Newbie with my very first rollerset!!! [PICTURES]

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
EDIT: FINISHED ROLLERSET PIX!! - Newbie with my very first rollerset!!! [PICTURES]

Hey ladies, by now you may be getting annoyed with me LOL

Anyway, tonight I did my very first rollerset. Yesterday I did a pre-poo with ORS Hair Mayo and I mixed in some of my EOs, washed out this afternoon and pooed 2x with Aveda DR followed by a protein DC (I loooooove Sebastian!) and then Aveda DR Conditioner. For my rollerset I used Lacio Lacio + Aveda Emollient finishing gloss + water.

Welp, here were the results! I'm under the dryer now.. *thinking that I can't wait for my Pibbs to get here*




Here's the finished product:


And then after my saran wrap treatment:


Also, a quick question - I noticed while my hair was wet that the middle of the shaft in certain parts would contain my natural texture, but it would be straight at the roots and straight AFTER that particular part. I just had a perm maybe going on a month ago (I don't exactly remember when) but I found this to be weird. If you look in the pics you can actually see it in certain parts. Any idea why this is??
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OMGGG that is your very first rollerset. I applaud you girl. Mine NEVER looked like that initially. I'm sure it will be beautiful. Don't forget to post pics!
My very first!! I myself was shocked too, LOL. It took me a total of about 45 minutes, mostly due to me redoing a few. But I def will post the results!!
LOL! I'm new I'm still filling my mental notebook with tips and tricks from you lovely ladies!! :grinwink:

But in all honesty I took some of Marcherieamour's tips and made them into my own. After I washed I got out with my hair still soaked in a shower cap, applied my Lacio Lacio & Aveda Finishing Gloss (a very little amount though because I wanted to get a nice bounce to it). Then I parted down the middle and started with that section first. Take each roller and roll UP so that the roller sits on the NG, and do that all the way down to my nape. Then parted my right side into two sections, and worked from the back forward and from the top down. As in, I used the section furthest to the back and then took a top part and rollerset that, moving on to the next, etc. Anytime my hair felt dry I sprayed with water ONLY. No serum, no leave-in and DEF no setting lotion because for me that leaves my hair stiff.

One thing that helped was I was sitting in an armchair so when my arms got tired I propped myself up and rollerset that way. Also, as I set I would roll and then pull and then roll and then pull some more until I got to the roots. Now I'm under the dryer, hopefully all goes well!

I can come up with more detailed instructions if anyone wants!
you are goingto haveme up all night waiting to see the results, lol. So far so good, you did and awesome job rolling.
I know right now if I had the energy I would rollerset my hair but, I know that means I wont get to bed until about 2am.

Maybe tomorrow.

By the way your hair looks beautiful and I cant wait to see the finished result. Happy hair growing!!!
You did great!!!I still can't seem to part straight but HEY who cares:lachen:
The texture thing that you were referring to with the straight-wavy-straight hair shaft was that when you got a perm that part was underprocessed...and then when you got another you roots were processed...get it??
Anyway you need a corrective in that section

Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone!!

Hey intergal, how would I go about correcting that? I had a feeling it was an underprocessed area from when I had gotten my perm, so that 2 perms ago. My next relaxer (although it won't be for awhile) I may do myself depending on whether or not I choose lye or no lye. Any tips?
Thanks so much everyone!! As for the highlights I did those myself a few months back, but now that I'm on this hair journey I plan to lay off the color.
Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone!!

Hey intergal, how would I go about correcting that? I had a feeling it was an underprocessed area from when I had gotten my perm, so that 2 perms ago. My next relaxer (although it won't be for awhile) I may do myself depending on whether or not I choose lye or no lye. Any tips?

Hey SMCBarnett, I have needed a corrective forever now and have been scurred to do so. But my next relaxer...I will get it...cause with each relaxer, the shrinkage gets worse and it takes away from the bounce and swing your hair can usually get from rollersets.

Read this thread, and the OP provided corrective steps:
Thanks for sharing! I honestly can't believe this was your first rollerset, how long did it take you? Awesome job!!! BTW: There's a quote feature on everyones responses. If you want to respond to that particular person, click the quote on their post then type underneath their comment. Then just click submit reply. HTH
Hey SMCBarnett, I have needed a corrective forever now and have been scurred to do so. But my next relaxer...I will get it...cause with each relaxer, the shrinkage gets worse and it takes away from the bounce and swing your hair can usually get from rollersets.

Read this thread, and the OP provided corrective steps:

Yeah, I'm pretty terrified of doing it. I just got a perm maybe a little over a month ago (if even) and I'm scared of processing my hair that much. I was thinking of just having a stylist fix it for me next time I go to get a perm, especially because I currently use No-lye and I would like to use lye instead. Ahh, I don't know what to do..:nono:

Thanks for sharing! I honestly can't believe this was your first rollerset, how long did it take you? Awesome job!!! BTW: There's a quote feature on everyones responses. If you want to respond to that particular person, click the quote on their post then type underneath their comment. Then just click submit reply. HTH

Lol thanks my dear :grin: It really was my first, but I think what helped me was that I did a LOT of reading up on it and really tried to visualize the tips and steps that have been discussed here and on HealthyTextures. It took me about 45 minutes total to roll it, and about a little over an hour to dry it on my Gold N Hot hooded dryer. I cannot WAIT for my Pibbs to get here!
Yeah, I'm pretty terrified of doing it. I just got a perm maybe a little over a month ago (if even) and I'm scared of processing my hair that much. I was thinking of just having a stylist fix it for me next time I go to get a perm, especially because I currently use No-lye and I would like to use lye instead. Ahh, I don't know what to do..:nono:

Lol thanks my dear :grin: It really was my first, but I think what helped me was that I did a LOT of reading up on it and really tried to visualize the tips and steps that have been discussed here and on HealthyTextures. It took me about 45 minutes total to roll it, and about a little over an hour to dry it on my Gold N Hot hooded dryer. I cannot WAIT for my Pibbs to get here!

LMAO!!!!! I can't even do two quotes in one. Can YOU help ME out?