Newbie how do you keep track of regimen


New Member
Good Morning Ladies I just started to get my hair on track (thanks to everyone tips), I wanted to know how do I keep track of my regimen weekly? monthly? Don't know if I write it down would that be obsessed?
Uhmmm no...:look: I mean when I first started out, I had a notebook only for hair and I wrote down what I was going to do to get to full SL, APL, BSL...
all my calculations on how long it would take to get to x length and have thick, full hair, the products and techniques I would use, the products and techniques I would no longer use, how a product made my hair feel, when to wash, condition, DC, protein treat, etc...'s perfectly ***cough*** normal I would say:look: especially at the beginning.
Call it OTT, but I had a hair diary that I kept and wrote on my computer. Now that I have a consistent regimen, I no longer do this, but I used to write what products I used daily, what I did/used on my wash days (twice a week), what vitamins I was taking (and dosage) and what I was doing with my hair generally. Basically, this helped me work out what was working for me and what products were doing me no good.

You'll be able to see what products leave your hair dry, mushy, or promote breakage for example and what products moisturise without weighing your hair down or strengthen your hair.
Also, if you are protective styling, you'll be able to see how well certain styles protect your hair from breakage.

Don't forget those all important progress pictures. They really help to keep you motivated and help you plan and reach your goals... HHG!
Making a hair journal helped me figure out my regimen. I could document how different products affected my hair, good and bad, so I knew what to avoid and what to continue using.
I keep a hair journal/ blog on K.I.S.S- a different site. I am pretty sure you could do an online hair journal here, too. It's helpful because I update it maybe once a week whenever I log in to the site.
When I started I had a journal that I used to keep track of regimens, results, product notes, to buy lists...I even started a thread similar to this asking if anyone else kept a hair journal because I felt a lil strange about it...mine was small enough to carry in my purse. I would pull it out in the BSS to remember what to didn't help my PJ ways at all! I'm set with my staples and routine now so I don't need it anymore. I'm sure I'll pull it out one day.
And I thought I was obsessed with my hair. I've only been going at this regimen thing since Sept. I don't keep a journal. I don't think I have the patience to keep a journal. I have a small window by my shower. I keep everything I use lined up there so I don't forget anything. My regimen also isn't that complicated for me not to remember.
Thanks ladies you all have helped me out a lot so excited to see others opinions on things that matter to me. Love this forum can not get enough!
If you don't mind me asking...what's your regimen? You had some great progress in those pictures!

Call it OTT, but I had a hair diary that I kept and wrote on my computer. Now that I have a consistent regimen, I no longer do this, but I used to write what products I used daily, what I did/used on my wash days (twice a week), what vitamins I was taking (and dosage) and what I was doing with my hair generally. Basically, this helped me work out what was working for me and what products were doing me no good.

You'll be able to see what products leave your hair dry, mushy, or promote breakage for example and what products moisturise without weighing your hair down or strengthen your hair.
Also, if you are protective styling, you'll be able to see how well certain styles protect your hair from breakage.

Don't forget those all important progress pictures. They really help to keep you motivated and help you plan and reach your goals... HHG!
When you've finally figured it all out after a few months, then you can KISS with what works. That was my experience anyway...

I had thought about keeping a journal before because I was using so many products. Today I decided to stop using about half of my products and start a K.I.S.S regimen. It was getting to be a pain trying to decide what product I was going to use for this wash ect.

I put all of my least favorite items under my dd's bathroom sink and will use them on her hair until they are gone.
And I thought I was obsessed with my hair. I've only been going at this regimen thing since Sept. I don't keep a journal. I don't think I have the patience to keep a journal. I have a small window by my shower. I keep everything I use lined up there so I don't forget anything. My regimen also isn't that complicated for me not to remember.

Thank goodness for that little shower window! I have one, too.

My journal is not just for products, though. It's for dates of relaxers, hard protein treatments, and to vent about general hair ups and downs. It's helped me a lot. I consider hair a "hobby" rather than an "obsession." Also, if it wasn't for taking pictures I would not have realized how far I've come in a few short months.
I have a text file on my computer. It runs from beginning of relaxer to end of relaxer, which is about 12 weeks. So they're broken down from January - March, where I try different products. I was such a PJ. Looking back, there were so many conditioners that I shouldn't have abandoned. :(