Newbie Alert!!!


Active Member
Heyy ladies, long time lurker FINALLY a subscriber!! GO ME!!

I've been trying to go grow my hair back for the last year or so. Never thought it was much progress until I recently cut my hair and noticed it.

I'm 5'9 with 4B fine hair. I think! I'm currently just scrapping shoulder length. My short term goal is arm pit length and long term is mid-back.

I'm trying the whole natural thing but if it gets ugly, I won't hesitate to go out and get an ORS perm!!!

I've learned so much lurking around but NOW I'm ready to start commenting and getting advice from you ladies.

Awww ladies I feel so LOVED!!!! lol thankx for the warm welcome! *big HUGS* :))

I'm hoping to get the this hair before 2011 ends!!



Ahhh to have this hair...*mind wonders* lol hope everyone is ready for my questions, I have tons!!
