Newbie with my very first rollerset!!! [PICTURES]

You did really well!!

And you say this is your first set?


And it's soo shiney!!

My very first!! I just joined and started posting like last week, LOL. But while I was lurking (which was really just about 2 weeks or so) and even now while being a member, I've been addicted (and I mean addicted, like "Wow, I didn't realize it was 3:30am" addicted) to trying to soak up as much info as I can in regards to caring for my hair and making it healthy (I used to do a lot of unhealthy things to my hair, waaaaay too many to name). So one of the things I did was look up the many rollersetting tips both on here and on Healthy Textures and as I read I would kind of blueprint in my head how it would look.

Plus, I swore that I refused to spend more than an hour just ROLLING my hair. I'm like ADD-prone with things like that, if I get frustrated I just stop and move on to something else. :lachen: