Newbie sharing regimen/seeking feedback (kinda long)


New Member
Hi All,

I have been lurking all hours of day and night for the couple of weeks. This is an amazing resource! I have already changed my haircare dramatically for the better.
My issue has always been two things: slow growth and poor retention. I almost always have hair that is around shoulder length, sometimes a little shorter, sometimes a little longer. I come from a family with lots of long haired women (not super long but below armpit length) but they have thick coarsehair for the most part, different from my texture.

I was natural for many years, (like 18!) mostly a loose natural but I also had locs for four years (my hair was to the bottom of the shoulder blades with locs. In December of 08 I combed out my locs and had my hair texturized and cut to a chin length bob. Since being lightly texturized I have experienced less breakage than ever before with loose natural or relaxed hair. I attribute this to the fact that my hair is tightly coiled but very soft (feels like the hair of a baby to the touch, people are often surprised when they touch it) and fine. The looser curl with texturizing somehow prevents it from snapping so easily at the ends if that makes sense. What is even more amazing is I still have color on the ends from when I had locs and it still isn't breaking (knock on wood.)

So now, armed with the knowledge I've found here, I'm on a mission to grow my hair to (I can't believe I'm saying this!) mid back length. It is currently shoulder length.

I'm writing my regimen here to have a record of it but also to seek feedback/suggestions:

Using Chicoro's methods, I shampoo once a week with an organic shampoo (pure natural I think is the name) with my hair in plaits.

I deep condition with Miss Jessie's rapid recovery and sit under the steamer or a heat cap for an hour.

I then moisturize with Miss Jessie's baby buttercream and braid set with curly pudding and perm rods on the ends.

I usually keep my braids in all weekend (cornrows going into a pony) and wear protective styles most of the rest of the week.

I always take supplements, some of which are growth aids: a multivitamin, b complex, biotin, stinging nettle, vitamin d, garlic oil, biotin, calcium and magnesium.

I eat lots of fruits and veggies, no red meat or pork or chicken, but lots of fish and some turkey. I drink lots of water.

I'm also using mn on my scalp mixed with emu oil or a jojoba eo (rosemary, sage) mix.

I have seen growth like never before with this regimen. I am 6 weeks past texturizer with 1 inch of growth. Usually my hair grows 1/4-1/3 inch a months. I waited 4 months between my first and 2nd texturizer and plan to wait 4-5 months for the next.

Phew! So I'd love to hear any suggestions you have. Oh, and I'm also going on a very long international flight next week so if anyone has suggestions for keeping the hair moisturized on planes (I find them very drying to my skin and hair) let me know. Thanks!

Your regimen looks good to me but don't be afraid to change it if something isn't working. Happy hair growing!
Firstly, welcome aboard!!! As you pointed out, LHCF is a great resource filled w/ many knowledgeable women.

I'm a newbie myself, but from what I've read, you seem to have a pretty good regimen. The only thing that seems missing is protein. You said that you're having a problem w/ retention, but you wear protective styles. Perhaps you're not seeing as much retention as you like b/c you're missing the strength of protein. Maybe you could try Aphogee 2-min or Aubrey Organics GPB. Joico K-Pak also gets good reviews on the board.

I don't know what to add in terms of growth.

I'm sure that you'll receive more responses soon.
Welcome aboard. Your regimen looks pretty good to me. I would suggest incorporating a light protein product to maintain a protein/moisture balance. In addition, you may want to add a daily moisturizer.

While traveling, I recommend misting your hair with a mixture of distilled or rose water, aloe vera juice or light leave in conditioner and oil. If you are in braids, just mist with S curl or other braid spray. You can board the plane with a small spray bottle in your purse or carry on.
Thanks for the suggestions! In the past I've had bad luck with GPB and Aphogee- but that was as a natural so maybe it would be different now. I also wasn't deep conditioning afterwards, so I had major breakage right after using both of them. Hard headed me kept using them though, thinking they couldn't be the problem. Baby buttercreme actually has some protein in it (I just read the label last night), but maybe I'll try out the aphogee 2 minute because I am worried about these colored ends weakening over time.
I am definitely going to do the s curl spray in my carry on. I think I probably should braid my hair too.