Does long hair run in ur family?

Long thick curly definetly runs on my father side!almost all the women on his side are shoulder length and beyond!my mom side definetly has potential to all have long hair but they don't know how to take care of it.I see some have shoulder length and apl, but broke off because of wearing weaves. the longest my mom ever got was bsl and she thought her hair was so thin!then one day she was taking out her braids and it got real knotted and she just ripped out the left side of her hair with frustration !and her hair never grew back the same!but all she had to do was take care of it more!now she completely neglect her hair!I love her soo much!! But I think its lack of knowledge I tried to tell her what she do to get her hair back and she always cursing me out! Lol lol! What ever!
On my mom's side, a lot of the women have had long hair at one point. All of the girls (me, my sisters and cousins) had long thick natural hair when we were little girls. As we got older, that's when the mistakes started. My dad's side has mostly men but I know that he and a few of my uncles had long curls and even had ponytails back in the day. :lol:
On my dad's side, very long (bsl-wsl), curly, thick (dense), shiny hair

On my mom's side longish hair (apl-bsl), teflon (coarse) hair
Many of the women on my father's side have long hair, but their hair is a different texture than mine- probably a 3b..
Yes, on both sides of my family. My mom has waistlength wavy hair and my dad has nine sisters and the majority of them have or had long hair. My oldest sister had mbl hair but cut it to her neck. It's now at apl and growing super fast, I think she will catch me soon. My middle sister hates long hair but she had bsl hair up until high school. Most of my female cousins have long hair(bsl and longer). I get compliments from friends and strangers but long hair in my family is not a big deal.
My mother always had long hair, around bsl, but now she keeps it at sl.

Most of the women in my fam (both sides) keep their hair in short cropped naturals, or short relaxed.

I hear that a great-grandmother used to have her hair so long she could sit on it.
Not at all. Out of all my family members, the women in my immediate family have always been the long-haired relatives; and none of us have ever had hair past APL. :ohwell:

I'm hoping to change that this year, though. :grin:
I know genetics has some responsibility for hair length and speed of hair growth so I was just wondering if those with long hair have long hair in their family.
I have NEVER really been past shoulder length and neither has my mother or sister.
But hopefully my new regimen for actually caring for my hair will change all that.

you know we tend to learn how to care for our hair from the people in our family. My sister and i could never grow our hair past shoulder until we discovered the hair boards a few years ago. my sister who first discovered lhcf has grown her hair to bsl twice in the past couple of years, and i would probably have achieved more length if i didn't keep bc growing it out and bc again. :rolleyes: Even with all my cutting i'm again at full shoulder headed towards apl. Knowledge is power, before you know it your hair will be longer and healthier and you can impart what you know to your mom and sister. :yep: Happy hair growing!

oh yeah my mom used to keep her hair between shoulder and apl when i was younger but its barely shoulder now because her hair dresser loves to "trim". Her younger sister, my aunt has such thick hair it looks like a wig. Both my grandmother's had pretty long natural hair.
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unfortunatly the only people in my family with long hair ( longer than collarbone length) are people who are half black and half another race. like my aunts and mother all have/had hip and waist length length hair. my mothers step sisters and my fathers side have not grown past shoulder length.
On my fathers side. My father had long hair as a boy, my aunt has his braids. All my father's sisters had long hair growing up. They all cut it when they got older except for one aunt who was WL but she always wore it in a braid. My cousin had hair to her butt when she was younger but she cut it. My half sister's (from father) had long hair when young but keep it short now.
On my mother's side no one had long hair except her grandfather.

Come to think of it none of my father's side relaxed (looser hair type) but all of my mother's side gets relaxers. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I'm thinking of transitioning myself.
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My maternal grandmother had BSL length hair most of her life until she killed her scalp with perms.
My maternal great-grandmother had hiplength hair in her 80's - pure white, and she hid it all under wigs.
My maternal great-aunt had BSL length hair in her youth - I haven't seen her without a wig on in at least 20 years, so who knows what's going on under there now.

I don't know my paternal side, at all.

I don't know how much having a family with all long hair or with all short hair would really make a difference though - doesn't matter how fast your hair grows outta your head if you are killing it/not taking proper care of it.....
Well, my female family members have short tapered cuts. When they did let their hair grow out they would get to BSL before cutting it again. My grandmother had tailbone length hair at one time and then she went to ear length with a tapered cut. Everyone was like what the...
On my mother's side - yes. Most of the women in my mom's family have thick type 2/3 hair until you get to the grandkids then you start to see some Type 4's. I'm the first great grand. Many of them have since cut it all off since they got older. They wear short hair cuts because they don't like to deal with all that hair. Most of them do not relax. My great granny is a type 2 with waves. Her hair is to her waist but she pins it up under a short wig when she's going out the house or has company. The only time you'll see her hair is if you stop past the house to visit unexpectedly. She doesn't like the fact that it's all grey/white. She used to wear it up in a giant bun on top of her head when my mom was a child.

On my father's side - no. Fine/soft hair runs on my father's side. I'd say 3c/4a. One of aunts was a really loose 3. Her hair looked like baby hair. She wore it in a wash and go most of the time. Most of my father's sisters have always kept their hair in a short hair cut. I'm not sure if it's because they had problems with breakage from fine hair or not. Most of them are relaxed. I've never seen any of them with shoulder length hair except 1 or 2 and that was only for a period of time. 3 of my cousins have long hair but that's it. And 2 of them are in the Type 3 range.

I take my hair more after my father's side. It's always been fine. My father and I have the same hair type. My mother and brother have the same hair type.
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on my mother's side, all the ladies have very thick shoulder or apl hair. on my dads side all the ladies have medium thickness(mostly thin-ish) think type 2's hair that is curly like bi-racial people or bone straight. my hair is very thin and the nape and temple area is very slick. i am APL