
New Member
Hey Guys,

I've been lurking on this board for a while now, but am finally feeling ready to take the plunge and post my first question regarding DCs!

I had never heard of Deep Conditioning (especially overnight) before joining this forum and plan to try it for the first time when I take my weave out in the next couple of weeks.

But I have major concerns about the idea of leaving in products for as long as the majority of you LHCF girls do when, in most cases, the manufacturer only tells you to leave it in anywhere between 10mins-1 hour (depending on the product). Is it thus safe to be leaving in conditioners for so long?

I would be so grateful if you guys could advise me of this, and how your hair feels during the time in which you keep your conditioner in. Does it harden, go mushy, or stay moist? This is just so I know what to expect when deep conditioning for the first time. I have thick, natural, 4B hair (which will hopefully be APL when I take my weave out)!

Thanks guys!
When I first started doing my own hair, I used to deep condition overnight & it worked very well because my hair was insanely dry. Over time, though, my hair became too mushy & it began to break from being over-moisturized.

Now, I deep-condition every week for 15 minutes with heat. It works out so much better for me & my hair.
I don't think there's any additional benefit after about 20-30 minutes. I think after that, the conditioner is just sitting on the hair. Afterall, how much moisture/protein can a little hair strand soak up? lol
For me conditioning overnight does make a difference. I put a cap on it to keep it moist. It also gives me the greatest slip ever and is when I do most of my detangling. Makes my hair feel almost like butter.
For me, moisturizing overnight will result in mushy, over-moisturized hair. 30 minutes under a heat cap is delicious for my hair, but if I don't feel like hauling it out or if I have housework to complete, an hour or so with a baggy and no heat will work fine. I would follow the directions until you become comfortable doing otherwise.
I do it maybe once or twice a month. I love how my hair feels when I do it but I feel that if you deep condition your hair on a weekly basis then you probably don't need to do it overnight very often.
I have 4b transitioning hair, my hair is really thick and i feel that i don't always apply enough to my really thick and dry hair so I'll leave it on overnight it helps apply it to every strand (since I'm a wild sleeper) and for DC that i don't like i can leave it in overnight and then go under my steamer to get a manageable feel to my hair ( and thats using DCs that my hair really dislikes and I'm trying to get rid of)
i leave it on for about an hour while in the meantime im usually up and about around the house. then right before i wash it out i give my scalp a final massage. works good enough for me. i've never tried overnight. i DC about twice a week so i feel that an hour or two is enough.
Awww OP I love your name, Ima, love. Very beautiful.

I think the best thing you can do is see how damaged/healthy your hair is and figure out a way to maximize your deep conditioner without necessarilly over-doing it. Hair, like other parts of the body can only accept so much moisture. There is a saturation point and once that point is reached your hair will not be receiving any more benefit and can even be at risk of over-saturation (mushy, limp hair that breaks)

The best thing you can do for your hair is purchase a good conditioner and buy a few things you can add to it, mix them into a bowl, apply to your hair, use of heat is optional and you can can rinse it out when you feel comfortable. 1 or 2 hours, even 3 or 4 won't cause damage but 8+ will be pushing it.

Some great moisturizing things to add to your conditioner are: honey, honey-quat, avocado, olive, or coconut oil, coconut cream or coconut milk, peanut oil or crisco. Just some suggestions. You can add all or add a few, play around and see what you prefer. Hope that helps :)
usually I dc under the dryer for 30 minutes on average. Sometimes longer, sometimes twice a week. Also, I apply it thickly to every strand...then cover, sit under the dry on medium or high. After that I let it cool fully before I rinse.
The only product i managed to deep con with overnight is Ojon, anything else results in waking up at 3 am to wash it off.
When i dc i apply it as soon as i get up and leave for up to 3 hours, then rinse.
If you have sensitive skin i dont recommend leave dc overnight.