Newbie here!


New Member
Hi everyone--
I'm new here. I've been lurking for about a week. Just decided to join since I've finally made up my mind to let my hair grow.
I've had natural hair for 2 1/2 years now. I take pretty good care of my hair--got a lot of info off other hair boards but they were getting a little too dramatic for me. I just started taking MSM & hope it helps. My hair is currently shoulder-length (I don't do a lot of exact-ruler measuring so I'm not quite sure what that is in inches--about 8-10 I think). I cut off about 4" a few months back thinking I wanted shorter hair but that was a mistake! So now I'm waiting for it to grow back.

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself.
Welcome to the board! I am currently transitioning. My last relaxer was the beginning of September last year. I decided to transition because my hair grows MUCH faster w/o a relaxer and I have decided I LOVE the way my natural hair looks! Anyway, enough about me! Great to have you here!