NEWBIE . . . I have a testimony!!!!!

Hello everyone. This is my first post and I am sooo excited. What a wonderful community this is. I just wanted to introduce myself and give some "hair" background. About two years ago, I decided I could no longer afford to pay $45 dollars for weekly visits and $100 for touchups, so I mustered up the courage and started doing my own hair, including relaxing and cutting. So far so good, until . . .

About 6 months ago, my hair suddenly started shedding and breaking like crazy. My hair had been shedding so badly that a plumber had to come out and unclog my tub, toilet and bathroom sink; I mean fists full of hair
; drano couldn't help. (I probably lost about 1/4 of the hair on my head). I was so sad. I got on my knees and said "Okay Lord. I'm letting you in. Please help." This is when I went online, started doing searches and discovered YOU.
You introduced me to Shamboosie, Cathy Howse, Keracare, jojoba oil, essential oils, washing more than once a week, protective styles and ponytail air drying. I stopped protein conditioning my hair to death, began flat ironing on low heat (next goal, no heat); I started oiling my ends and introduced vitamins into my diet (Viviscal, Hairtopia, omega 3, biotin, MSM, Andrew Lessman's Hair, Skin and Nails). Within about three months, I got my hairline back!!! And I have no split ends. The shedding continued though,--but reduced from 30 long strands a day to about 15. So I started protein treatments again, but only around relaxer time. Well, GUESS WHAT? Today-4 days after my relaxer touchup-only 2 hairs shed!!!!!
I cannot believe it. I feel good y'all. Are y'all hearing me? What I'm trying to say is THANK GOD FOR YAH--for all your generous advice and encouragement, thank you.
My hair is on the road to recovery.

Not to stir up the PJs on this board, but I just want to share two products that I recently discovered:

Re Cutting your own hair:

Some of you have wanted to trim your own hair. I cannot do a search now so I don't know if you've discussed this product already, but I found a little cutting kit to assist with trims. Here is the website: My goal is to dust and maintain a one-length bob style until I reach my hair goal--bra strap. IMO, this is a good tool for that purpose.

Re Relaxing your own hair:

(I think some of you mentioned this one.) This is a videotape. The website is: Vol. 9, Step-by-Step Advanced Relaxing Techniques is the one I am referring to. It's good quality. The stylist uses an actual person (and this girl has got some puuurty hair y'all.) She shows you everything from beginning to end--how and why to base the scalp, apply the relaxer, shampoo, condition, comb out wet hair, trim the ends and do a wet set. The camera is on her and the client the entire time. (The only thing you don't see her doing is sitting under the dryer). She uses an applicator bottle instead of a tint brush. (I used the bottle with my last touch up. The application was much faster and much easier to avoid overlapping.) I learn better by watching as opposed to reading. So if you need a visual example of how to apply the relaxer, etc., this is a good one.

Sorry for the long message, but I just had to give my testimony. Hopefully this will encourage someone out there to not give up on your hair goals. I am glad to be a part of this board.

--perfect peace
Welcome dear

I really enjoyed reading ur testimony.
Hopefully my advice impacted ur hair success somehow... so I'm gonna say "ur welcome"
. ..... & if I didn't
then I'm happy to know that ur feeling better about ur hair

Many more successes,
Welcome, Perfectpeace and congratulations on your hair!! It is so wonderful to hear that you were helped by this board. I hope someone else is inspired by your words.

welcome Perfectpeace,I really enjoyed your testimony. I want to send it to my friend who introduced me to the board but is now getting discouraged and thinking of leaving. can some one tell me how to get it to her?
Girl, I hear you on that one: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3

God is good.....all the time!

Thanks for sharing and welcome to LHCF!

Bible study coming up around the 1st of October on the "Off Topic Discussion" board. It's another section of the Long HairCare Forum(LHCF). Your welcome to join us if you like.
Hi and welcome to the board!
I am so glad you have found what works for you and wish you a happy hair journey. I have found this board to be a great place and the best board of any type I have ever visited. Everyone is helpful and friendly. I am from Cali myself and it's good to hear from someone from "home." Take care.
Thanks for the welcome, ladies!

Yes Peachtree ! You and Hairlove have inspired me to go natural sometime in the future. I'm really looking forward to that!!

Ladydee, perhaps there is a way you can cut and paste the message. Maybe hit:
--Ctrl + A to select this page
--Ctrl + C to copy the page
--Open up a clean page in your wp program and hit Ctl + V to paste. And send it as an email attachment. (Or print the page.)
I hope your friend reconsiders and does NOT give up. One thing I realize about some of the members who have accomplished their goals is that they paid their dues. They put in the one, two, even three years it takes to get to the long lengths they now have. This time around, I am ready to pay mine as well. To your friend, please be encouraged.

Spagirl, thanks for the invite. Wow a Bible study. Sounds real good.

--perfect peace
Congratulations on your hair success, Perfect Peace.
Hair journeys with happy endings inspire me to continue taking care of my hair when I get bored of taking care of it (as I have been recently). And yes, I have also found LHCF to have a wealth of hair care information. It was the friendliness and support that initially attracted me here and I stayed for the solid advice.
<font color="blue"> Well Congratulations</font>

You Go

It took a tragic thing for me to pray and seek action too.

He led me to Howse and then this board..

He's GREAT...
I am glad that I am not the only one to use color bottle. It really does speed along application. Congratulations on your success. What brand of relaxer do you use?
Wow! Thank you again for the warm welcomes.

To answer your question . . .

Jd Bdfly, I believe the shedding was related to stress on my job. I have been experiencing that lately. I've got to learn to let things go and just breathe . . .

Karezone, I use Affirm Mild Lye relaxer. I agree that the color bottle speeds up the application. Before, I never had much time to go through the smoothing stage. Actually, I first heard about this tip from this board. I am glad ya'll told me about it.

--perfect peace
What a great testimony perfectpeace! It only makes sense to go back to He who made us. For it is He alone who can give complete fullness in every area of our lives.....even the very hairs on our head. Thanks and welcome
How do u apply a relaxer with a color bottle. I thought in order to get the product into the bottle it had to have a certain type of liquid consistentcy. Perm seems a little to viscous and thick to me. How'd ya do that?
A_Christian said:
Great testimony, God can and does restore everything, including hair

[/ QUOTE ]

Amen to that!

Caramelle, I just wanted to answer your question. I scoop the relaxer out of the tub with a small plastic spoon. Then spoon it into the mouth of the bottle. I do this until the bottle is full. Affirm is real thick, but it has no problem coming out of the top. I apply the relaxer to newgrowth like you apply a line of mustard on a hot dog. Then you either smooth out the line at that point or section and "line" the entire head then go back and do your smoothing. If the line coming out of the bottle is too thin, just snip the tip to widen the hole. I did this once with pretty good, and much neater, results. I think I'm going to practice once or twice with cheap conditioner before I do the touch up again, just to get the timing down.

--perfect peace