Hmmm. well I guess Im on my way to Walgreens! Thanks Guys!!
Man I have so much stuff under my sink these days!!!
Do you use SURGE as a condition or moisturizer or is it a leave in?