Newbie ready to just say F@#$ it.


New Member
Hi LCHF family. I have been lurcking approximately 5 years. :grin: Today I finally gotten up the courage to join and post.:look: I am currently stationed in Afghanistan (the desert part). There is only dirt and rocks here. I hardly get to see the sky due to the amount of dust and dirt in the air. I am having a few issues with my hair. :perplexed Because I live in a dry climate, I cannot use humectants (coconut oil, glycerin etc). My problem is I have extremely dry $h!ty ends. That continue to break. :sad: I have thick 4a/b shoulder length hair. Stretched APL. Here is my below regimen:

1. Prepoo with dabur vatika enriched coconut oil, pimento oil,
2. Co-wash with brazilian keratin treatment.
3. DC once a week with elasta QP DPR-11/sheamoisture hair masque/CD monoi/lineage reconstructor mask using a steamer.
4. Moisturize day/night with marigold re-hydrant, avocado mist, infusion 23, emu oil, argan oil.
5. Seal ends with CD hair tui, emu oil, argan oil. (I am trying to get organic aloe vera gel shipped to me)
6. Protein treatment once a month with hair rebuilder and collagen protein. Afterward moisturize treatment with elasta QP DPR-11, ojon hair masque using a hair steamer. If I am getting a day off I sleep with the moisturizing treatment over night. That usually happens twice a month.
7. Henna Gloss bi-weekly with half cup napur henna, black tea, acv, coconut milk, DPR-11, Lineage restructoring mask. :drunk: (My hair loves this).
8. Final rinse is 1 ounce of acv with 10 ounces of warm water.
9. Bun every single day. I have to it is a uniform requirement. If I wasnt bunning I used a wig.
10. Comb dry hair gently with a shower comb only on wash days. I may finger comb my hair 2-3 a week. Depending on the week of the stretch (I am really tender headed)
11. Sleep with a durag.
12. Stretch relaxers every 12-16 weeks. I use lineage shea butter relaxer. Always treat previous relax ends with lineage shea neutralizing condition, conditioner, and grease. I am tex-lex.
13. Baggy entire head 2-3 times a week.
14. I called myself trimming my own ends. I just braid my hair in 7 plaits and clipped my ends. (Don't laugh I am trying).
15. Ultra nourish har vitamin, gnc women multi-vitamin.

I have mini big chopped twice this year. I am at the point where I am ready to quit and just shave all my hair off and just keep it that way. But I have big funny looking ears. With a small peanut shape head. Not a good look. I have been a natural (didn't work out so well). Being natural is just not for me. :nono:
I recently purchased a phony bun. I was thinking about baggying my ends then putting the phony bun on it. I know Miss. Nonie uses a curl moisturizer. Is it the activator moisturizer or the spritz moisurizer? Which brand? Also because it has glycerin can I still use this in the desert since I will have a baggy on it?
Can anyone look at my regimen and tell me where I might need to improve. Also, give me suggestions to help save my ends. My hair is growing I just can't retain the length.
It is currently 4:30 pm here. If you guys have any questions i will answer. It might be a few minutes before I can because duty calls. It would be nice if someone can bump for me. I promise I will come back. I need help.
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Hi do you have access to shea butter? Because of how dry it is where you live... humectants like aloe vera juice, honey, glycerine may cause your hair to become even dryer... What I suggest is using a spritz that would close your cuticle, like a very very diluted acv spritz with a heavy sealing butter... You can whip up some shea butter with the oils that you currently use and apply to hair after its been spritz....

Nonie uses acv spritz... you can probably get a safe ratio from her.

HTH... good luck chic... and WELCOME!!!!
It seems like you need more moisture. Glancing thru your post I see more protein listed than moisture.

Nonie uses S-Curl, errybody know dat! You can try spraying S-Curl, then shower with no cap, which will pull the moisture in, seal, baggie.

Also, your ACV rinse ratio may be off, I think you may need more water to balance it out. I can't remember but I thought it was like 2 tbsp to 16oz of water. Maybe someone can chime in on that.

It also seems like you are doing a whole lot to your hair. So maybe you should focus on a few products, and try to rule out what does not work. Try to simplify your reggie to, maybe 1-2 co-washes per week, DC with moisture (hold off the on protein to maybe 1x per month), baggie daily or everyother day/night. Moisturize & seal as needed.

Best of luck, you will get things under control, just be patient.

ETA: When was that last time you trimmed your ends?
You are doing way too much and you are using too many different products. First start with a simple regimen and then add extra steps as the become necessary. Start with the basics and build from there. Stop the henna and all the extras until you get rid of the dryness.

1. Wash with 1 moisturizing shampoo(one that cleans without stripping)
2. Condition with a moisturizing conditioner (one that leaves your hair soft, pliable and easy to detangle)
3. use a moisturizing leave- in
4. seal with an oil or butter if it is necessary for your hair (not everyone seals or needs to)
5. style
6. don't manipulate your hair too often
7. be honest with yourself are these products working for you? do they give you the results that want? if not, stop using them
Golden 75- Love your avatar. I always shower without a cap. Thanks for letting me know that I need to work on my acv rinse. I have so many products because well I am a product junkie and I am trying to use all this stuff I have. I will cut back on some of the proteins and use more moisture.
Thank you milkchocolateone. I don't usually use shampoo. If I do it is only to clarify my hair. I normally add a little sheamoisture shampoo, 2-3 tsp of baking soda and fill a 16 oz bottle full over water. Then I use one of my moisturizing treatments. I use to use this regimen back home in MD. It was fine. Now that I am here it is working for me. My hair wants to act a fool.
Nothing much to add to what has already been said but I agree with that you are probably doing too much. Have you tried wet bunning? Good luck!
Woooooah mama! SLOW DOWN!

Revamp that reggie ASAP. Honestly, all you need is:

Deep Conditioner (Protein)
Deep Conditioner (Moisturizing)
Moisturizer (Water-based)

Bun hair when wet.

You have to determine the quality of the products you are using, your techniques, and lower the stress you are putting yourself through over your hair.

I hope that helps!
Hay Lady, I totally agree with the ladies re: slowing down and also reducing the amt of protein and or upping moisture

Im currently trying to improve my bushy ends (im natural) and Ive found that lots of moisture, including aloe vera juice (to seal hair cuticles, a la kimmay tube leave-in) and sealing ends when have helped dramatically.

I really hope you settle down into a regimen that works for you and stay safe ::hugs::
If your ends are dry those bi-weekly henna treatments may be drying them up more. When I was natural the only thing that saved my ends was flatironing. I washed and DCed weekly, airdried and the flatironed my ends started feeling very smooth after about 6 weeks and I didn't have the ends problem again.
Not much too add, I would agree that you need to trim the products you are using. I'm a junkie too, so I know it could be hard. Keeping a journal, helps with the process of elimination, just be patient, you'll get there!
Hi GIJane. Welcome to the board and thank you for your service. :up:

I am just wondering, how long ago were you natural and what difficulties did you face?
i agree with getting some shea butter and if you can mix it with some oils your hair loves. i suggest castor oil, evoo, sweet almond and or wheat germ oil.
also i dont see a heavy moisturizer on your list to cover your ends with when you bun.
also is the keratin conditioner you co wash with moisturizing? my hair loves protein but that might be too much for you. you need a heavy moisturizing conditioner.
If you dont have access to shea oil...look for palm color oil??? its had like crisco but with becomes liquid.
The reconstructors, the bkt, protein treatments and henna are sucking the moisture out
of your strands. Def get more moisturizing products (nothing with reconstructor, rebuilding, etc in the name) and I would reduce the henna to once a month.
Thanks everyone. I was a natural for 2 1/2 years. I recently started relaxing again last year. I couldn't manage my hair. The middle of my head hair kept breaking where the hair was tangled. Just knots all the time. So I BC'd. Then a few months later I started relaxing. I always wet the ends of my hair before bunning it. I hardly ever comb my hair except during wash day. I do not have a problem with excessiv shedding. Probably due to the tea rinses. I use to use palmer's coconut hair milk to moisturize but that made my ends worse. The rest of my hair I do not have a problem with. It just them crazy ends. When I didn't do the henna I couldn't manage my new growth. I don't understand why the ends stay dry but the rest of the hair is fine. Oh well I guess I will have to start from scratch and revamp my regimen.

The other reason why I started to relax my hair. Is because I refuse to use gel in my hair. And when I wear my head gears my hair was always in a mess. I had to keep fixing my bun throughout the day because it would just look a hot mess. Plus I had less flyaways when I am relax. When I was out in the field I couldn't wash my hair like I wanted to because I had limited down time. So my hair was just raunchy. And don't let me start about when it rains. Just couldn't hack it. My twists would always get caught in my cavalar. Natural was a nightmare for me.
Hey GIJane!

Not to much to add. I agree with what everyone else is saying. Where are you in AFG? I am in Phoenix. It seems to be a lot of us here in AFG. Maybe we could pull off the first LHCF AFG meetup!
Woooooah mama! SLOW DOWN!

Revamp that reggie ASAP. Honestly, all you need is:

Deep Conditioner (Protein)
Deep Conditioner (Moisturizing)
Moisturizer (Water-based)

Bun hair when wet.

You have to determine the quality of the products you are using, your techniques, and lower the stress you are putting yourself through over your hair.

I hope that helps!

Thanks. I will cut back on my protein. The only reason why I have so much stuff because when I first deployed I had serious breakage. I added more protein and the breakage came to a halt. The breakage was in the middle of the hair shaft. WTH :nono:. I will loose the other DC protein and keep the henna instead. I just love the way it makes my hair feel. Then I am going to just baggy and hide my ends until I come home.
I have been to KAF and there is no place in the world like KAF for sure. I was not on a hair journey at the time. I actually kept my hair in braids and thought that was all I had to do. I am still paying for it now. My favorite DC right now is Kenra. I will mix some Kenra and EVOO and either sleep in it or leave it on for a few hours. If I was there now I would be doing that. The weather should be getting cooler now so this maybe the time to give your some extra TLC until the spring hits again. I dont know if the PX's are still like they use to be but sometimes you can find some good stuff in them esp. in the British PX.

MissKey - what you advise?
I have been to KAF and there is no place in the world like KAF for sure. I was not on a hair journey at the time. I actually kept my hair in braids and thought that was all I had to do. I am still paying for it now. My favorite DC right now is Kenra. I will mix some Kenra and EVOO and either sleep in it or leave it on for a few hours. If I was there now I would be doing that. The weather should be getting cooler now so this maybe the time to give your some extra TLC until the spring hits again. I dont know if the PX's are still like they use to be but sometimes you can find some good stuff in them esp. in the British PX.

@MissKey - what you advise?

I'm sorry I don't have much advice, I don't really post myself tasha7239. At the time I was in KAF I began my transition and wore my hair in a phony pony with a goody hair band loosely tied around the base of my ponytail. That seemed to help until I transferred to Bagram and chopped 4 inches off. I did overnight conditioning 2 to 3 times a week. Also washing and rinsing my hair with bottled water helped tremendously. Hopefully more will chime and give you advice:yep:, take care.
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Thanks ladies. I don't wanna try any new conditioners as I already have like a ton of those. I am just going to baggy my ends and wear a phony bun. Then cut back on the protein. Some of the other ladies here think that its too much protein. I was using faucet water to wash my hair. Except when using my acv rinse. I just need to find a great moisturizer for my ends. I think I am going to try s-curl and shea butter. Then like I said baggy my ends. If it gets mushy I will wash then add some of the protein I cut back on. Its crazy I would think that my entire head would feel this way but no its just them **** ends. Like after I wash my hair love it. Next day, still in love. The day after that its okay. Day three dry stiff bushy ends.
It seems like you need more moisture. Glancing thru your post I see more protein listed than moisture.

Nonie uses S-Curl, errybody know dat! You can try spraying S-Curl, then shower with no cap, which will pull the moisture in, seal, baggie.

S-curl and a dry, desert climate would be a disaster. S-curl is chock full of glycerin. Glycerin needs humidity. It will make your hair worse in the climate you are in.

My suggestion: water, water, water
Wet your hair everyday and moisturize it. I suggest you mix a little oil into your moisturizer.
GReat advice, an you could try a moisturizing, protein free conditioner (not a leave in, nor a light moisturizer, just regular conditioner) as a leave in mixed with olive oil (less oil = less greasy hair). This has worked for me in a dry climate. You could lightly spray with water/wet your hair every single night, apply some conditioner + oil mixture, make few braids and sleep like that... or quickly wet bun with conditioner and oil when you are in a rush. If you are gentle and don't use combs or too tight buns it shouls work. And everytime you feel like you need some umpf, then a protein co-wash or your henna should be enough.

I wouldn't over-wet my hair with this method (using water everyday), I would only lightly dampen it otherwise it can become too much. Baggying with damp hair every night is too much for me as well. I only wear a satin scarf.

Sunflower oil also helps with moisture retention for some reason, I think it is the ceramides in it. But I would make sure I lightly wet my hair every night or I would even walk around with my hair damp and full of conditioner, at the end of the day it is a good insurance against the heat, sun and dry climate and you don't risk catching a cold as long as your scalp is dry or it's not cold outside.

This method, as simple as it it, always works for me (I tend to prefer thicker conditioners and satin scrunchies)
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I'd say start over with the K.I.S.S. there may be too much protein with recontructor and infusium. Henna can be drying. I would just wash once a week followed by a moisturizing conditioner. Then everyday spritz my hair lightly (don't drench) with water, seal the ends with caster oil, and put in a bun. You might co-wash once during the week. If you do a protein just do once a month or aphogee has a light green tea protein spray just once a month.
I agree that you are doing too much. The best thing for your hair while deployed is to simplify, keep it moisturized, and switch up your protective style. That headgear will tear your hair up. Whenever you can (when wearing your ACH) wear a du-rag or some covering over your hair.

I am currently in BAF, but I have been all over Afghanistan. I have been wearing my hair in braids or twists since I have been in country because my hair is natural and breaks off with too much manipulation or dryness. You are better than me wearing your hair out, I can't do it. :nono: This is my regimen:

Co-wash mid-week with Giovanni Smooth As Silk Deeper Moisture Conditioner
Shampoo on weekends with Giovanni 50:50 Balanced Hydrating-Clarifying Shampoo diluted
Deep Condition with same conditioner
Apply Kimmaytube leave-in, Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie, Castor Oil

Every 2-3 days I rinse with bottled water and apply glycerine & Aloe Vera Juice to my hair. I just make hair damp, not soaking wet. If I am in a rush or traveling I will just rinse and put Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie on my braids. I have not had a problem using glycerine. I have not had a lot of buildup on my braids either. I only keep my braids in for a month at a time and I do them myself.

What has really helped me is having a plan for my hair. Know what you are going to do to your hair before you take out/wash out a style. That way you can prepare your hair for the next style are won't get frustrated while you are dealing with your hair.

My hair plan (so far):
June: Crochet Twists
July: 2 french braids, then 20 individual braids worn in a bun
August: reinstall 20 individual braids worn in a bun
September: 60 individual braids worn in tucked braid or bun
October: mini-twists on natural hair, yarn twists
November: sew-in wig

Send me a message and I will look you up the next time I am in KAF.
Thanks lovegymnasts and Curlykale. I have this oil made with grape seed, apricot kernel, sweet almond. I also have Ojon 2 min hair mask. I am going to cut back on the protein and just use these and see how my hair does. Oh yes I baggie my ends.